Drawing theoretically and methodologically on performativity and everyday-life practices, JustFood brings policy-relevant knowledge on the transformative potential of AFMs in Europe. We posit that the potential for 'just food' lies in the micro-politics of the different social categories involved in AFMs (peasants, activists, researchers, politicians) and their embeddedness within broader socialenvironmental conflicts and movements which may transform food practices towards more open, socially inclusive, equalitarian power relations of food production and consumption. In other words, practices such as seed-saving, sharing, cooking, transporting, and planning the 'co-production' of food may become tactics of 'just sustainability' which make life 'liveable' and food 'eatable' for all. More 'just food' indicates a collectively re-negotiable bundle of relations, in the socio-political, economic, cultural and ecological sense.
We employ ethnographic methods to document these specific everyday practices and experiences in Romania and Portugal, two peripheral countries of crisis ridden Europe which both resemble and differ in terms of agri-food cultures, histories of authoritarian regimes power and socio-environmental justice movements. More specifically, we are looking at how the various actors involved in AFMs ? peasants, activists, fishers etc. - are embodying and enacting, in everyday practices of food production and consumption, the broader underlying conflicts and movements over socio-environmental just conditions.