Marcelo Gomes Justo
(short version)
Academic Titles
- 2001 - Started doctorate program on Human Geography at University of Sao Paulo
- 2000 - Master thesis on Human Geography at University of Sao Paulo
- 1990 - B.A. on Social Sciences at University of Sao Paulo
Academic Experience
- Founder member of the Institute of Studies on Rights, Politics and Societies (Iedis)
- Associate researcher at Nucleus Interdisciplinary of Imaginary and Memory and Laboratory of Imaginary (NIME/LABI/USP), since 1999
- Member of the editorial council of the review Imaginário - published by NIME/LABI/USP.
- Professor at Association of Education in Itapetininga
- Researcher at Nucleus of Studies on Violence (NEV/USP), from 1992 to 1998
- JUSTO, Marcelo G. e SINGER, Helena. "Sociology of Law in Brazil: a critical approach",
in: The American Sociologist, Vol. 32, No. 2, summer/2001.
- Agrarian conflict and justice. [Suggested title to be published by Annablume/FAPESP]
- "Considerações sobre justiça e violência - o camponês paraibano como bricoleur". [Some considerations about justice and violence - "paraibano" peasant as "bricoleur"] Sao
Paulo, Revista Imaginário, NIME/LABI/USP, No. 6, Dec., 2000.
- "Noções de legitimidade na luta pela terra: um caso na Paraíba". [Notions of legitimacy on fight for land: a case in "Paraiba"] In: Revista do
Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais (IBCcrim). São Paulo, Revista dos Tribunais,
Year 6, No. 22, pp. 241-52, April - June, 1998.
- "Tão comum e tão estranho: os moradores de rua e as fronteiras de nossa sociedade". [So common and so odd: homeless and the frontiers of our society] In:
Caramelo. São Paulo, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU)/ USP, No. 9,
pp. 66-75, Dec., 1997.