I Conference
The History of Construction in Portugal. Alignments and Foundations

February 19th, 2010, CES-Lisboa/CIUL, Picoas Plaza, Rua do Viriato, num. 13 (Underground Station: Picoas)

Biographic notes

Santiago Huerta Fernandéz
Professor at the Higher School for Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Is author and co-author of a great number of books and scientific articles in the field of the foundation of the History of Construction as a discipline, in the study of the construction of arches, domes and cupolas and in architecture treaties.
Since 2003 is president of the Spanish Society for the History of Construction, having organized since 1996, six national congresses in Spain on this field of knowledge. Permanent member of the scientific committee of the  Architectural Scienze Review. Was secretary of the scientific committee of the First International congress of History of Construction organized by His Department and member of the international scientific committee of the second and third international congresses.
Director of the Digital Library  for Sources of History of construction and the Series of texts on Theory and History of Construction of the Institute  Juan de Herrera, which has published for the first time in Spanish, critical editions of fundamental authors such as Choisy, Heyman, Viollet-le-Duc, Guastavino, Perronet, Ungewitter and Mohrmann.

Saúl António Gomes
Teaches, since 1987, at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, where, since 2007 is Assistant Professor with aggregation. Is correspondent member of the Portuguese Academy for History, collaborator of the Centre for Religious History Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University and researcher of the Centre for History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra. Member of the Editing board of the journals História da Sociedade e da Cultura (Coimbra). Secretary of the Portuguese Society for Medieval Studies (2003). In 1999 was distinguished with the Gulbenkian Award for Science, for His work, in co-authroship with Cristina Pina e Sousa, Intimidade e Encanto. O Mosteiro Cisterciense de Santa Maria de Cós. Has over a hundred historiographic works published, among which we call attention to the book O Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória no Século XV regarding the paper he will present during this conference.

Rafael de Faria Domingues Moreira
Associate Professor of the Department of Art History of the Universidade Nova of Lisbon where he presently coordinates the undergraduate course. Acknowledged expert of History of Architecture of the Renaissance and Classicism and of Science of Fortifications in Portugal. Professor of a great number of present experts in the field of History of Art and Architecture in Portugal. Author of a Great number of books and scientific articles on these fields. We call attention to, for instance, the identification of the first Portuguese treaty of architecture, texts regarding Science of Design, the Jerónimos Monastery, the Lisbon Riverfront. In the extent of his participation in this conference, we note, among other works A Arquitectura Militar na Expansão Portuguesa and História das Fortificações Portuguesas no Mundo.

José de Monterroso Teixeira
Guest Professor of the Department of Architecture of the Universidade Autónoma of Lisbon. Expert in History of Baroque Architecture in Portugal. Author of several works on Art History and Architecture History, among which the recent book on the Palace of Palhavã, the texts regarding the baroque tile iconography of Lisbon or the architectural and sculptural work of Aleijadinho. Has researched and published on emblematic Portuguese construction programmes such as the Royal Chapel of the Palace of Vila Viçosa or the São Carlos National Theatre. Commissioner of the Exhibition “O triunfo do barroco”, which represented Portugal at the Europália, 1991. Was Director of the Exhibition Centre of the Centro Cultural de Belém from 1993 to 1996 and of the Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva Foundation Museum. From 2002 to 2006, was Municipal Director for Culture of the Municipality of Lisbon.

Jorge Mascarenhas
In 1996, achieved His Doctoral Degree at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Glamorgan (United Kingdom). In 1998 was Coordinator of the Field of Construction of the Degree in Civil Engineering of the Polytechnic of Tomar. From 1996 to 1999 was Coordinator of the Field of Architecture at A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C. of Coimbra. Since 199 is Coordinator Professor of the Intradepartmental Field for Design of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar. Author of a series of fundamental books for the knowledge of construction systems which currently already consist of eleven volumes and which has contributed towards the explanation of mainly construction details and problems in Portugal and towards the training of generations of engineers and architects. Portuguese reference in the field of the construction details of the Pombal cage. 

Magda de Avelar Pinheiro
Full Professor at the Department of History of ISCTE. Researcher of the Centre for Portuguese Contemporary History Studies at ISCTE. Member of the Portuguese Association for Economic and Social History. Director of the Journal Ler História and member of the Advisory Board of the Journal Transportes Servicios y Telecomunicaciones, History Journal. Expert on the following fields: History of Railways Public Finance, Urban History, Biography and Memory. Author of several books and scientific articles such as Cidade e Caminhos de Ferro (2007), the chapter “The cities and the Railways in Portugal” in Ralf Roth and Marie-Nöelle Polino, The City and the railway in Europe, Ashgate and still “The French Investors in Portuguese Railways from 1855 to 1884: three cases” (2008) in Ralf Roth and Günter Dinhobl, Across the Borders, Financing Railways in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries.

