to ResIST - researching inequality through science and technology - a research project that worked between 2006 and 2009 to:
- understand the contribution of science & technology to the creation and maintenance of inequality within and between societies;
- develop more inclusive S&T policies that balance growth with inequality reduction and improved accountability to the poor.
Keep in touch
If you would like to be kept in touch with ResIST's work more systematically please send us an email or register your own individual profile of interests for a news feed through RSS when relevant material appears on this site.
We aim to build our links page so that it links with the best of the web on issues related to science, technology and inequality/poverty/development issues. Please let us know if you would like to establish a reciprocal link with the ResIST.
Our 11 partner team from 10 countries has been studying the experience of 3 world regions: Europe, Southern Africa and Latin America/the Caribbean. Our approach is based on local ownership of our work and so involves strong local interaction with stakeholders in these regions.
Here you can find details of our project, of our research team, of related workshops and conferences and of our research results, including downloadable papers and reports, most of which are now available. We hope you find what we are doing interesting – even provocative. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to ask for more information, to offer an opinion or to tell us of related work.
Peter Healey
Research Fellow
Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS)
University of Oxford
ResIST Co-ordinator
ResIST was a project of the Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society priority of the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme.