ADERE-PG - Associação de Desenvolvimento das Regiões do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês
EncontrArte Amares - Município de Amares
LRB - Investimentos e consultoria
Turismo Industrial de São João da Madeira - Município de São João da Madeira
ADXTUR- Agência para o Desenvolvimento Turístico das Aldeias do Xisto
Associação Domínio Vale do Mondego
Associação Luzlinar
Quico Turismo, Lda.
CECHAP - Centro de Estudos de Cultura, História, Arte e Património
LOOM New.Tradition
Município de Beja
Município de Mértola
Município de Reguengos de Monsaraz
Associação Odiana - Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Baixo Guadiana
Barroca, produtos culturais e turísticos
Loulé Criativo - Município de Loulé
Tertúlia Algarvia - Centro de Conhecimento em Cultura e Alimentação Tradicional do Algarve
ADERE Peneda-Gerês (ADERE-PG) is a non-profit entity, with interventions in the 5 municipalities of the Peneda Gerês National Park (PNPG). Founded in January 1993, ADERE-PG has developed projects in the areas of rural development, tourism, handicrafts, and vocational training for the benefit of local people, enabling them to gain new skills and create other sources of income. It contributes to the valorisation, promotion, and dissemination of the PNPG's natural and built heritage, both nationally and internationally.
Creative Experiences with Sense(s)
"Cultivating transhumance" (Sense: Touch)
A tradition whose origin is lost in time, the transhumance (the seasonal movement of people and/or animals to places that offer better conditions during part of the year) between Brandas and Inverneiras is still well marked in the municipality of Melgaço, and more concretely in Castro Laboreiro. The objective of "Cultivating transhumance"
is to revitalize the techniques and ancestral movements associated with these practices through thematic workshops related to seasonal agricultural cultivation, maintenance of irrigation systems, bread cycles, grazing techniques, and other community practices.
Location: Melgaço Date: 7/10/2017
Music and identity (Sense: Hearing)
Music is part of the cultural identity of this region. In all its expressions – the instruments, costumes, dances, and sonorities – the creative potential is endless. Through the promotion of different ateliers, with the aim of stimulating the discovery and knowledge of this art, we seek sharing and interaction at different levels. some of the creative experiences promoted are: the construction of instruments, embroidering or weaving the costume, the dance and the movements of the folklore, and music in relation with the territory.
Location: Arcos de Valdevez Date: 15/10/2017
Liquid Gold (Sense: Taste)
The floristic and geographical characteristics of these mountainous areas give the honey of the region a unique profile. The municipality of Ponte da Barca is recognized as a production site of excellence. Between Serra Amarela and the valley of Lima, a number of small producers and apiaries are distributed. It is here where the tasting workshops, maintenance visits to apiaries, participation in the process of extraction of the honey, and other activities related to this ancestral craft will be distributed.
Location: Ponte da Barca Date: 8/10/2017
Gastrobotanica (Sense: Smell)
The diversity of aromatic and medicinal plants present in the forests and mountains of Gerês are the inspiration for this creative activity, which is based on local experience and traditional popular knowledge of the identification of plants as resources for the most varied ends and applications. With the promotion of gastrobotanica, the goal is to bridge the traditional kitchens and contemporary eating habits. The creative experience presupposes involvement in the identification and collection of plants and fungi in the natural environment and transposing them for application in the kitchen.
Location: Terras de Bouro Date: 24/09/2017
Ethnographic Photography (Sense: Sight)
This kind of visual communication is a fundamental contribution to the historical record of communities and their cultures. In the lands of Barroso, Montalegre, more than a striking landscape, there is an ethnographic wealth of high value placed at risk by desertification. The involvement of the tourist in this ethnographic collection through photography is to go beyond the unconnected visit to the place -- it is to provide a moment of discovery and connection with the heritage and cultural expression of the moment.
Location: Montalegre Date: 30/09/2017
Language(s) available for the workshop(s):
Portuguese | English | French
For more information / Contact:
Website - www.adere-pg.pt
Email - geral@adere-pg.pt
The meeting of people, artistic experimentation, and a communion of affections consolidate the intentions that have propelled Encontrarte Amares since 2009.
