Ana Cristina Alvarez Caiano da Silva Santos
- March-May 2001 - Vocational training program on Equal Opportunities between men and women,
Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego (Lisbon)
- Since January 2000 - M.A. student in Sociology in the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (Masters: National Societies Facing Processes of Globalization).
- 1999 - Graduated in Sociology in the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra.
Work Experience
- Since April 1999 - Research assistant of Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos, at the Centre for Social Studies.
- Since January 1999 - Scientific and documental support in the Project "Reinventing Social Emancipation - Exploring the Possibilities of Counter-Hegemonic Globalization", founded by MacArthur Foundation.
- January-March 1999 - Research assistant at the Centre for Social Studies, working namely to Dr. António Casimiro Ferreira, Dr. João Pedroso and Prof. Maria Manuel Leitão Marques.
- October and December 1998 - Working experience in the Portuguese bank sector (Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Calhabé’s Agency).
- Fevereiro e Agosto 1998 - Part-time at the Centre for Social Studies.
Field of Studies
- Sociology of Power and Politics and Sociology of Identities.
Other Interests
- Identitities, sexual citizenship, participatory democracy, new social movements.
Presentations in scientific conferences
- August 2001: "Portuguese Law, Homosexuality and Sociology: some (di)visions
for the future", 5th Congress of the European Sociological Association,
Visions and Divisions. Challenges to European Sociology. University of
Helsinki, Finland, 28 Aug -1 Sept 2001.
- June 2000: "Religion and (homo)sex: socio-historic analysis of a Portuguese discourse", at the International Interdisciplinary Conference Gendering Ethics - The Ethics of Gender. University of Leeds, United Kingdom, 23-25 June 2000.
- April 2000: "Descobrindo o Arco-Íris: identidades homossexuais em Portugal" ("Searching the Rainbow: homosexual identities in Portugal"), in 4th Portuguese Sociological Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, 17-19 April 2000.
- Abril 2001, «Ética feminista» [«Feminist Ethics»], Revista Ex Aequo, Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Sobre as Mulheres
- Fevereiro de 2001 - (with Fernando Fontes), «O Estado português e os desafios da (homo)sexualidade» [«The Portuguese
state and the challenges of (homo)sexuality»], Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 59.
- 2002 (forthcoming) - «Politicised Sexualitites: Activism in the spheres of
AIDS and sexual orientation in Portugal», Cadernos de Saúde Pública.
Ministry of Health, Brazil, vol. 18, n. 3 (mai-jun 2002).
- 2001 (forthcoming) - (with Fernando Fontes) «Homossexualidades Portuguesas: entre o global e o local» [«Portuguese
Homosexualities: between global and local»], Actas das III Jornadas/Congresso da Revista Arquivo de Beja - Beja, 16-18 de
Novembro 2000.
- 2001 (forthcoming) - (with Fernando Fontes) «Descobrindo o Arco-Íris: identidades homossexuais em Portugal» [«Searching
for the Rainbow: homosexual identities in Portugal»], Actas do IV Congresso Português de Sociologia - Coimbra, 17-19 de
Abril 2000.
Other activities
- 1995- Acting experience in theatre at GEFAC (Grupo Etnográfico e Folclórico da Academia de Coimbra).
- 1985-1993 - Radio experience at Posto Emissor do Funchal.
- 1993- Member of the editorial staff of the local school newspaper Versus, at Jaime Moniz High School, Funchal.
- 1990- Honourable mention in a national radio contest, promoted by the Youth Secretary of State.