Programa de Doutoramento "Política Internacional e Resolução de Conflitos"

Rethinking Peace and Security: New Dimensions, Strategies and Actors

Programme | Registration | Useful information | Contacts

7-16 July, 2008

FEUC-CES, Coimbra, Portugal

This Intensive Program will gather doctoral students engaged in the EDEN - European Doctorate Enhancement - programme to investigate the theme Rethinking Peace and Security: New Scales, Actors and Strategies.

The seminars offered in the IP will explore the new dimensions of peace and security studies, including intensity, levels of analysis, agents and strategies. The project seeks to deepen discussions, by deconstructing concepts and by synthesising the main traces underlining this exercise of rethinking and re-questioning peace and security issues, shedding light over new disciplinary approaches. The IP will consist of ten days of seminars during which an interdisciplinary team of academics and practitioners will provide presentations and run training sessions. This IP will provide a forum for discussion of this specific topic in a multinational learning context, constituting a unique setting for the sharing of pedagogical experiences and differentiated curricular approaches. A publication and an interactive website will be produced.

The IP will also provide opportunity for participants in the network of experts in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies to observe respective traditions and practices, formulate and organise future research, and discuss the practical application of policy recommendations. Furthermore, this initiative contributes to a continuous effort by the partner universities to define and consolidate a European common approach to research and training in Conflict and Peace Studies.

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Day 0 – 6 July

Arrival of participants

Day 1 – 7 July

9:30 - Registration

Welcoming coffee-break

10:30-12:30 - Opening Session (Anf. 2.1.)


15:00 - Key note speaker: João Gomes Cravinho, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Development Aid (Anf. 2.1.)

Day 2 – 8 July

9:30-13:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[11:00 – coffee-break]
Chair: Brigitte Piquard, Uni.-Paris 12 Val de Marne/Oxford Brookes University
Maria Raquel Freire and Paula Duarte Lopes, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Rethinking peace and violence”
Stephen Ryan, Ulster University, Great Britain
“Conflict transformation:  yes and no”


14:30-18:00 - IP1 – S.2.1.
[16:00 – coffee-break]
Coordinators: Maria Raquel Freire and Brigitte Piquard
Working themes*:
1. Theoretical reflections on ‘being’
2. Regional tensions and the management of differences
3. Culture, identity and religion
4. Internal dynamics in contexts of conflict
5. The European Union and its wider neighborhood: managing instability?
6. Post-conflict reconstruction

IP2 – S.2.2.
Discussants: Paula Duarte Lopes and Stephen Ryan
Humanitarian aid and humanitarian action in conflictual scenarios

Chamutal Eitam, University of Gronnigen, The Netherlands
“International humanitarian aid responsibility – field evaluation and their operational impact”

Gemma Bennink, University of Gronnigen, The Netherlands
“Local perceptions of humanitarian aid in conflict contexts” (tbc)

Marcel Banza Mwengula, University College of Dublin, Ireland
“Civil-military relation, challenges and opportunities for humanitarian action: the case of United Nations humanitarian civil-military coordination”

Bernhard Schaefer, University College of Dublin, Ireland
“The relationship between human rights law and humanitarian law”

Leonard van Duijn, University of Gronnigen, The Netherlands
“A Clausewitz inspired perspective on the art of managing aid in turbulent environment”

Day 3 – 9 July

9:30-13:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[11:00 – coffee-break]
Chair: José Manuel Pureza, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Brigitte Piquard, Uni.-Paris 12 Val de Marne/Oxford Brookes Uni.
“Wars and walls”
Tom Lodge, University of Limerick, Ireland
“African conflicts”


14:30-18:00 - IP1 – S.2.1.
[16:00 – coffee-break]
Coordinators: José Manuel Pureza and Stephen Ryan

IP2 – S.2.2.
Discussants: Tom Lodge and Maria Raquel Freire
Nationalism, basic rights and (in)stability

Jonathan Hall, Uppsala University, Sweden
“Migrant transnationalism and homeland reconciliation”

Ilaria Piccioli, Deusto University, Spain
“When nationalisms threaten stability: EU in need of a common approach”

Miguel Barreto Henriques, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“The Peace Laboratories in Colombia: an alternative approach to conflict resolution?”

Daniela Nascimento, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“The denial of economic and social rights as a cause of conflict in divided societies: overcoming the gap in dominant conflict prevention strategies. Case study of Sudan”

Maria Varela, Deusto University, Spain
“The role of European organisations in the reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Day 4 – 10 July

Peace Studies Group Workshop
Venue: Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra

9:30-10:00 - Presentation of the Peace Studies Group: José Manuel Pureza and Maria Raquel Freire

10:00-10:30 - José Manuel Pureza
“From new wars to newest wars: theoretical framework”

10:30-11:00 - Movie

11:00-11:30 - Debate

11:30-12:00 - coffee-break

12:00-12:30 - Case Study 1 (Tatiana Moura)

12:30-13:00 - Debate


14:30-15:00 - Case study 2 (Silvia Roque)

15:00-15:30 - Debate

15:30-16:00 - coffee-break

16:00-16:30 - Case study 3 (Katia Cardoso)

16:30-17:00 - Debate

17:00-17:30 - Case study 4 (Rita Santos)

17:30-18:00 - Debate

Day 5 – 11 July

9:30-13:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[11:00 – coffee-break]
Chair: Tom Lodge, University of Limerick, Ireland
Betul Celik, Sabanci University, Turkey
“Mediation and culture”
Glenn Bowman, University of Kent, Great Britain
“The politics of propinquity: conflict and sharing around religious sites”
Hans-Joachim Heintze, Bochum University, Germany
“The protection of the ethnic identity under international law”


14:30-18:00 - IP1 – S.2.1.
[16:00 – coffee-break]
Coordinators: Betul Celik and Hans-Joachim Heintze

IP2 – S.2.2.
Discussants: Glenn Bowman and Jolle Demmers
Conflict in Europe

Markus Möstl, University of Graz, Austria
“The concept of human security in the European Security and Defence Policy”

Marco Silva Rosa, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Cooperation between European armed forces: what consequences on national security and defense cultures?”

Egoitz Gago Anton, University of Bradford, Great Britain
“The impacts of the Basque peace movement in other Basque civil society actors related to the conflict”

Joanna Orzechowska, Deusto University, Spain
“Socioeconomic aspects of the development of the Basque national identity”

Gorka Roman, Deusto University, Spain
“The war of the symbols. Performative violence within the Black Bloc and Kale Borroka”

20:00   Professors official dinner: Restaurant “A Portuguesa”(by invitation only)

Day 6 – 12 July

9:30-13:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[11:00 – coffee-break]
Chair: Paula Duarte Lopes, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Sarah Perrigo, University of Bradford, Great Britain
“Peace and security in liberal democratic states: new threats, new forms of resistance”
Jolle Demmers, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
“Othering and Belonging in the Dutch Market Society”


14:30-18:00 - IP1 – S.2.1.
[16:00 – coffee-break]
Coordinators: Glenn Bowman and Tom Lodge

IP2 – S.2.2.
Discussants: Sarah Perrigo and Betul Celik
Outside the formal state-institutional framework? The private sector, media and NGOs

Elisa Garcia-Mingo, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Reflections about ‘media for peace’ as an intervention strategy in conflict contexts and as training curricula of journalists”

Marjolein Groot, Bochum University, Germany
“The role of the private sector in the socio-economic recovery of post-war countries”

Nancy Tokola, University of Gronnigen, The Netherlands
“Accountability of multi-level NGOs for the Millennium Development Goals: transparency of knowledge systems, influence on policy, impact on practice”

Lara Sigwart, University of Gronnigen, The Netherlands
“Informal institutions and dynamics of violence in Georgia. The situation of the local population in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone”

20:00 - Official IP dinner: Restaurant “Dom Azeite”

Day 7 – 13 July

9:00-13:00 - EDEN business meeting (Center for Social Studies, official representatives only)

9:30-13:00 - University of Coimbra and Center for Social Studies
Official guided visit

14:30-18:00 - Anf. 2.1.
Exchange and discussion of research and field experiences

Day 8 – 14 July

9:30-13:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[11:00 – coffee-break]
Chair: Sarah Perrigo, University of Bradford, Great Britain
Fernando Ferrándiz, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
“Open veins: spirits of violence and grief in Venezuela’s popular religion”
José Manuel Pureza, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Human security: old news? New news? Good news?”