Biannually, the Festival of Visual Arts and Animation Cinema proposes, through a pluridisciplinary program, a live dialogue between the radicality of contemporary artistic thought and the traditional heritage of the region of Minho.
Visual arts exhibitions, animated cinema, performing arts, radio, a series of discussions and theoretical reflection, artistic residencies, competitions, and educational activities give shape to an intense program that culminates in the four days of the Festival, promoting an environment of experimentation, participation, gathering, active contemplation, and freedom of thought.
Encontrarte Amares reinforces interest in the immaterial heritage of the region, evoking the gastronomy, customs, images and sounds, the stories and know-how. Hand in hand with the memory of the past, we will be confronted with a set of recent artistic projects that, in their various languages and themes, will defy us to think about what remains effective in the ordinariness of our days.
ARA - Artistic Residencies Amares: co-creation project
The ARA project offers visitors an experience of active participation in artistic creation processes. For 6 days, national and international artists, local community, and visitors - inserted in a very peculiar context - will share, collaborate, and create artistic interventions rooted in the Amarense heritage. This will be a cooperative moment of reflection and creation, gastronomy, art, and heritage.
Location: Amares Date: 24-30/07/2017
Language(s) available for the workshop(s):
Portuguese | English
For more information / Contact:
Website - http://www.encontrarte.pt
Email - direccao@encontrarte.pt
LRB is part of the ÉRRE Group of companies that, although autonomous, aim to generate synergies between each other through their complementary, specialized know-how. They share the vision and social participation of common shareholders who seek a more structured way to approach the market. LRB works mainly in the areas of Information Systems; Geographic Information Systems; Environment; Communication; and Security Technological Solutions.
For the creative tourism initiatives, a team of 2 permanent employees from LRB will be involved and 3 more in partial regime, reinforced according to the needs of the projects. The partner municipalities involved will contribute by compiling and updating of their tourism information systems and offers. Concerning the activities that will be developed throughout the project, they will be defined and scheduled in accordance with the availability of the municipalities (eg Workshops), and the cultural agenda of the municipalities.
Creative Tourism in the territories of Montalegre, Boticas and Guimarães in Augmented Reality
BOTICAS - Boticas, an eco-sustainable food destination
→ Creation of a local gastronomic chain, from the producers, through the restaurants, to the final consumer: gather local producers and restaurants to create their own gastronomic brand, using the local products that characterize the region.
→ Create tour itineraries for the different local producers: Active involvement of the local community, through the tourist visits organized in the various local producers, the tourist can participate in some activities, and take some products to the restaurants, to be cooked. (Ex: trout fishing/cooking).
→ Mobile application: The creation of the gastronomic brand will be supported by a mobile application with augmented reality. In this application the tourist will be able to locate producers, restaurants and activities that can be carried out, as well as access to an interactive gastronomic chart, allowing the tourist to visualize (through videos, images) the production method / the preparation of the dish that it can be tasted in the restaurants.
→ Involvement and active participation of tourists in productive activities and confection of typical dishes: The tourist will have the possibility of being an intervener in some activities of production, or other normal activities that occur in a farm, depending on the type of producer chosen. On the other hand, the tourist will also be invited to participate actively in the process of confection of the dish chosen, in one of the attached restaurants, and to which will be associated a dish, always with the supervision of the chef in charge.
Location: Boticas Date: 2017 (September/October)
MONTALEGRE - Montalegre as a destination of the occult
→ Creation of an enchanted route between the Montalegre Castle and the Avelar Wood: Development of physical (e.g. signalization) and technological facilities necessary to implement the enchanted route.
→ Integrate existing events (eg Friday 13th, 31st October), with enchanted route and all local agents (public and private) that directly relate to local tourism: Creation of an interactive App with the technology of geolocation, 3D, augmented reality and image recognition integrating the different operating systems promoting the local tourism through the consolidation of the information.
→ Technology as a driver and differentiation factor of Montalegre’s touristic product: Active involvement of the local community, through artists and local distinguished people (e.g. Priest Fontes) in the implementation of the App (e.g. dubbing and representing characters of the main points of interest, by local artists and distinguished people).
