Work Packages
ResIST is broken down into five work packages (WPs), four of which (WP 1-4) are specific ‘vertical’ projects involving conceptual and empirical enquiry, and one ‘horizontal’ work package (WP0) whose focus is on the integration of the results of the work and engagement with policy and practitioner stakeholders who are potential users of ResIST’s results.
Work Package 1
Will produce an analytical map of decision-making in the knowledge economy to describe the range of national policies and programmes that shape the national and international flow of knowledge and knowledge-producing capacity.
Read more about work package 1
Work Package 2
Addresses the issue of human capital and science labour markets. It addresses two dimensions of inequality. Firstly, the issue of individual equity and equality of opportunity in science careers and secondly, the impact of scientific career decision-making and mobility, in particular, on regional inequality and balanced growth.
Read more about work package 2
Work Package 3
Will produce the means to construct alternative accountability systems incorporating the needs of the disadvantaged. Systems of accountability are central to potential impact on policy because they are the means by which the potential distributional consequences of science and policy and practices can be recognised and assessed – and potentially incorporated – by formal elements of the political system.
Read more about work package 3
Work Package 4
Is one of the most ambitious of ResIST’s research efforts, and promises significant advances in our understanding of how new technologies impact economies and in what circumstances, and at what rate, they are likely to form a platform for balanced growth through broadening employment, reducing costs, or improving public services.
Read more about work package 4
Work Package 0
Like other European research, ResIST will produce outputs for a variety of bodies and actors in policy and practice. However, rather than simply produce reports for consultation at the end of the research process, ResIST researchers will initiate on-going engagement with these contexts of application from the beginning of the research. This intention has already shaped the membership of our consortium, and is the main business of our horizontal Work Package 0.
Read more about work package 0