César Rodríguez
- 1998-today - Ph.D. Candidate. Institute for Law and Society. New York University, New York City, USA
- May 1998 - Master of Arts in Philosophy, National University, Bogotá, Colombia. Thesis Title: "Critical Legal Theories"
- March 1996 - J.D. (with honors), and Diploma in Political Philosophy, University of The Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Thesis Title: "Hard Cases in Constitutional Adjudication"
Work Experience
- July 96-July 98 -
Assistant Professor and Researcher. Taught courses on Jurisprudence, Sociology of Law, and Constitutional Law. Assisted the reform of the curriculum and teaching methods. Participated in sociolegal research projects. University of The Andes Law School, Bogotá, Colombia (currently on leave of absence).
- April 95-July 96 - Research Assistant.
Performed field work in sociolegal research projects. Helped sytematize rulings of the Constitutional Court. Drafted preliminary grant proposals. Center for Sociolegal Studies, University of The Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
- July 94-April 95 - Clerk (Justice Carlos Gaviria)
. Prepared drafts of the Court’s rulings. Researched constitutional issues. Colombian Constitutional Court, Bogotá.
Research Projects
- Sociolegal Study of Colombian Civil Courts (1992-1996),
January-July 199. Director. Funded by the Center for Sociolegal Research, University of The Andes.
- Colombian Labor Courts: An Interdisciplinary Study
, August 97- April 98. Director. Funded by the Department of Justice of Colombia.
- Annual Sociolegal Study of Colombian Criminal Justice (1995-1996),
October 96-July 97. Co-director. Funded by the National Council of the Judiciary.
- Sociolegal Analysis of Justice in Colombia
, January 96-July 98. Co-researcher. Co-directors: Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Mauricio García. Funded by the Colombian Council for Scientific Research, and the Department of Justice of Colombia. Participated in sub-projects on civil, family and labor courts.
- Social Impact of Welfare Constitutional Rights in Colombia
, January-October 96. Co-researcher. Director: Mauricio García. Funded by the Colombian Council for Scientific Research.
- Sociolegal Analysis of the Efficacy of Constitutional Actions in Colombia, April-December 95.
- Research Assistant.
Director: Mauricio Garcia. Funded by the Department of Justice of Colombia.
Published Works
- "La justicia civil y de familia" ("Civil and Family Courts in Colombia"), in: Boaventura Santos and Mauricio Garcia, ed. La justicia en Colombia (Justice in Colombia), forthcoming.
- "La justicia laboral" (Labor Courts in Colombia), in: Boaventura Santos and Mauricio Garcia, ed. La justicia en Colombia (Justice in Colombia), forthcoming.
- (With Mauricio García) "La justicia en sociedades semiperiféricas: Los casos de Portugal y Colombia" (Courts in Semiperipheral Societies: The Cases of Portugal and Colombia), forthcoming.
- "Una crítica contra los dogmas de la coherencia del derecho y la neutralidad de los jueces: Los estudios críticos del derecho y la teoría de la decisión judicial" (A Critique Against the Dogmas of the Coherence of Law and Judicial Neutrality: Critical Legal Studies and the Theory of Adjudication), in: Duncan Kennedy, Libertad y restricción en la decisión judicial (Freedom and Constraint in Adjudication), Siglo del Hombre Editores, Bogotá, 1999.
- "El test de razonabilidad y el derecho a la igualdad" (The Rationality Test and the Right to Equal Treatment), in: Observatorio de Justicia Constitucional (An Observatory of Constitutional Justice), Siglo del Hombre Editores, Bogotá, 1998.
- "Crónica de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional en 1996" (A Chronicle of the Decisions of the Colombian Constitutional Court in 1996) in: Observatorio de Justicia Constitucional (An Observatory of Constitutional Justice), Siglo del Hombre Editores, Bogotá, 1998.
- "Teoría jurídica y decisión judicial: En torno al debate Hart-Dworkin" (Jurisprudence and Adjudication: On the Hart-Dworkin Debate), in: La decisión judicial: El debate Hart-Dworkin (Adjudication: The Hart-Dworkin Debate), Siglo del Hombre Editores, Bogotá, 1997.
- (With Mauricio García et al.) Justicia constitucional y acción de tutela (Constitutional Justice and Constitutional Actions), Center for Sociolegal Research, Universidad de Los Andes, 1997.
- "Los casos difíciles en la jurisprudencia constitucional colombiana" (Hard Cases in Colombian Constitutional Law), in: Nueva interpretación constitucional (New Constitutional Interpretation), Universidad de Antioquia-DIKE, Medellín, 1997.
- Hermenéutica jurídica y activismo judicial (Legal Hermeneutics and Judicial Activism), in: Revista de Derecho Público de la Universidad de Los Andes (University of The Andes Public Law Journal), 7, 1996.
- "¿Qué es el interés público? A propósito de los conceptos jurídicos indeterminados" (What is Public Interest? On Fuzzy Legal Concepts), in: Revista de Derecho Público de la Universidad de Los Andes, (University of The Andes Public Law Journal), 5, 1995.
Prizes and Fellowships
- Fulbright Fellow, 1998-2001.
- New York University. Graduate School of Arts and Science. Tuition Fellowship. 1998-2001.
- University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. National Prize of Constitutional Law (1997), for "Hard Cases in Colombian Constitutional Law"
- National University, Bogotá, Colombia. Tuition Fellowship to the best GPA in the Masters Program in Philosophy, 1996-1997.