→ Engagement and active participation of tourists in local activities: Participation of the tourist as an active agent that will unveil the enchantment existing in the course to create "enchanted course between the Castle of Montalegre and the Forest of Avelar". Tourists will have the opportunity to participate in the activities to be carried out by the municipality and entities that promote tourism in the region, such as: restauration workshops, ethnographic photography, among others.
Location: Montalegre Date: 2018
GUIMARÃES - Guimarães World Heritage in Augmented Reality
→ To create an interactive 3D guide with geolocation, augmented reality and heritage interpretation: The tourists will have the possibility to know and interact with the heritage through the activities foreseen in the cultural agenda of the municipality. The access to the wide range of patrimonial offer will be made through an interactive guide where the tourist will identify the places of interest and will create his itinerary to visit and to participate in the actions in course.
→ Involvement and participation of locals in the interactive guide: Basically the contents that will be made available to the tourists will be elaborated by the locals, for example, by artists and local illustrious figures of the municipality who will be invited by the Guimarães City Council to participate in the execution of these contents to be used in the App of augmented reality (ex. : Locution of the interpretation of the patrimony and execution of the representative figures of the main points of interest, by local artists).
→ Active involvement of the tourist as an opinion maker, evaluator and consumer of the Guimarães touristic product: Participation of the tourist, through the interactive guide, as an active agent who will give his opinion and evaluation, actively collaborating, in real time, for the identification of local issues and to profile the tourist that visits Guimarães.
This process will be done through an assessment, made by the tourist directly in the RA application.
Location:Guimarães Date: 2019
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.lrb.pt
Email: euricoloureiro@lrb.pt /creatour@lrb.pt
In January 2012, the city council of S. João da Madeira launched an Industrial Tourism project, financed by ON.2, consisting of a set of industrial tourist circuits. Through visiting different manufacturing units in the county, the project aimed to combine the preservation of the city’s industrial archaeological legacy with the promotion of both industries considered traditional and the new creative and technological industries.
Having achieved a prominent place at the national level, affirming itself as a reference project for other municipalities, the Industrial Tourism initiative now aims to extend its circuits to new companies in the county. The municipality is also coordinating the working group for the creation of the Standard of Quality of Industrial Tourism in Portugal, integrated in a technical committee presided over by Turismo de Portugal.
The Creative Industrial tourism project aims to create a set of Routes of Experience in order to complement the offer of visits to the local industrial heritage and to the live industry already promoted by the Industrial Tourism of S. João da Madeira since 2012. Inspired by models of collaborative participation, this initiative aims to provide tourists an opportunity to experience the daily life of a locality marked by industry, where a solid industrial fabric joins the technological and creative industries within a culturally and artistically rich environment. The Routes of Experience will be organized in four segments - Creativity, Gastronomy, Art, and Industry - providing tourists a series of workshops and experiences, sharing experiences, and building relationships between places and visitors.
Creative industrial tourism
Industrial Experience
On this route, visitors will have at their disposal a set of workshop-experiences that give them a chance to live a day as an industrial worker. Learn how to make a pencil, cut the molds in skin to make a shoe, listen to stories of life from individuals with life-long experiences of being hatter, or lunch in a factory canteen - these are just some of the experiences accessible to all. Offered in the companies of the Industrial Tourism of S. João da Madeira, the workshops allow learning and experimentation with the various steps of the production processes associated with the pencil, shoe, felt for hats, ribbons, labels, and mattresses!
Location: S. João da Madeira Date: to announce
Creativity Experience
Expanding beyond the factory experience workshops in the traditional industrial sites (the Industrial Experiences) we will also engage with the creative and technological industries, providing workshop-experiences in some of the companies within Oliva Creative Factory, one of the most recent workspaces of the city, representative of the diversification of the economic fabric of an industrial city. In close contact with the areas of graphic design, fashion design, ICT, performing arts, visual arts, urban crafts, and jewelery, tourists will have the opportunity to share a work day with some of the city's youngest entrepreneurs.
Location: S. João da Madeira Date: to announce
Gastronomic Experience
The Gastronomic Experience is closely linked to both gastronomy and creativity, rooted in the innovative capacity of the city's residents.
"If the essence lacks, you work the shape."
