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  • Alternative Production Systems
    Associação In Loco
    Global Exchange
    A non-profit research, education, and action center dedicated to promoting people-to-people ties around the world. Working with Fair Traders across North America and throughout the world to increase awareness of Fair Trade issues and to translate that awareness into consumer activism in the global marketplace. The group advocates normal relations with Cuba, and is critical of the IMF, World Bank, NAFTA, MAI, the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and the WTO. The group appears very well organized and its web site contains many links to other organizations.
    Participatory economics (or parecon for short) is the name of a type of economy proposed as a desirable alternative to contemporary capitalism. The underlying values the vision seeks to implement are: equity, solidarity, diversity, and participatory self management. The main institutional vehicles to attain these ends are council democracy, balanced job complexes, remuneration according to effort and sacrifice, and participatory planning. The vision is spelled out in two books: Looking Forward (SEP, 1991) and The Political Economy of Participatory Economics (Princeton, 1991). A third book, Thinking Forward (Abeiter Ring, 1997) provides a course of lectures in thinking about economic vision, using parecon as a basis. A variant of those lectures is also available online: Ten Lectures on Participatory Economics.
    And what is this Parecon site for? It is an effort to use telecommunications: to refine and otherwise improve the parecon vision; to disseminate information about it and build support for it; to stimulate activism around it; and to provide support for people trying to implement components of parecon.

  • Emancipatory Multiculturalism, Justices and Citizenships
    Abya Yala Fund
    Fosters greater self-reliance by indigenous peoples through support of struggles to protect homelands, natural environment and human rights, to improve health care, to address domestic legislation and international laws, to obtain access to communications media to improve the conditions and status of women, to increase economic security, and to revitalize cultural and spiritual traditions. The group's focus is on providing training, grants and technical assistance for self-development projects that originate in, and are controlled by, indigenous communities and organizations in Central and South America - not on anti-WTO advocacy. The web site provides links to the sites of other indigenous groups as well as sites about anti-globalization and ending corporate Governance.
    FOCUS on the Global South
    A program of progressive development policy research and practice, dedicated to regional and global policy analysis, micro-macro linking and advocacy work FOCUS works with NGOs and people's organizations in Asia Pacific and other regions. The group has a small staff, but has many other sister organizations such as Third World Network. The organization is based out of the Philippines.
    Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos

  • Biodiversity, Rival Knowledges and Intellectual Property Rights
    Amazon Watch
    Works with indigenous and environmental organizations in the Amazon Basin to defend the environment and advance indigenous peoples' rights in the face of large-scale industrial development (oil and gas pipelines, power lines, roads, and other mega-projects). The group is currently focusing on Venezuela, Bolivia/Brazil (against the Overseas Private Investment Corporation), and Colombia. It is a major opponent of Occidental Petroleum's drilling on "U'wa traditional land," and on that issue are very vocal and organized.
    Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund
    The law firm for the environment A 501 (c) (3) organization established in 1971, it has represented more than 500 clients (national and international) at no cost, many of which are listed in this document. The group is currently representing the Sierra Club against the WTO for not protecting the sea turtle. It also represents Public Citizen in support of the EU's right to ban the import of meat containing potentially harmful additives.
    This group has offices in more than 40 countries and claims to have more than 2.4 million supporters worldwide. Its web site contains links to numerous environmental organizations. Among the group's major issues are: bio-diversity of oceans and forests, climate change, nuclear power, toxic pollution, genetic engineering and ocean dumping.
    Humane Society
    This group plans to begin an effort to collect 2001 signatures by the end of 2001 calling on all governments to stop the WTO from interfering with national environmental and health safety laws. Its web site offers educational publications, public-awareness campaigns, and activist alerts. It is an international and well-known group with headquarters in DC Among its major issues are: dolphin and sea turtle conservation laws and hormone-treated beef.
    Indigenous Environmental Network
    Coalition of grassroots Native organizations provides national, regional, local, advocacy on indigenous grassroots and tribal issues concerning environmental protection, natural resource management, and environmental health issues. Indigenous environmentalists have received a mixed response on the federal level. The coalition is in contact with the media and appears well organized. It has a U'wa Defense Working Group Action Alert on its web site, as well as links to many other WTO protest groups and indigenous groups. Its WTO link is:
    Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology

  • New Labor Internationalism
    A voluntary federation of 68 national and international labor unions that include 13 million working women and men and which espouses a strong political voice for improving the lives of working families. The group plans to keep pressure on Congress and the government against the WTO, the Caribbean Basin Initiative, and normalized trade relations (NTR) with China. The web site provides many links to the sites of other labor unions, organizations, constituency groups, the government, and media. Issues of interest to the group include: environmental protection, debt relief, poverty alleviation, and investment policy reforms.
    The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, has 214 affiliated organizations in 143 countries, cooperates with the International Labor Organization and the UN, in addition to having contacts with the WTO, World Bank and IMF. Some of the organization's issues are: employment and international labor standards, tackling the multinationals, trade union rights, equality, race and migrants, trade union organization and recruitment.
    International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Professes the need to incorporate internationally recognized labor standards into the rules of the WTO. The IAM will lead the fight for fair trade that includes basic, fundamental human and labor rights. IAMAW is a large union with more than 535,000 members in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Panama Canal Zone.
    National Labor Committee
    A human rights advocacy group, dedicated to promoting and defending the rights of workers. Through establishing long standing working relationships with non-governmental, human rights, labor and religious organizations, primarily in Latin America, the NLC puts a human face on the global economy. The NLC educates and actively involves the public in actions aimed at ending labor abuses, improving living conditions for workers and their families and promoting the concept of a living wage and true independent monitoring.

  • General
    A SEED
    Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development. A global and diverse action network focusing on a broad range of issues, A SEED plays a critical role in involving young people in the struggles against ecological destruction and social injustice. They advocate the use of public opposition to stop the WTO in the same manner that it was used to block the corporate-driven MAI [multilateral agreement on investment] agreement. The web site presents many campaigns and publications and links to other activist organizations.
    Common dreams
    Direct Action Network
    A network of local grassroots organizations and street theater groups who are mobilizing communities to creatively resist the WTO and corporate globalization. Want a new world of free and ecological society based on mutual aid and voluntary cooperation to replace the current social order. The site provides links to many web sites.
    50 Years is Enough
    US Network for Global Economic Justice is a coalition of 205 grassroots faith-based, policy, women's, social and economic justice, youth, solidarity, labor, and development organizations dedicated to the profound transformation of the World Bank and the IMF. Based in Washington, DC, the group organized the IMF demonstration in September 1999.
    Forum Social Mundial
    Human Development Report
    International Forum on Globalization
    Founded in 1994 of over sixty activists, scholars, economists, researchers, and writers formed to stimulate new thinking, joint activity, and public education in response to economic globalization. The group believes the WTO is one of the world's most powerful, secretive, undemocratic and dangerous bodies that weakens democracy. The group's web site offers publications and teach-ins against the WTO and has links to the sites of many other activists groups listed here.
    Jubileu 2000
    The Millennium Forum
    Third World Network
    An independent non-profit international network of organizations and individuals involved in issues relating to development, the Third World and North-South issues. They represent southern interests and perspectives at international forum such as the UN conferences and processes. The group's issues include: WTO, UTNCTAD, biotechnology, biodiversity, environment, human rights, gender issues, health, agriculture, UN/peace and security, economics, and third world resurgence.

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Centro de Estudos Sociais MacArthur Foundation
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian