I Conference
The History of Construction in Portugal. Alignments and Foundations

February 19th, 2010, CES-Lisboa/CIUL, Picoas Plaza, Rua do Viriato, num. 13 (Underground Station: Picoas)


10.00h: 10.40h Opening

10.40h: 11.10h

Inaugural conference on the discipline
Prof. Santiago Huerta (ETSA. Polytechnic University of  Madrid)

11.15h: 11h.30h Coffee-Break

11.30h: 13.00h
Session 1: Historic and technological specificities of construction programmes in Portugal

Moderator: João Mascarenhas Mateus (CES. University of Coimbra)

Saúl António Gomes (FL. University of Coimbra)
A medieval construction site of excellence: the Mosteiro da Batalha

Rafael Moreira (FCSH. Universidade Nova of Lisbon)
The “string” and bastion constructions in Portugal

José de Monterroso Teixeira (Universidade Autónoma of Lisbon / IGESPAR)
The  Palácio da Ajuda “by any means – from fire to iron” – constructive and aesthetic options; from the Royal Hut, to the late-baroque project and to the neoclassic proposal

13h.00: 14h.30. Lunch

14.30h: 16.00h

Session 2: Implementation of construction techniques and materials in Portugal  

Moderator: José António Bandeirinha (CES. University of Coimbra)

Jorge Mascarenhas (ESTT. Polytechnic Institute of  Tomar)
The Pombal building, innovative measures of  protection against possible earthquakes

Magda de Avelar Pinheiro (ISCTE. University Institute of Lisbon)
The railway construction in Portugal

André Tavares (DAA. University of Minho)
The effects of concrete in Portuguese architecture. The case of de Sá & Malevez (1906-1914)

16.00h: 16h.15. Coffee-Break

16.15h: 18.15h

Session 3: Construction and Industry in Portugal  

Moderator: José Amado Mendes (FL. University of Coimbra)

Tiago Saraiva (ICS. University of Lisbon)
Models, Concrete and  Territory: The National Laboratory for Civil Engineering and the Portuguese Hydraulic Dream

Fernanda Rollo (FCSH. Universidade Nova of Lisbon)
Industry, engineering and construction during the Estado Novo

Manuel Matos Fernandes (FE. University of Porto)
Engineer Edgar Cardoso, Portuguese model constructor

João Mascarenhas Mateus (CES. University of Coimbra)
Specificities of the History of Construction in Portugal

18.15h: 19.00 h. Discussion Panel and Closing  

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