It’s an experience that aims to stimulate the municipality of S. João da Madeira by promoting it through cooperation between the various economic agents and local tourism and cultural promotion, recovering, preserving, and promoting local identity by associating it with gastronomy.
Nowadays, the city is known for its creativity and innovation with a past linked to the footwear and headwear industries, and this initiative offers an original experience testing the creativity of each individual, providing an action that gains form and flavour.
Location: S. João da Madeira Date: to announce
Art Experience
For a measure of creativity, it can be said that another equal or more of art and culture is needed. We’re more creative when immersed in a cultural and artistically stimulating environment. In this sense, the objective of the Art Experience is to provide tourists with the opportunity to receive inspiring cultural and artistic inputs, which are also a daily mark of this industrial city. But beyond simple spectators, this experience will also give them access to participate in local contexts of artistic and museological creation.
Location: S. João da Madeira Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Português | Inglês
For more information / Contact:
Website: http://turismoindustrial.cm-sjm.pt/
Email: turismoindustrial@cm-sjm.pt
VERde NOVO is a company that permanently seeks innovative ideas and approaches to create value (cultural, social and economic) from assets and resources that support the identity of territories and its people. For this purpose, we develop projects and activities in the areas of culture, heritage, tourism and territorial development, focused on the (re)discovery and valuation of assets and identity, based on creative and inclusive approaches, and oriented to concrete and measurable results. VERde NOVO provides services of consulting, training, tourist animation, selling of craft products, promotion and communication, design, and events organization.
Linen Craft of Cerva and Limões: weaving the future
This regular event is based on the phases of the linen cycle (from the seed to the weaving loom). The first desaLINHO will take place on June 4th, 2017 and will consist of a full day of activities concerned with the linen craft:
• Visit to the Linen Museum and representation of the linen cycle with the participants’ interaction
• Visit to the linen field and participation in a “weeding” activity (removal of weeds)
• Traditional lunch
• Weaving workshop
• Children's workshops
• Photo raid and photography contest
• Traditional music
Location: Cerva and Limões (municipality of Ribeira de Pena) Date: 04/06/2017
Outras atividades:
• Guided tours and interaction with weavers
• Weaving workshops
• Children's workshops
• Musical events with the tourists / visitors’ participation
• Contests (example: photography)
• Creative challenges involving creators / designers and weavers
• Exhibitions
• Routes / walking routes
• Intergenerational activities
• Recreations
• Festivals / traditional parties
• "Renting" of weaving looms - for execution of personalized pieces, the visitor can "rent" a weaving loom that will be available for a certain period of time until the piece is finished.
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | French
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.verdenovo.pt; www.linhocervalimoes.pt;
Email: steixeira@verdenovo.pt; alferreira@verdenovo.pt
The Aldeias do Xisto Network is a regional sustainable development initiative led by ADXTUR, in partnership with 21 Municipalities of the Centro Region and more than 100 private operators. ADXTUR's mission is to generate territorial attractiveness, stimulating a social and territorial sustainable and integrated development with nature and places.
Aldeias do Xisto aims to reinvent the culture of places with their inhabitants to create social and economic value in these territories. We invoke the memory of solidary of the rural and genuine community spirit to dare to do and experiment differently, based on our resources and opening the door to new thoughts and settlers.
Finding opportunities to face the vicious cycle of economic and social decline that most rural areas are facing today requires a renewed look at problems, exploring less traveled paths. Aldeias do Xisto has been building a living laboratory, inviting residents in these territories to create and experiment, and to create centres of transformation in the social fabric that are capable of germinating new ways of doing and being.
Schist Villages
Wood carving workshop
Creativity and woodcarving, working chestnut wood, one of the most noble and autochthonous trees of the region. New paths to an ancestral technique. Wood carving, especially the low relief technique traditionally associated with sacred art or furniture carpentry, can and should also go onward in other ways – new projects and contents, be they figurative or abstract, simple or in association with other materials or colors. This course is a creative approach to woodcarving as a means of personal and artistic expression. After an introduction to the techniques and raw materials, each participant will prepare his own project, accompanied and supported by the trainer in an atmosphere of friendship, cooperation, and mutual aid among all participants.
