Leonardo Avritzer
- 1998-1999 - Post Doc.: Political Science, MIT
- 1993 - Ph.D. Political Sociology, New School for Social Research
- 1984-1987 - Master: Political Science, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
- 1979-1983 - Undergraduation: Liberal Arts, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Academic Activities and Positions
- Associate Professor at the Master Program in Political Science at the School of Liberal Arts of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
- 1997-1998 - Member of the Board of Anpocs Brasilian Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists).
- 1998 - Visiting Scholar at MIT
- 1997 - Member of the Organizing Committee of the 21 st Latin American Congress of Sociologists.
- 1996-1997 - Chair of the Master program in Politicam Science at UFMG
- June 1996 - Visiting Lecturer: El Colégio de México
- July 1994 - Visiting Professor: Universidad Veracruzana. Jalapa. México.
- 1989-1990 - Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science of the School of Liberal Arts of the UFMG.
- 1987-1988 - Lecturer at Faculdade Mineira de Educação e Cultura
- "Teoria crítica e teoria democrática". Novos Estudos Cebrap n-53. Março. 1999.
- Modelos de Sociedad Civil. In Olvera, Alberto. La Sociedad Civil. El Colegio de Mexico. 1999.
- En Nuevo Associativismo Latino-americano. In: Olivera, Alberto. La Sociedad Civil. El Colegio de Mexico. 1999.
- "The conflict between civil and political society in post-authoritarian Brazil". In: Rosenn and Downs (eds) Corruption and Political Reform in Brazil. Lynn Rienner. 1998.
- "Um Desenho Institucional para o Novo Associativismo". Lua Nova nº 39. April. 1997.
- "New Cultures, Social Movements and the Role of Knowledge. An interview with Alberto Melucci". In Thesis Eleven nº48. February 1997.
- "Civil Society: the meaning and the employment of the concept". In Constellations vol 3 nº2. 1997.
- Guest Editor of a Constellations Special Issue on Civil Society in Latin America. April. 1997.
- "Racionalidade, mercado e normatividade", Novos Estudos Cebrap nº 44. 1996.
- A Moralidade da Democracia
. Editora Perspectiva. São Paulo. 1996.
- "Cultura Política, Atores Sociais e Democratização: Uma crítica das Teorias da Transição para a Democracia". Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. nº28. vol 10. 1995.
- "Transition to Democracy and Political Culture: An Analysis of the Conflict between Civil and Political Society in Post-authoritarian Brazil". Constellations vol. 2 nº 3 October 1995
- Sociedade Civil e Democratização
. Editora Del Rey. Belo Horizonte. 1994.
- "Movimentos Sociais, Inovação Cultural e o Problema do Conhecimento. Entrevista com o Prof. Alberto Melucci da Universidade de Milão". Novos Estudos Cebrap nº40.1994.
- "Entrevista com o Professor Roberto Mangabeira Unger". Cadernos do Legislativo. 1994.
- "Sociedade Civil: Além da dualidade Estado-Mercado", Novos Estudos Cebrap nº36. 1993.
- "O Conceito de Poder em Habermas". Revista Síntese 61.1993.
- "El Concepto de Sociedad Civil en el Estudio de la Transición Democrática". Revista Mexicana de Sociologia nº4/1992.
- "Juergen Habermas: A Razão de Uma Modernidade Antecipada". Revista Síntese nº 49/1990.
- "O Iluminismo Não É Mais Aquele". Farenheit 451, 1988.
Participation in Congresses and Seminars
- "The Media and the Public Sphere". Paper presented on the Rimini conference on media. 1998.
- "Change in associative pattern in Brazil". Paper presented at the 21st congress of LASA LASA (Latin American Studies Association): Chicago, 1998.
- "Between etatism and privatism: abolitionism and the formation of the Brazilian public space". Paper presented at the Max Weber conference in Erfurt.1998.
- "The New Latin-american Associationism". Paper presented at the 20th Congress of LASA LASA (Latin American Studies Association): Guadalajara.1997.
- "El Nuevo Associativismo Latino-Americano". Lecture given at the Torcuato di Tella University. Buenos Aires. 1996.
- "Elitismo Democrático e a Transição Para a Democracia". Presentation made at ABCP (Brazilian Association of Political Scientists).
- "Models of Civil Society". Paper presented at the 19th Congress of LASA (Latin American Studies Association). Washington. 1995.
- Organizer of the panel: The Relationship Between Civil and Political Societies in the Aftermath of Democratic Transitions. LASA. Washington. 1995.
- Participation in the panel on the Citizenship’s Action Against Hunger. ISER (Instituto Social de Estudos Religiosos). November. 1995.
- "Orçamento Participativo: nova forma de relação entre Estado e sociedade civil". Paper presented at the annual meeting of ANPOCS. (1994).
- "Political Culture, Social Actors and Democratization: a critique of the theory of transition to democracy". Paper presented at the ASA (American Sociological Association) meeting in Miami. (August 1993).
- "Democratization in Brazil and México: an analysis from the vantage point of civil society". Paper presented at the 17th Congress of LASA (Latin American Studies Association). Los Angeles 09/1992.
Grants and fellowships
- Macarthur Foundation: The Reinvention of Social Emancipation. 1999-2000.
- Ford Foudation: Civil society and Governance. 1998.
- European Community Alpha Projects: Media and Social Movements. 1997/1998.
. "The Construction of social Solidarity by Brazilian Civil Society: an analysis of the ‘citizenship action against hunger’, 1995. Fapemig 1996-1997.
- Ph.D. fellowship. Brazilian Research Council, 1990-1993.
- Fulbright Comission. Fellowship given by Fulbright to junior professors in Brazil to attend a seminar at the L.B.J. School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. 1989.
- Anpocs (Nacional Association of Social Science Researchers)-Ford (Brazil). 1989.
- José Albertino Rodrigues. Best book of the year. Anpocs. 1997
- New School for Social Research Albert Salomon Dissertation Award. 1994.