José Manuel de Oliveira Mendes
Present Academic Appointment
Lecturer of Sociology in the School of Economics, University of Coimbra.
- 1991 - MA in the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Azores. Research report : " The American Dream: Social Change and Strategies of Social Reproduction in Two Local Spaces ", a case study in Terceira Island-Azores, under the supervision of Prof. João Ferreira de Almeida.
- 1985 - Graduated in Sociology by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon, with the final grade of 15 (0-20).
Professional Experience
- 1996-1999 - Co-coordinator of the section "National Identity and Local Identities of the Portuguese in a Globalized World", which is part of the large project "Portuguese Society Facing the Challenges of Globalization: Economical, Social and Cultural Modernization", directed by Prof. Boaventura Sousa Santos of the Center for Social Studies (C.E.S.), Coimbra.
- 1996-1998 - Director of the project "Identities in Context: The Construction of Azorianity" supported by JNICT.
- 1994-1996 - Co-director of the project "Class Structures and Class Trajectories in Portugal", under the institutional coordination of the Center for Social Studies (C.E.S.), Coimbra, and financed by JNICT (National Board for the Scientific and Technological Research).
- 1994-1997 - On paid leave to prepare and present his Phd. Thesis.
- 1993/1994 - Lecturer of Sociology in the School of Economics, University of Coimbra, on the courses of Introduction and Methodology of Social Sciences and Sociology of Social Classes and Stratification.
- 1992 - Lecturer of Sociology at the School of Economics, University of Coimbra, on the courses of Introduction and Methodology of Social Sciences and Social Structure of the Population.
- 1992 - Associate Researcher in the Center for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra.
- 1991 - Teacher in a short seminar for agricultural extensionists and farmers, about evaluation and rural extension methodologies.
- 1991 - Teacher in a Nursing Graduate Program, with the course: " Methodology of Social Research".
- 1990/1991 - Member of a multidisciplinary team responsible for the Municipal Plan of Corvo Island and for The Urban and Cultural Recovery Plan of the Town of Angra do Heroismo.
- 1990 - Assistant researcher in the project : " Young Farmers and the Idea of Europe: Social Representations about the European Community", supervised by Prof. Nelson Lourenço, School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon.
- 1989 - Teacher of professional training programs (high school level), with the course of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology.
- 1988-1991- Responsible for the project : " Evaluation of the results/impact of the agricultural training programs and rural extension for the Development of Azorean Agriculture".
- 1988 - Participant in the seminar " Operations Research: Regional and Urban Planning", promoted by the University of Azores, School of Economics -New University of Lisbon (U.N.L.) and Higher Technical Institute (IST) of Lisbon.
- 1988 - Member of the Portuguese Association of Sociology (APS).
- 1987/1991 - Junior lecturer on Rural Sociology and Rural Extension at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Azores.
- 1985-1987 - Job in the Regional Government of Azores. Responsible for projects and social programs related with poverty.
Conferences and Lectures
- "As Cidades em Festa: Identidades Performativas e o Jogo das Tradições" (Festivities in the Cities: Performative Identities and the Play of Traditions), presented in the meeting "Cidade e Metrópole. Centralidades e Marginalidades", Oeiras, January 24 and 25.
- "As Classes Sociais em Portugal: Resultados de uma Pesquisa" (Social Classes in Portugal: Some Conclusions from a Research Project). Seminar presented in Departamento de Economia e Sociologia of the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, June 22.
- (with Elisio Estanque)"Estrutura de Classes e Mobilidade Social na Sociedade Portuguesa: um estudo apoiado no modelo de Erik Olin Wright" (Class Structure and Social Mobility in the Portuguese Society: A Study Based on the Model of Erik Olin Wright), presented in 1º Congresso Português de Sociologia Económica, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, March 4 and 6.
- "Mobilidade Social Relativa em Portugal: Alguns Resultados e algumas Reflexões" (Relative Social Mobility in Portugal: Some Results and Reflexions", presented in the seminar "Movilidad Social Relativa en España y Portugal", Departamento de Sociologia VI, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, March 26 and 27.
- "A Produção de Identidades em Contexto Insular" (The Production of Identities in an Island Context), presented at the Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, May 27.
- "Class Structure and Intergenerational Mobility in Portugal: The Importance of Gender and Skills", in the"VIII Meeting of the Comparative Project on Class Structure and Class Consciousness" with the suject of "Reconfigurations of Class and Gender", Australian National University, Canberra, 1 - 3 of August.
- "Class Structure and Intergenerational Mobility in Portugal: The Importance of Gender and Skills", in the 3rd European Feminist Conference, 8 - 12 of July, 1997, Coimbra, University of Coimbra.
- "As Classes Sociais em Portugal: A Mobilidade Social e a Igualdade de Oportunidades" (Social Classes in Portugal: Social Mobility and Equal Opportunities", introductory paper in the IV Meeting of The Undergraduate Course of Sociology of Organizations, "Portugal 1974-1995: More (Un) Equal?", 27 - 28 of May, Braga, Universidade of Minho.
- "Identidade e Região: Reflexões num Início de Pesquisa nos Açores" (Identity and Region: Reflexions in the Beginning of a Research in Azores", Research Seminar in the Center for Social Studies, Coimbra.
