IV Course on Psychotraumatology of the Trauma Centre/CES
Trauma: different views, same concept? (1st part)
October 30, 2021, 14h00-18h00 (GMT+1)
CES | Sofia + Zoom


1st Module of the IV Course on Psychotraumatology of the Trauma Observatory/CES-UC.

Contents: Inaugural session of the Course
Construction of the concept of Psychotraumatology. Psychotraumatology studies and societies. ESTSS. Myths and truths about Psychological Trauma. Different readings of Psychological Trauma. Medical and surgical Trauma. Trauma in Intensive Care Units. Covid and Psychological Trauma. Socio-cultural factors in Psychological Trauma.

Evaldas Kazlauskas
(Clinical Psychologist, President ESTSS), Luísa Sales (Psychiatrist, Coordinator of the Trauma Observatory/CES), Paula Coutinho (Intensivist, Intensive Care Unit of the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre - CHUC).

António de Sousa Ribeiro
(Full Professor FLUC/CES, CES Executive Director)
Evaldas Kazlauskas (Clinical Psychologist, President ESTSS) - "Current Issues and Developments in Psychotraumatology"
Luísa Sales (Psychiatrist, Coordinator of the Trauma Observatory/CES)
Paula Coutinho (Intensivist, Intensive Care Unit of the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre - CHUC)

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