14:30-18:00 - IP1 – S.2.1.
[16:00 – coffee-break]
Coordinators: Jolle Demmers and Robert Hudson

IP2 – S.2.2.
Discussants: Wolfgang Benedek and Hans-Joachim Heintze
Rethinking the ‘state’

Luz Paula Parra-Rosales, University of Bradford, Great Britain
“The reconfiguration of the state in an era of neoliberal globalism: state violence and indigenous responses in Guerrero, México”

Sílvia Roque, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Building collapse: trajectories of violence in post-war contexts. The cases of Guinea-Bissau and El Salvador”

Omar Jabary Salamanca, University of Gent, Belgium
“Infrastructural violence and resistance in Palestine: the politics of spatial practice”

Patrick Milabyo Kyamusugulwa, University College of Dublin, Ireland
“Understanding the community-driven contributions to reconstruction in post-conflict in eastern Congo”

Nelson Mateus, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Changing borders: the Mediterranean as a case study”

Day 9 – 15 July

9:30-13:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[11:00 – coffee-break]
Chair: Maria Raquel Freire, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Wolfgang Benedek, University of Graz, Austria
“Legal Aspects of the Declaration of Independence of Kosovo”
Robert Hudson, University of Derby, Great Britain
“Russian and Serbian attitudes towards Kosovar Independence: Observation by the Kosovo Research Project”


14:30-18:00 - IP1 – S.2.1.
[16:00 – coffee-break]
Coordinators: Sarah Perrigo and Paula Duarte Lopes

IP2 – S.2.2.
Discussants: Fernando Ferrándiz and Robert Hudson
Coping with tension: different strategies, differentiated outcomes

Alex Fedorov, University of Derby, Great Britain
“Soviet-Yugoslav Cold War relations 1946-1972: from ‘Slav brotherhood’ to ‘non-alignment’”

Cecile de Milliano, University College of Dublin, Ireland
“Reducing the impact of natural disasters through and with children. A research on perceptions of vulnerabilities and coping strategies in natural disasters and their implications for disaster risk reduction strategies”

Ricardo Pereira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
“Fighting terrorism through HIV/AIDS intervention: the case of the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief”

Day 10 – 16 July

9:30-13:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[11:00 – coffee-break]
Chair: José Manuel Pureza, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Presentation of IP1papers on the defined working themes


14:30-18:00 - Anf. 2.1.
[16:00 – coffee-break]
Closing session

* IP1 students:
Alaitz Duarte Vigiola, Deusto University, Spain
Ariel Sánchez Meertens, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Aybars Görgülü, Sabanci University, Turkey (tbc)
Carla Marcelino Gomes, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Daniel Rodrigues, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Filipe Vasconcelos Romão, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Floortje Toll, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Hayder Al-Mohammad, University of Kent, Great Britain
James Emmanuel Amaanwi Wanki, University of Limerick, Ireland
Jeannette Elisabeth Beli, Bochum University, Germany
Jorge Tavares da Silva, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Kadriye Asli Suel, Sabanci University, Turkey
Kenneth Houston, Ulster University, Great Britain
Liliana Martínez-Iturbe Mejías, Deusto University, Spain
Liván Usallán Méndez, Deusto University, Spain
Maria João Barata, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Marisa Borges, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Simone Kumor, Bochum University, Germany
Sofia José Figueira Santos, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Valentina Bartolucci, University of Bradford, Great Britain
Victor Fiorini, University of Kent, Great Britain

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EDEN students: registration closed

HUMCRICON students: registration closed

Other participants: applications until June 20, 2008,
Please send name, address, telephone and short biography (max 200 words) to

Participation fee: 150 euro

Attention: limited number of participants! Selection on a first come first served basis. Selected candidates will be contacted for registration and payment. Registration is only final upon proof of payment.

Other participants registrations include attendance of plenary sessions, the workshop, lunches and official dinner. Certificates of attendance will be issued.

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Useful information


Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra

Av. Dias da Silva, 165

3004-512 Coimbra


+351 239 790500

NEP/CES Workshop:

Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES)

Colégio de S. Jerónimo

3001-401 Coimbra

+351 239 855570

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Ms Licínia Simão

EDEN-IP Coimbra Secretariat

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