André Tavares
Holds a degree in architecture at the School of Architecture of the University of Porto (2000), attended the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, (1998/1999and the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio (2003-2004), Switzerland.
Holds a Doctoral degree at the School of Architecture of the University of Porto (2009) with the dissertation O tráfico do moderno, episódios da presença do betão armado nas estratégias de projecto dos arquitectos nos primeiros anos do século XX, resulting from research in Paris and São Paulo. Author of the books Arquitectura Antituberculose, trocas e tráficos na construção terapêutica (Faup-publicações, 2005), Os fantasmas de Serralves (Dafne, 2007) and Novela Bufa do Urbanismo em Concreto (Dafne, 2009). Guest Professor at the Autonomous Department for Architecure of the University of Minho and coordinator of the Centre for Documentation and Research of Architectural Culture of the Marques da Silva Foundation.

José António Bandeirinha
Pro-Rector for Culture at the University of Coimbra. Coordinator of the Architecture and Urbanism Research Group at CES. Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture of the School of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, where he obtained his doctoral degree in 2002 with a dissertation intituled the SAAL Process and Architecture  in 25 de Abril of  1974. Having as central reference architecture and the organization of space, he has come to focus on several themes – city, theatre, culture.

Tiago Saraiva
Holds a degree at the Instituto Superior Técnico and a doctoral degree at the Universidade Autónoma of Madrid in History of Science, with a dissertation dedicated to the historical relations between science and the city of Lisbon and Madrid in the 19th Century. Was post-doctoral grantee at the School of Sciences and Technology of the Universidade Nova of Lisbon and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), to where he returned during 2007/2008 as Visiting Professor. Since April 2005 is assistant researcher at ICS-UL. His present research explores the role of scientific activity in the construction of fascist regimes for the cases of Portugal, Germany and Italy. He is also interested in the historical study of urban dynamics.

Fernanda Rollo
Associate Professor at the Department of history of FCSH, Universidade Nova of Lisbon. Researcher and vice-president of the Institute for Contemporary history at the same university. Her main fields of research are History of Portugal in the 20th Century, Contemporary Portuguese Economic History, History of Engineering in Portugal, Institutional and Entrepreneurial History. Was general coordinator (with Manuel Heitor and J.M. Brandão de Brito) of the Project and exhibition “Engenho e Obra: História da Engenharia em Portugal”. Presently she is commissioner of activities in the field of Culture for the Centenary Commemorations of the Republic.

Manuel Matos Fernandes
Full professor of Mechanics of Soils and director of the Department of Civil Engineering of the School of Engineering of the University of Porto, where he contributed towards the creation of the chair of History of Civil Engineering , in 2006. Has developed research in, among other fields, History of Engineering. Was commissioner of the exhibition “Edgar Cardoso, Mecanismos do Génio” wich took place in the Antiga Sala dos despachantes da Alfândega do Porto, in 2004.
In 2009 lectured the 25th Lesson Manuel Rocha on the great urban escavations in Portugal, dedicated to the analysis of the development of construction solutions and Technologies, as well as the methods of analyses of works since the 1950’s. 

José Amado Mendes
Holds a doctoral degree in Modern and contemporary history, at the University of Coimbra, and master in Sciences of Education, at the University  of Austin (USA), is full professor (retired) of the School of Arts and Humanities of the university of Coimbra and collaborates with the é Universidade Autónoma of Lisbon. Has dedicated himself to the research in various thematics, focusing on the following: economic and social history, industrialization, entrepreneurial history, entrepreneurial ethics and  cultural, organizational leadership and culture, museology and cultural heritage, on which he hás published several Works, among which: História da Indústria Portuguesa. Da Idade Média aos nossos dias e História do Vidro e do Cristal em Portugal. Was Director of the Course “Master in Museology and Cultural Heritage” and one of the organizers of the I National  Meeting on Industrial Heritage (Coimbra – Guimarães – Lisbon/1986), which proceedings were published under his coordination. Was member and coordinator of a working group of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century – CEIS 20 and President of the Scientific Board of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. Is member of several scientific associations, national and international.

João Mascarenhas Mateus
CES researcher, Architecture and Urbanism Research Group. After his degree in Civil Engineering at IST, he concluded His Master in Sciences of Architecture at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium where he worked as research assistant  (1993-1995). Expert for the Department for Culture of the European Commission between 1993 and 1998. Conducted, at the  Universidade La Sapienza of Rome, His doctoral research on the use of traditional techniques for construction of masonry buildings  in architectural conservation activities. In Rome, projected and directed the conservation works for the Portuguese Institute and the Portuguese Pontifical College. PhD. in civil Engineering at  IST (2001). "Cultore della materia"  in the School of Architecture Valle Giulia of the  Univ. La Sapienza of Rome (2002-2004) and scientific collaborator of the “Scuola di Specializzazione in Conservazione dei Monumenti” of the same university, since 2002. Was technical coordinator for the application of the Baixa Pombalina to the World Heritage List (2003-2006).
Is one of Portugal’s representatives at the Construction History Society of the United Kingdom.

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