CES Summer School

Critical Economics

July 6 to 9, 2009



The Centre for Social Studies, Associate Laboratory of the University of Coimbra, is launching The CES Critical Economics Summer School to bring together in annual meetings economists and other social scientists to discuss topics of shared interest.

This series of summer schools aims at promoting a forum for critical research on the economy and in economics. The school is primarily intended for advanced graduate and post-doctoral researchers as well as young scholars. Young researchers will thus have the opportunity to attend lectures and discuss their work with distinguished scholars in the selected fields of research.


2009 CES Critical Economics Summer School
Coimbra, July 6-9


The institutional foundations of the economy:
property, markets and public policy

The first edition is devoted to the institutional foundations of the economy. It will bring on board the institutionalist and the feminist perspective on two basic economic institutions – property and markets. Particular attention will be given to the relation between these institutions and public policy, specifically to how these institutions are shaped, and permanently reshaped, by public policies. The speakers will be invited to discuss four main topics:

1) The foundations of the economy: the institutionalist and the feminist perspective.
2) Rights, property and property rights.
3) The limits of the market and institutional impurity.
4) Public policy and institutional change.

Guest lecturers include Daniel W. Bromley from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Julie A. Nelson from the University of Massachusetts Boston, and John O’Neill from the University of Manchester.

CES Lecturers include José Castro Caldas, Tiago Santos Pereira, Vítor Neves e José Reis.

Interested graduate students and post-docs are encouraged to apply by submitting a curriculum vitae and a two-page abstract of the proposed paper, together with the author’s contact details (Name, affiliation, email address) to

Deadline for submissions is April 10th 2009. Acceptance will be communicated by email by May 1st 2009.


 Course language wil be English.

   Morning (9.30-13.00)  Afternoon (14.00-16.30)
 Monday, 6 July The foundations of the economy: the institutionalist and feminist perspectives


 Daniel W. Bromley

 José C. Caldas

 Julie A. Nelson

 Vítor Neves

 Students’ workshop
 Tuesday, 7 July Property and property regimes


 Daniel W. Bromley

 John O’Neill

 Tiago Santos Pereira

 Students’ workshop
 Wednesday, 8 July The markets and their limits


 Julie A. Nelson

 John O’Neill

 José Reis

 Students’ workshop
 Thursday, 9 July Public Policy


 Daniel W. Bromley

 Julie A. Nelson

 John O’Neill

 Students’ workshop



The summer school will be held at the Hotel Quinta da Geia, located in Aldeia das Dez. It offers the perfect ambience for critical economics with stunning views of Estrela Mountain.



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Abstracts (doc)




Acar, Sevil

University of Coimbra & Istanbul Technical University, Turky

Globalization and Labor Markets:Gendered Dynamics

Ahrnadiar, Sharif

Institute of Forest Economics, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany

A Forecast of German Forest Leasing Development based on Volitional Pragmatism

Costa, Ana

ISCTE - Higher Institute, Dinâmia, Portugal

Deliberation and Institutional Change

Dias, Joana

CES - University of Coimbra, Portugal

the IPR governance institutions' role inducing innovation and promoting public and collective rights

Ferreiro, Fátima

ISCTE - Higher Institute, Dinamia, CERTAD, Portugal

Property and Land Ethic: the Contribution of Aldo Leopold

Green, Tom

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

 The Tragedy of Consumer Sovereignty. When economic arguments for marketplace choice undermine human prospects

Isbasoiu , George – Marian

Free University of Brussels, Belgium

Varieties of Capitalism and Industrial Relations in Western Europe

Jaakkola, Jenni

Turku School of Economics, Finland

The grease the weels argument of corruption and facilitation of economic policy making

Orlandi, Edda

University of  Milan, Italy

The socio-economy of waste in an Italian co-operative supermarket - an ethnographic perspective

Pinto, Hugo

University of Algarve, CES - University of Coimbra, Portugal

Universities and Knowledge Transfer: An Institutionalist Approach

Rodrigues, João


University of Manchester; UK

Are Markets Everywhere? Mises, Hayek and Polanyi

Rosevear, Evan

University of Toronto, Canada

Socio-Economic Rights, Democratic Legitimacy, and Justiciability

Santos, Ana C.

