Master Thesis
A pandemic: From suffer to resilience
Universidade de Coimbra

Inês Moço dos Santos 



During the Covid-19 pandemic, different cope behaviors were observable. Considering that resilience does not manifest equally in individuals, this study aims to understand how resilient European participants were during this event and how resilience is influenced by sociodemographic variables, as well as experiences of childhood neglect, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and general well-being. 


A sample of 8459 participants (67.1% female and 32.9% male, with a mean of 43.95 years old and a standard deviation of 16.13), provided by the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, was evaluated. The chosen instruments were the Adverse Childhood Experiences, particularly the neglect dimension, the Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5, the 5-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index, and the Resilience Evaluation Scale. Questions on sociodemographic characteristics were also assessed.


Higher levels of resilience were associated with older age, higher educational level, the absence of childhood neglect experiences and post-traumatic stress symptoms, and general well-being.


Considering the pandemic context, resilience is essential in participants' perceptions and influences their behavior towards a global threat. Since resilience develops from and within the context, resilient individuals are expected to remain stable during a traumatic experience.

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