III Course on Psychotraumatology of the Trauma Centre/CES
Trauma of the Professionals: Personal Growth, Burnout and Secondary Trauma-
June 30, 2018, 09H30
Room 1, CES | Alta


Ad hoc Workshop | 10th Optional Module -  III Course on Psychotraumatology of the Trauma Centre/CES - credits 10 points to ESTSS European Certificate of Psychotraumatology

Contents -  Reactions to care in trauma. Reflection on technicians’ self-care, recognition of symptoms in peers, the limits of intervention and practices (mindfulness, training of cardiac coherence, among others).

Trainers - Margarida Figueiredo-Braga (Psychiatrist and Auxiliary Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto), Rafaela Lopes (Psychologist), Susana Fernandes (Psychologist and Auxiliary Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports of the Universidade Lusófona do Porto) and Zita de Sousa (Psychologist and Guest Lecturer at the Higher School of Health, Porto Polytechnic).


Margarida Figueiredo-Braga (Psychiatrist and Auxiliary Professor at FMUP) – “Secondary Traumatic Stress - from inevitability to personal growth" 

Susana Fernandes (Psychologist and Auxiliary Professor at FPED - ULP) – “Stress and burnout: concepts, symptoms and consequences”

Rafaela Lopes (Psychologist) – “Intervention in crisis and exposure to trauma: promoting professional's psychological resilience”

Zita de Sousa (Psychologist and Guest Lecturer at the Higher School of Health, Porto Polytechnic) – “Cognitive-behavioural approaches in prevention and intervention of stress: the example of Mindfulness”


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