Leonardo Gomes Mello e Silva
- 1992 - PhD of Sociology (Universidade de São Paulo)
- 1985 - 1990: Master’s Degree of Sociology (Universidade de Campinas)
- 1980 - 1983: Graduated in Social Sciences (Universidade Fluminense)
Work Experience
- 1993 - PhD Professor at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (USP).
- 1996 - 1998: Associated researcher at N.E.D.I.C. (Centre of Studies of Citizenship Rights) - USP - Universidade de São Paulo;
- 1996 - 1997: Researcher at C.E.B.R.A.P. (Brazilian Centre of Analysis and Planning);
- 1993 - 1994: Researcher at the Department of Studies and Research of the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Plastics Industries’ Trade Unions of São Paulo;
Publications and research reports
- "Perspectives of the trade unions’ action in Brazil and in Portugal: comment on some isolated examples", Oficina do Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, July 1998;
- Review of Workers and Citizens. Nitroquímica: the Factory and the Workers’ Struggle in the 50s, Paulo Fontes, São Paulo: AnnaBlume ed., 1997, in Revista Latinoamericana de estudios del trabajo, December 1998 (in the press);
- (with Cibele S. Rizek), "Labour and Qualification in the Chemical Industry of São Paulo", Research Report. Programme of Research in Science, Technology, Qualification and Production, Agreement CEDES-FINEP- CNPq, 1995-1997, 190 p.
- Review of: The Workers’ ABC: Conflicts and Class Alliances in São Paulo, 1900-1950, John French, São Paulo: Hucitec, 1995, 368 p., in Jornal de Resenhas Nr. 16, Discurso Ed. 12/07/96 (ABC: the most important industrial cities in São Paulo, Brazil);
- " ‘Contractualization’ and regulation: the ‘sectorial chambers’ as an institutional form", Indicadores Econômicos FEE, Porto Alegre, 23(3), 1995, pp. 169-190.
- Review of Book: On the "Japanese Model": automation, new forms of organization and of labour relations, Helena Hirata (org.), Edusp/Aliança Cultural Brasil-Japão, 1993, 320 pages, in Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais Nr. 28, year 10, June 1995.
Participation in Congresses
- "The 90s: the future of the world of labour and the present-day paradigms of the trade unions’ organization: the ABC twenty years later". Seminar "1978-1998: the ABC of Democracy", the 20th anniversary of the strikes of the ABC of São Paulo, May 1998: Fundação Perseu Abramo/ NEDIC-USP/ Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth UNICAMP/ Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos do ABC. Exposition.
- (with Cibele S. Rizek) "Some comments on labour qualification in the chemical industry of São Paulo". XXI Congress of ALAS (Latinoamerican Association of Sociology), Section 2: Qualification and Competence, São Paulo, September 1997.
- "A negotiation which is being barred". IV Congress of B.R.A.S.A. (Brazilian Studies Association), Washington D. C., November 1997.
- "New experiences in the relations between capital and labour in Brazil: the ‘sectorial chamber’ of the chemical industry". IV Luso-Afro-Brazilian Congress of Social Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, September 1996.
- "Experiences of agreements between capital and labour in the chemical industry of São Paulo". II Latinoamerican Congress of Labour Sociology, Águas de Lindoya, December 1996.
- "New technico-organizational paradigms and its impact on labour in Brazil" (debater). IV Congress of ABET (Brazilian Association of Labour Studies), São Paulo, May 1995.