Introducing Situational Approach to Analyzing Grand Strategy: China's Four Encounters with Liberal International Order<span id="edit_20792"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20792').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20792" ); });</script></span>


Introducing Situational Approach to Analyzing Grand Strategy: China's Four Encounters with Liberal International Order

Tomás Karasék (Charles University Prague)

7 de dezembro de 2018, 14h00

Room 4.3, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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Sharing experiences: practical tips on the whys and hows on beginning an academic career<span id="edit_21005"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_21005').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=21005" ); });</script></span>

Aula aberta

Sharing experiences: practical tips on the whys and hows on beginning an academic career

Nik Hynek (Charles University / Metropolitan University - Prague)

30 de novembro de 2018, 11h00

Sala 4.3, Faculdade de Economia da UC

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Grasping subjectivities of power in the analysis of peacebuilding<span id="edit_20790"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20790').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20790" ); });</script></span>


Grasping subjectivities of power in the analysis of peacebuilding

Roberta Maschietto (CES)

27 de novembro de 2018, 10h00

Keynes Room, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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Brexit and Internal Security- Political and Legal Concerns in the Context of the future EU-UK relationship<span id="edit_20788"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20788').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20788" ); });</script></span>


Brexit and Internal Security- Political and Legal Concerns in the Context of the future EU-UK relationship

Ben Farrand

Helena Farrand-Carrapiço

16 de novembro de 2018, 11h00

Room 4.3, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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Six stages in the Development of Peace in IR<span id="edit_20786"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20786').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20786" ); });</script></span>


Six stages in the Development of Peace in IR

Oliver Richmond (University of Manchester)

14 de novembro de 2018, 11h00

Keynes Room, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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Reforming African integration through Agenda 2063: Issues, challenges and prospects<span id="edit_20781"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20781').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20781" ); });</script></span>


Reforming African integration through Agenda 2063: Issues, challenges and prospects

Babatunde Fagbayibo (University of South Africa)

2 de novembro de 2018, 14h00

Room 4.3, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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Mirror, Mirror On the Wall': Self-Legitimation by International Organizations<span id="edit_20779"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20779').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20779" ); });</script></span>


Mirror, Mirror On the Wall': Self-Legitimation by International Organizations

Sarah B. K. von Billerbeck (University of Reading)

19 de outubro de 2018, 10h00

Room 4.3, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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Study, Know, Learn, Hear, Listen, Do? Humanities for Social Studies<span id="edit_20659"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20659').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20659" ); });</script></span>

Aula Inaugural dos Programas de Doutoramento CES-UC

Study, Know, Learn, Hear, Listen, Do? Humanities for Social Studies

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Columbia University)

12 de outubro de 2018, 17h00

Auditório da FEUC

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The Everyday Life of Human Rights Law<span id="edit_20465"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20465').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20465" ); });</script></span>


The Everyday Life of Human Rights Law

Kiran Grewal (Goldsmiths College, University of London)

10 de outubro de 2018, 17h00

Sala 2, CES | Alta

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Crimes of Solidarity and the borders of Europe: the mobile infrastructures of migration support and the fracturing of humanitarianism<span id="edit_20424"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_20424').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=20424" ); });</script></span>


Crimes of Solidarity and the borders of Europe: the mobile infrastructures of migration support and the fracturing of humanitarianism

Martina Tazzioli (Swansea University)

25 de setembro de 2018, 15h00

Sala 1, CES | Alta

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Gender Studies in Russia and Belarus

Larissa Titarenko (Belarusian State University)

21 de setembro de 2018, 14h00

Room 4.3, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

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From Haiti to Rio de Janeiro: Armed Forces between Public Security and International Security<span id="edit_19917"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_19917').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=19917" ); });</script></span>


From Haiti to Rio de Janeiro: Armed Forces between Public Security and International Security

Reginaldo Mattar Nasser (Unesp/Unicamp/PUC-SP)

29 de maio de 2018, 14h00

Sala 4.4, Faculdade de Economia da UC

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Camino a la paz: repertorios simbólicos de las mujeres en una Colombia en transición<span id="edit_19621"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_19621').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=19621" ); });</script></span>


Camino a la paz: repertorios simbólicos de las mujeres en una Colombia en transición

Alba Nubia Rodríguez Pizarro (Universidad del Valle)

3 de maio de 2018, 17h00

Sala 1, CES | Alta

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3 Perspectives, 3 Voices on Refugee Integration Dynamics<span id="edit_19728"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_19728').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=19728" ); });</script></span>


3 Perspectives, 3 Voices on Refugee Integration Dynamics

20 de abril de 2018, 10h30

Sala Gonçalves da Silva, Faculdade de Economia da UC

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As Fronteiras no Século XXI <span id="edit_18993"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_18993').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=18993" ); });</script></span>

Conferência Internacional

As Fronteiras no Século XXI 

26 de janeiro de 2018, 18h30

Sala 1, CES | Alta

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From Saving Failed States to Managing Risks: Reinterpreting Fragility as Resilience<span id="edit_18459"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_18459').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=18459" ); });</script></span>


From Saving Failed States to Managing Risks: Reinterpreting Fragility as Resilience

Nicolas Lemay-Hébert (Universidade de Birmingham)

17 de novembro de 2017, 14h30

Sala Gonçalves da Silva, Faculdade de Economia da UC

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(Re)conceptualizing Peace Studies as a research project: challenges and opportunities<span id="edit_18197"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_18197').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=18197" ); });</script></span>


(Re)conceptualizing Peace Studies as a research project: challenges and opportunities

Johan Galtung (TRANSCEND International/Professor of Peace Studies)

23 de outubro de 2017, 11h00

Sala Keynes, Faculdade de Economia da UC

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Is Suffering a Source of Global Progress?<span id="edit_17568"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17568').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17568" ); });</script></span>

Aula Inaugural dos Programas de Doutoramento CES-UC

Is Suffering a Source of Global Progress?

Michael Barnett (George Washington University)

13 de outubro de 2017, 15h00

Auditório da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra

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Where is the knowledge of rape within Congolese Society after the Eastern Congo Crisis?<span id="edit_18028"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_18028').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=18028" ); });</script></span>


Where is the knowledge of rape within Congolese Society after the Eastern Congo Crisis?

Ngwarsungu Chiwengo (College of Arts and Sciences | Creighton University)

6 de outubro de 2017, 17h00

Sala Keynes, FEUC (Coimbra)

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Engaging with the outside: from theory to practice and back<span id="edit_14448"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_14448').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=14448" ); });</script></span>

CES Summer School

Engaging with the outside: from theory to practice and back

26 - 28 April 2017

Rooms 1 and 2, CES | Alta

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