- "Cada Ilha o Seu Mundo": Região e Regionalismo nos Açores" (Each Island a World of Its Own: Region and Regionalism in Azores), paper presented to the 3rd Meeting of the Portuguese Sociological Association, 7 - 9 of February, Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
- "Digam-me Quem Sou: As Identidades Sociais como Políticas e como Estratégias" (Tell Me Who I Am: Social Identities as Politics and Strategies", paper presented to the Meeting of the School of Economics, University of Coimbra, 28 - 29 of April.
- "Integração Europeia: Políticas, Estratégias e Identidades Sociais" (European Integration: Policies, Strategies and Social Identities), Meeting on Cultural Dynamics, Citizenship and Local Development, promoted by the Portuguese Association of Sociology, Vila do Conde.
- " Mudança Social, Sistemas Regionais e Dinâmicas Familiares " (Social Change, Regional Systems and Family Dynamics), Research Team on the Sociology of Family, Lisbon, ISCTE.
- " Sistemas Regionais e Espaços Locais: Mudança e Estratégias de Reprodução Social (o Caso dos Açores) ( Regional Systems and Local Spaces: Social Change and Strategies of Social Reproduction - the Case of Azores), 2nd Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Sociology, Lisbon.
- "Desenvolvimento e Mudança Social: A Articulação entre o Local e o Extra-Local" (Development and Social Change: The Link between the Local and the Extra Local), Seminar of Regional Science, Angra do Heroismo.
Research and Publications
- (with Elisio Estanque), "Análise de Classes e Mobilidade Social em Portugal: Um Breve Balanço Crítico (Class Analysis and Social Mobility in Portugal: A Brief and Critical Evaluation)", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº 52/53, (November/February), pp. 173-198.
- with Elisio Estanque, Classes e Desigualdades Sociais em Portugal: Um Estudo Comparativo (Classes and Social Inequalities in Portugal: A Comparative Project, Porto, Edições Afrontamento;
- "Class Structure and Intergenerational Mobility in Portugal: The Importance of Gender and Skills", in Virgínia Ferreira et al., (eds.), Shifting Bonds, Shifting Bounds.Women, Mobility and Citizenship in Europe, Lisboa, Edições Celta;
- "Mobilidade Social em Portugal: O Papel da Diferença Sexual e das Qualificações" (Class Structure and Intergenerational Mobility in Portugal: The Importance of Gender and Skills), Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº 49, Novembro, pp. 127-156.
- Estrutura de Classes e Trajectórias de Classe em Portugal" (Class Structures and Class Trajectories in Portugal", research report of a project supported by JNICT;
- "O Regionalismo como Construção Identitária: O Caso dos Açores" (Regionalism as an Identity Construction: The Case of the Azores), Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº 45, May;
- "As Identidades Sociais como Políticas e como Estratégias: O Caso dos Açores" (Social Identities as Policies and Strategies: The Case of the Azores), Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº 40, October;
- "Integração Europeia: Políticas, Estratégias e Identidades Sociais" (European Integration: Policies, Strategies and Social Identities)" in Portuguese Sociological Association, Cultural Dynamics, Citizenship and Local Development, Lisbon, Editorial Fragmentos;
- "Integração Europeia: Políticas, Estratégias e Identidades Sociais".in Dinâmicas Culturais, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Local, Actas do Encontro de Vila do Conde, Lisboa, Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, pp. 537-554;
- "Sistemas Regionais e Espaços Locais: Mudança e Estratégias de Reprodução Social (o Caso dos Açores)" ( Regional Systems and Local Spaces: Social Change and Strategies of Social Reproduction - the Case of Azores) in Estruturas Sociais e Desenvolvimento, Actas do II Congresso Português de Sociologia, Vol. I, Lisboa, Editorial Fragmentos, pp. 900-921.
- " Sistemas Regionais e Espaços Locais: Mudança e Estratégias de Reprodução Social (o Caso dos Açores) ( Regional Systems and Local Spaces: Social Change and Strategies of Social Reproduction - the Case of Azores), Working Paper nº 31 of CES, Coimbra, CES.
- Sonho Americano: Mudança e Estratégias de Reprodução Social em Duas Freguesias da ilha Terceira (The American Dream: Social Change and Strategies of Social Reproduction in Two Local Spaces), MA dissertation, Angra do Heroismo, DCA.
- S. Maria: Situação da Agricultura (Agricultural Situation in the Island of S. Maria)
, research report, Angra do Heroismo.
- Evolução Demográfica e Caracterização Sociológica da ilha do Corvo (Demographical Evolution and Sociological Characterization of the Island of Corvo)
, research report, Angra do Heroismo.
- Opiniões e Representações dos Turistas sobre a Oferta Turística em Angra (Opinions and Representations of Tourists about Angra)
, research report, Angra do Heroismo.
- Estratégias e Representações dos Agregados em Angra do Heroismo (Strategies and Representations of the Households in Angra do Heroismo)
, research report, Angra do Heroismo.
- Socialização Política da Juventude: Estudo de uma Amostra (Political Socialization of the Youth: Analysis of a Sample)
, Graduation Final Report in Sociology, Lisbon, FCSH-UNL.
Scholarships and Others
- 1996 (August to October) - Honorary Fellow of the Department of Sociology of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, at the invitation of Prof. Erik Olin Wright and to work on the application in Portugal of the project "The Comparative Project on Class Structure and Class Consciousness".
- 1996 - Sholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- 1993 - Sholarships from the Luso-American Foundation for Development and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
- 1993 (August to October) - Honorary Fellow of the Department of Sociology of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, at the invitation of Prof. Erik Olin Wright and to work on the application in Portugal of the project "The Comparative Project on Class Structure and Class Counsciousness".