ResIST (WP0) Latin American World Regional Meeting

Rio, 17-20 January 2007

Deliverable (where appropriate and date)
Title - Document title or content and author(s)
WP - Work Package

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Presentations of the Science and Technology Policy and Inequality Workshop

Deliverable Title Author(s) & Institution WP File Size Format
January 2007
Presentation of ResIST project and objectives of the meeting Rob Hagendijk/Tiago Santos Pereira, CES WP0 91 kb logo (PDF)
January 2007
Research and Health Inequities Alberto Pellegrini, Brazilian National Commission on Social Determinants of Health WP0 1,104 kb logo (PDF)
January 2007
S&T Policy and Development: a reflection from a Brazilian perspective Eduardo Viotti, Legislative advisor for S&T Policy, Brazilian Senate; Lecturer, Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Brasilia WP0 194 kb logo (PDF)
January 2007
S&T and social inclusion Ildeu de Castro, Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil WP0 1,406 kb logo (PDF)

Presentation at the Health and Environmental Justice Workshop

Deliverable Title Author(s) & Institution WP File Size Format
January 2007
Environmental Justice Network Juliana Malerba, Environmental Justice Brazilian Network WP0 38 kb logo (PDF)
January 2007
Science and Technology for and by the Developing World Roger Cortbaoui, International Potato Center (CIP), Peru WP0 2,913 kb logo (PDF)
January 2007
Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Inequality: Reflections about the Brazilian Case Paulo Martins, Researcher at IPT, Coordinator of Renanosoma, Brazil WP0 125 kb logo (PDF)
January 2007
Trends, policies and impacts of international mobility of the highly skilled on developing countries Lucas Luchilo, Centro Redes-RICYT, Brazil WP0 213 kb logo (PDF)