Module VI: Disaster management and intervention in communities at risk - Part II 
May 18, 2024, 15h-18h (GMT+1)
Online event


Psychosocial assistance plans after a crisis, disaster, or catastrophe. The role of the various players in the short, medium and long term.
Facilitators: Ana Araújo (Psychiatrist, Mental Health Intervention Coordinator - Pedrogão, 2017), Sónia Cunha (Psychologist, CAPIC-INEM national manager).

15h00 | Sónia Cunha
(Psychologist, CAPIC-INEM national manager)
Psychosocial assistance plans in crisis, disaster, or catastrophe contexts: The work of INEM's Psychological Support and Crisis Intervention Centre (CAPIC)

16h25 | Break

16h40 | Ana Araújo (Psychiatrist, Mental Health Intervention Coordinator - Pedrogão, 2017)
A post-disaster community - Aspects of a community mental health intervention by the SNS

Bio notes
Ana Araújo |
Psychiatrist, Coordinator of the Leiria Norte Community Mental Health Team. She is also the Coordinator of the Community Psychiatry Unit at CRIP-CHUC, where she works as a Family Therapist in the Family Therapy Centre. She has specialisations in areas such as Psychodrama, Family Therapy, Health Management and Clinical Coding from the Association of Doctors, as well as Sami-Ali Psychosomatic Training, Paris and PADIS Training - AESE Higher Education Programme. She has a postgraduate degree in Biomedical Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra and has completed the Diagnosis and Intervention in Post-Traumatic Stress Course (2006) and the Specialisation Course in Anthropology of Health at the Bioethics Centre of the Catholic University of Porto. She is a member of the Portuguese Language Association for the Study of Traumatic Stress.

Sónia Cunha | Degree in Clinical Health Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Lisbon in 2001 and a PhD in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto in 2017. Since 2004, she has been a psychologist at the Psychological Support and Crisis Intervention Centre (CAPIC) of the National Institute for Medical Emergencies (INEM), with the role of National Manager since November 2015. She was a psychologist in the Psychotherapy Team at São José Hospital in Lisbon from 2001 to 2003.
Since 2011, she has been a Specialist in Clinical Psychology, as part of a traineeship in the Career of Senior Health Technicians, Clinical Psychology Branch, and since 2016 she has been a specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology by the Portuguese Psychologists' Association.
She has been a guest lecturer on various postgraduate programmes in the areas of Nursing and Psychology, and has been the Scientific Coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme in Crisis, Emergency and Catastrophe Intervention at the Portuguese Institute of Psychology, INSPSIC, since 2015.
She has been a lecturer and author of scientific papers presented at various national and international scientific meetings and publications in the areas of Health Psychology, Emergency Psychology, Stress in Professionals and Psychological Intervention in Disasters since 2003.


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