Presentations at the ResIST (WP0) Southern African World Regional Meeting

Maputo, 12-14 November 2006

Deliverable (where appropriate and date)
Title - Document title or content and author(s)
WP - Work Package

Click on the format icon to download the document.

Deliverable Title Author & Institution WP File Size Format
November 2006
Malaria and herbal therapies: where science and traditional knowledge meet Adelaide Bela Agostinho
Instituto Nacional de Saúde
Dept. de Medicina Tradicional
WP0 2,050kb

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November 2006
The CSIR: A Few Introductory Comments Dr David Walwyn, CSIR Group Manager
Research and Development
South Africa
WP0 120kb

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November 2006
Community Involvement in Research Projects in Manhiça: the Case of a Malaria Intervention by CISM Ariel Nhacolo;Khatia Munguambe
Pedro Aide
Centro deInvestigacao em Saudede Manhica
National Institute of Health
WP0 2,326kb

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November 2006
Priority Setting for Agricultural Research Dr. Calisto Bias
General Director of IIAM
WP0 426kb

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November 2006
Community participation in the design and implementation of research projects carried out by the Manhiça Health Research Center Khatia Munguambe, Ariel Nhacole, Pedro Aide,
Centro de Investigação em Saude de Manhiça, National Institute of Health, Mozambique
WP0 118kb

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November 2006
Science and Technology Policy in South Africa Michael Kahn
Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators
South Africa
WP0 739kb

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November 2006
Science, Technology and Inequality: an old challenge in a new guise Peter Healey
James Martin Institute for Science and Civilization,
University of Oxford, UK
WP0 158kb

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November 2006
The importance of ResIST for the Eduardo Mondlane University Orlando A. Quilambo
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM),
WP0 183kb

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November 2006
Bioprospecting Research: a case study Vinesh Maharaj
CSIR, Biosciences
South Africa
WP0 1,780kb

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