- Basic woodcarving techniques
- Finishing techniques
- Tool maintenance and safety at work
- Creative thinking and observation
Location: Cerdeira – Lousã Date: 1-2/07/2017
Ceramics workshop
An ancestral and therapeutic technique. See objects being born and growing from the work of your own hands while learning several pottery techniques, including the potter's wheel.
- Brief introduction to the history of ceramics
- Presentation of pastes and tools used
- Brief demonstration of the different techniques: lastra, roll, modeling, pottery
- Exercises with each technique
- Execution of pieces on the potter's wheel
- Approaches to finishing and decoration techniques
Location: Cerdeira – Lousã Date: 26-27/08/2017
Linen manual weaving workshop
The streets of the village of Janeiro de Cima hide secrets such as Casa das Tecedeiras, a space where the linen tradition is reinvented through pieces of modern design.
- Experimentation with a manual linen loom
- Contact with the weaving tradition
- Basic notions of manual loom mechanics
- Concept development of a manual weaving piece
Location: Janeiro de Cima – Fundão Date: to announce
Digital manufacturing Meet-up
The FabLab Aldeias do Xisto, based in the old town square of Fundão, is a space for low-cost creation and experimentation where there are no limits to creativity, betting on a strategy of innovation and entrepreneurship. Here you will find advanced technology for the ordinary citizen to find the best way to achieve their projects and innovative suitable solutions for those who seek new creative and entrepreneurial paths.
Program: Introduction to cooperation and knowledge sharing; contextualization; design; concept development; manufacture and testing of solutions.
Equipment available: 3D printer, cutting and engraving by milling CNC machine, milling machine and 3D scanner, cutting plotter, laser cutting machine and sewing machine.
Location: FabLab – Fundão Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | German (only at Cerdeira)
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.aldeiasdoxisto.pt
Email: marketing@aldeiasdoxisto.pt ; kerstinthomas1@gmail.com
Associação Domínio Vale do Mondego (DvdM) aims to initiate, organize, develop, and execute activities and projects in the area of Art & Culture, Biodynamic agriculture, Education & training, anthroposophy and philosophy, Nature & Ecology – in the Mondego Valley, in general, and specifically at Domínio Vale do Mondego. This work is intended for an international audience, and is organized by a diversity of artists and groups. Summer schools and Masterclasses form an integral part of the activities.
The Mondego Art Valley project is an initiative to be executed in cooperation with the FAIA Collective, a cooperative of young entrepreneurs, educated in Philosophy, Psychology, Biodynamic Agriculture, Ecology and Gastronomy. It includes the following objectives:
➡ to intensify the Art & Nature program (summer school, workshops, internships, courses)
➡ to internationalize creative, cultural and scientific tourists
➡ to extend the annual summer festival programme ESTIVAL throughout the valley of the Alto Mondego (and possibly the Serra da Estrela)
➡ to improve the accommodation and working spaces for artists-in-residence
➡ to offer truly year-round facilities
➡ to regularly involve professional artists
➡ to extend its network-capacity
➡ to include the local community (e.g., through arts and crafts, exchange of students, social activities, work)
Mondego Art Valley / Mondego Vale da Arte
Annual Summer Festival ESTIVAL
The annual summer festival, ESTIVAL, started in 2009 (as Angel Art Festival) and held in the territory of Domínio Vale do Mondego, offers a week-long program of collaborative artistic activities in the open air: Theater, Dance, Music, Fine Arts and Community-Art. People interact and connect with each other and their cultures through art and nature, as volunteers (25 people), artists (25 people) and participants (100 people). It is a small-scale festival where all the artists are residential and there is no backstage. Apart from art, good food from our own biodynamic garden, and sustainability and nature experiences are key aspects.
Location: Domínio Vale do Mondego, Quinta da Portela, Faia Date: 22-28/07/2017
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | French | German | Dutch
For more information / Contact:
Website: https://www.faiacollective.org/
Email: info@dominiovaledomondego.co
Luzlinar Association is a non-profit cultural institution based in Feital (Trancoso) with the purpose of promoting and disseminating the sculptural and performing arts and cinema, developing projects in the field of experimental art. We also collaborate with institutions pursuing the same ends to create spaces and forms of interinstitutional cooperation and to contribute to the study and dissemination of local and regional cultural heritage.