CES - University of Coimbra; Portugal

Choice architecture and design economics: an institutionalist viewpoint

Serra, Nuno

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Portugal

Cities, economy and development: notes towards an institutionalist viewpoint on urban governance

Sonvisen, Signe.A.

Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromso, Norway

Community Wasn't Dead After All

Sugahara, Gustavo

Dinâmia, Portugal

The Elderly Economy

Sulejewicz, Aleksander

Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Institutions in the Economy

Teles, Nuno

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London,UK

On the Social Meaning of Household Debt

Thiel, Andreas

Humboldt University Berlin; Germany

Re-scaling of resource governance as institutional change: the case of water governance in Portugal

Thomson, Emily

Glasgow Caledonian University; UK

Do Ends Justify Means? A Feminist Economics Perspective on the use of the 'Business Case' for Gender Equality in the Scottish Labour Market'

Trifunovová, Sonja

Institute for Forecasting - Center for Trans-disciplinary Study of Institutions, Evolution and Policy (CETIP), Check Rep.

Property regimes in the context of multi-level biodiversity governance in enlarged EU



Registration fee: 50 € for students and 150 € for non-students

Accommodation costs + meals for the four days of the conference: 350 €

The organization may subsidize a small number of students. The decision will be based on the interest of the proposed paper and subject to proof of student status.

Important dates

March 31st 2009: Deadline for registrations

April 10th 2009: Deadline for submissions 

Interested graduate students and post-docs are encouraged to apply by submitting a curriculum vitae and a two-page abstract of the proposed paper, together with the author’s contact details (Name, affiliation, email address) to

May 1st 2009: Acceptance will be communicated by email


July 6th to 9th: CES Critical Economics Summer School

Reading list

Warren J. Samuels


Daniel W. Bromley

The foundations of the economy: the institutionalist and feminist perspectives

Bromley, D. (2006) 'Understanding institutions' in Sufficient Reason: Volitional Pragmatism and the Meaning of Economic Institutions, 31-42.

Bromley, D. (2006) 'The content of institutions’ in Sufficient Reason: Volitional Pragmatism and the Meaning of Economic Institutions', 43-66.

Property and property regimes

Bromley, D. (2004) 'Property rights: Locke, Kant, Peirce and the logic of volitional pragmatism' in Private Property in the 21st Century, 19-30.

Public Policy

Bromley, D. (2008) 'Beyond Market Failure: Volitional Pragmatism as a new Theory of Public Policy' in Economia Política / a.XXV, nº2, Agosto 2008.

Bromley, D. (2008) 'Volitional Pragmatism' in Ecological Economics, nº68, 1-13.


José C. Caldas

The foundations of the economy: the institutionalist and feminist perspectives

Hirschman, Albert O. (1984) 'Against Parsimony: Three Easy Ways of Complicating Some Categories of Economic Discourse' in The American Economic Review, nº2, 89-96.

Anderson, Elizabeth (1990) 'The Ethical Limitations of the Market' in Economics and Philosophy, 179-205.


Julie A. Nelson

Nelson, Julie A. (1995), 'Feminism and Economics' in Journal of Economic Perspectives 9(2), pp. 131-148.

Nelson, Julie A. (2003), 'Confronting the Science/Value Split: Notes on Feminist Economics, Institutionalism, Pragmatism and Process Thought.' in Cambridge Journal of Economics 27(1), pp. 49-64.

Nelson, Julie A. (2007), 'Economics for Humans: Conscience, Care and Commerce?' in Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs 50(4), pp. 17-25.

Nelson, Julie A. (2004), 'A Buddhist and Feminist Analysis of Ethics and Business' in Development 47(3), pp. 53-60. Issue on "Corporate Responsibility and Development."

Nelson, Julie A. (2008), 'Economists, Value Judgments, and Climate Change: A View from Feminist Economics' in Ecological Economics 65(3), pp. 441-447.


Vítor Neves

The foundations of the economy: the institutionalist and feminist perspectives

Berger, Sebastian; Elsner, Wolfram (2007), “European Contributions to Evolutionary Institutional Economics: The Cases of ‘Cumulative Circular Causation’ (CCC) and ‘Open Systems Approach’ (OSA). Some Methodological and Policy Implications” in Journal of Economic Issues, 41(2), 529-537.

