III Course on Psychotraumatology of the Trauma Centre/CES
Trauma: different views, same concept?
October 28, 2017, 09h30-19h30
CES | Lisbon


1st Compulsory module (1 day, 8 hours) credits 10 points under the III Course on Psychotraumatology of the Trauma Centre/CES

Contents - Different readings of the concept of psychological Trauma.

Trainers - António Sousa Ribeiro (Full Professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities UC/CES), Bita Ghafoori (Clinical Psychologist, Lecturer at California State University -CSULB, Director of CSULB Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center and Fulbright Specialist), José Paz  (Psychologist, Psychotherapist, founding member of the Interdisciplinary Association for the Study of Mind), Luísa Sales (Psychiatrist, Coordinator of the Trauma Centre/CES), Paula Coutinho (Intensivist, Intensive Care Unit of the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CHUC, a  public healthcare complex including two General Hospitals, two Maternities, a Pediatric Hospital, and a Psychiatric Hospital.

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09h00 | Participants' Welcome 

09h30 | Opening session - Luísa Sales (Psychiatrist, Trauma Center Coordinator / CES)

10h00 | Mental Health Care for Culturally Diverse Victims of Trauma and Violence: A Focus on a Community Based Models Bita Ghafoori (Psicóloga Clínica, California State University – CSULB & Fulbright Specialist)

11h00 | Discussion

11h30 | Break

12h00 | Physical Trauma - The various levels of suffering - Paula Coutinho (Intensivist, Intensive Care Unit - CHUC)

13h00 | Discussion

13h30 | Lunch

15h00 | "The Self and Trauma" - José M.G. Paz (Psychologist and Ethologist, Member of the Interdisciplinary Association for the Study of the Mind)

16h00 | Discussion

16h30 | Break

17h00 | Trauma: Silences and Discourses in the Twentieth Century Experience – António Sousa Ribeiro (Full Professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities -  UC and Coordinator of the CES Executive Board)

18h00 | Discussion

18h30 | Myths and Truths - Luísa Sales (Psychiatrist, Trauma Center Coordinator / CES-UC) 

19h15 | Overview and Closure  – Luísa Sales

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