Since 1995, we have been holding Symposiums and International Seminars, Festivals, and Laboratories of Collective Creation, as well as countless artistic expression workshops and editions in different media, with the participation of dozens of artists, academics, filmmakers, critics and university theorists, theatre companies, and other groups of artists from across four continents.
Within the framework of the Arts Support Program of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture / Direcção Geral das Artes, we have developed a regular activity plan, whose main objective is to establish an effective link between the community, the school, and the university, in a program that incorporates projects with artists in residence, an educational project, and regional and national partnerships, and involves documentation and research components as well as exhibitions, meetings, conferences, and publications.
In 2016, we started a new project - Campus Jardim das Pedras - located in Serra do Feital, in the municipality of Trancoso, where we intend to develop and concentrate a significant part of our activities.
Campus Jardim das Pedras
Jardim das Pedras is a place of theoretical-and-practical speculation. It is an open laboratory of sensory experiences where reflection and thought are allowed through the observation and experience of artistic practice, fostering the individual's cultural development.
All the experiences are coordinated by technicians specialized in the different areas of knowledge.
Shelters Trail | Half-day experience
Take a sensory route following pedestrian routes linking the shepherd’s shelters of the Serra do Feital, which were built over the last centuries. Identify and discover existing shelters, their relationship with the landscape through the recognition of pedestrian paths, settlements and their communities, as well as learning about the local geography, topography, climate and other aspects. The experience also includes a visit to the Experimental Laboratory of Construction in dry stone and ends with a traditional snack in Jardim das Pedras.
Location: Feital | Trancoso Date: to announce
Experimental construction of Moroiços | One-day experience
Moroiço is a pyramidal or conical construction, formed by heaping stones using the dry stone technique developed by different European peoples thousands of years ago. This experience proposes the construction of moroiços in the Experimental Laboratory of Construction in dry stone of the Campus Jardim das Pedras, where each group builds its own moroiço – from the planning of the space to the construction of the object, the group carries out the whole project.
Location: Feital | Trancoso Date: to announce
Experimental astronomical observations | One night at Jardim das Pedras
With this interactive experience, participants are encouraged to practice astronomical observation. The activity will provide the fundamental knowledge that will help them understand and use the instruments of observation in astronomy in contemplating the sky, both with the naked eye and through telescopes. The experience also allows the participants to spend the night in the same place.
Location: Feital | Trancoso Date: to announce
The Experience of Photography | A weekend in Jardim das Pedras
The experience aims to promote photography, in its documentary aspect, as a way of understanding the landscape and how it can stimulate the perception of the individual's relations with "places" and territories. The action of walking in the landscape is considered as an aesthetic experience and involves recording visual data of this experience, which will allow for deeper understanding of the implications of the action itself in the semantic framework of the different elements of the landscape. The experience also allows the participants to spend the night in the same place.
Location: Feital | Trancoso Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | Spanish
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.campus.luzlinar.org
Email: comunicacao@luzlinar.org
The vision of Quico – Turismo, Lda is to develop a portfolio of tourism products that combine the excellence of personalized hospitality with a strong connection to local tradition and culture, combined with contemporary design and comfort.
The first brand of Quico – Turismo, Lda is Casas do Quico, located in Nazaré. The distinctive character of Casas do Quico is based on an engaging communication style, unique image (linked to Nazaré and the family), and a superior quality offer to the client.
Nazaré Criativa
The project “NAZARÉ CRIATIVA: riding Nazarenes creative waves” invites tourists to immerse themselves in the sea of creativity of the Nazaré people: experiences of local culture, creativity workshops, and staying at houses of people of Nazaré are part of this immersion into the Nazarene community. Participants will be accompanied by people from Nazaré, who will share life stories and other stories from Nazaré, as the creative activities unfold.