Chick, Victoria; Dow, Sheila (2005), “The meaning of open systems” in Journal of Economic Methodology, 12(3), 1–19.

Colander, David (2003), “Are Institutionalists an Endangered Species?” in Journal of Economic Issues, 37(1), 111-122.

Kapp, K. W. (1968), “In Defense of Institutional Economics” in Swedish Journal of Economics, 70(1), 1-18 (reprinted in Samuels, Warren (1988), Institutional Economics I, Edward Elgar, 92-107)

Loasby, Brian (2003), “Closed models and open systems” in Journal of Economic Methodology, 10(3), 285–306.


John O’Neill

The Markets and their limits

Basic Reading:
O'Neill, J. Markets, Deliberation and Environmental Value chs.1 and 2

O’Neill, J. Holland, A. and Light, A. Values and the Environment chs.2-5

O'Neill, J. Ecology, Policy and Politics chs. 3-5

Further reading:
Pearce, D. et. al. Blueprint for a Green Economy

Arrow et. al. Report of the NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation

Sagoff, M. (1988) The Economy of the Earth chs. 2-4

Vatn A. and Bromley, D. 'Choices Without Prices Without Apologies' in Bromley A Handbook of
Environmental Economics

Foster, J. (ed) Valuing Nature?

O’Neill, J. and Spash, C. ‘Conceptions of Value in Environmental Decision-Making’ Environmental Values 9, 2000

Stern, N. The Economics of Climate Change chapter 2

Broome, J. ‘Valuing Policies in Response to Climate Change’

Well-being and sustainability

Basic reading:
O’Neill, J. ‘Living Well Within Limits: Well-Being, Time and Sustainability’ (Thinkpiece for the Sustainable Development Commission, 2008) available at:

O'Neill, J. The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics chs. 3 and 4

O’Neill, J. ‘Citizenship, Well-Being and Sustainability: Epicurus or Aristotle?’ Analyse & Kritik 28, 2006, pp.158-172

Further reading
Robeyns, I. and van der Veen R.J. Sustainable quality of life: Conceptual analysis for a policy-relevant empirical specification Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency available at:

Frey, B. Happiness: A Revolution in Economics

Kahneman, D., Wakker, P., Sarin, R. 1997 ‘Back to Bentham? Explorations of Experienced Utility’ The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, pp. 375-405

Kahneman, D. and Sugden, R. 2005 ‘Experienced Utility as a Standard of Policy Evaluation’ Environmental & Resource Economics 32 pp.161–181

Layard, R. Happiness: Lessons from a new Science

Nozick, R. ‘The Experience Machine’, Anarchy, State and Utopia pp.42-5

O’Neill, J. ‘Happiness and the Good Life’ Environmental Values 17, 2008, pp.125-144

Sen, A. Development as Freedom ch. 3

Nussbaum, M. Women and Human Development Introduction and ch. 1


José Reis

What have we learnt from institutional economics about markets and the state?

Hodgson, Geoffrey M. (2006), 'What Are Institutions?' in Journal of Economic Issues Vol XL, nº1. 

Chang, Ha-Joon (2002), 'Breaking the mould: as institutionalist political economy alternative to the neo-liberal theory of the market and the state', in Cambridge Journal of Economics, 26, 539-559



Tiago Santos Pereira

Scientific knowledge, property rights and the public good

Arrow, K. (1962) ‘Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources to Invention’, in Nelson, R. (Ed,), The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity, Princeton Un. Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton

Atkinson, R. et al. (2003), ‘Public Sector Collaboration for Agricultural IP Management’, Science, 301(11 July): 174-5.

Berman, E.P. (2008), ‘Why Did Universities Start Patenting?: Institution-building and the Road to the Bayh-Dole Act’, Social Studies of Science, 38: 835-871.

Callon, M. (1994), ‘Is Science a Public Good?’, Science, Technology & Human Values, 19(4): 395-424.

Mowery, D., Nelson, R., Sampat, B., and Ziedonis, A. (2001), ‘The growth of patenting and licensing by U.S. universities: an assessment of the effects of the Bayh–Dole act of 1980’, Research Policy, 30: 99-119.

Nelson, R. (2004), ‘The market economy, and the scientific commons’, Research Policy, 33:455-471.

Organizing committee



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de Coimbra




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