"Foto-Expedição: Porto da Nazaré"
A atividade que se pretende desenvolver, com recurso à Fotografia, deve atingir os seguintes objetivos: as pessoas como foco prioritário; captar as dinâmicas sociais e de trabalho no Porto da Nazaré; ter um olhar penetrante e crítico sobre aquela realidade; ver a fotografia como uma arma de denúncia para o que se entender necessário modificar (ordenamento do espaço envolvente, desigualdades sociais, dinâmicas de trabalho, poluição, falta de segurança, etc,).
João Delgado, nascido na Nazaré em 1977. Licenciado em Artes Plásticas e pós-graduado em Economia Social, sendo especialista em Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo e doutorando na mesma área. Pescador e mestre de embarcações de pesca local e costeira de 2004 a 2016. Participa desde 1998 em exposições, individuais e/ou coletivas de Pintura, Escultura, Instalação e Fotografia. Autor do livro de Fotografia “O Outro Lado”. Actualmente é vice-presidente da Mútua dos Pescadores com funções executivas.
Local: Porto da Nazaré Data: 27/01/2018 | 14.30h-17.30h
Preço por participante: 15 euros
“Confecção Carapaus de Pano”
A atividade proposta destina-se a dar visibilidade ao tecido que terá servido de base ao vestuário, e portanto, ao trajo da Nazaré. Quer as ceroulas e camisas, para os homens, quer as saias para as mulheres, foram e ainda são, confecionadas com escocês. Associamos a este objetivo um outro que diz respeito a tradição / modo de vida, da "seca do peixe" em geral, e do carapau, em particular. Surgiram assim os porta-chaves e marcadores de livros por serem de fácil e rápida execução e por poderem servir de "prendinhas". Pretende-se ainda que todos ponham a prova a sua criatividade e imprimam um cunho pessoal aos artigos produzidos.
Fátima Barroso, nascida na Nazaré em 1948, filha de mãe nazarena e de pai “paleco”. Licenciada em Biologia começou a dar aulas no ensino Secundária em 1972/73 até 2012, ano da aposentação. Apreciadora de arte, em especial a pintura de que é autodidata. Apaixonada pela Nazaré, trajo e tradições cria a marca "É Nosso" em que os artigos produzidos e os materiais são de inspiração e aquisição nesta terra.
Local: Antiga Casa da Câmara da Pederneira, Nazaré Data: 17/02/2018 | 15.00h-18.00h
Preço por participante: 20€ (materiais incluidos)
Língua(s) disponível(eis) para o(s) workshop(s)/atividade(s): Português | inglês
Para mais informação e inscrição nas atividades:
Email: nazarecriativa@casasdoquico.pt
Telemóvel: 969 946 64
The project “Mosaico - Conímbriga and Sicó” involves an array of Creative Tourism activities based on the valuable Roman Mosaic Heritage present in the geographical axis constituted by the Ruins of the Roman city of Conímbriga, the Roman Villa of Rabaçal, and the Monumental Complex of Santiago da Guarda. The project spans three municipalities: Condeixa-a-Nova, Penela and Ansião.
The project is headquartered in the "Monographic Museum of Conímbriga - National Museum" – an important center for archaeological research, conservation, and restoration of Roman Mosaics. This project organizes cultural and creative activities within the museum, interpretative centers, and archaeological sites in its program of action. It promotes active visitor experiences that involve learning about the Roman Mosaic Heritage and affirming this as an expression of creativity brought into the present and reinterpreting it now and for the future.
The Roman Mosaic Heritage present in this territory is an important artistic and cultural testimony of different moments of Romanization in Portugal – rich in materials, techniques, decorative motifs, images and narratives – all inserted in a Cultural Landscape to be discovered.
Mosaico – Conímbriga e Sicó
Composition themes of the Roman mosaicThe workshop begins with guided tours to observe the multiple composition themes present in the Roman Heritage mosaics of the geographical axis involved in the program. Following these tours, thematic workshops will be spaces of study and practice of Mosaic Composition. Through hands-on activities, participants will gain a better knowledge of Mosaic Art and the creative processes it involves.
The thematic workshops will involve both visual study and imagery recreation through two-dimensional language (graphic and digital), and will take place in several sites of the network of Interpretative Centers and Archaeological Sites.
Material recreation of themes of the Roman Mosaic
Based on thematic guided tours, workshops will allow direct contact with the Mosaic Art of the periods observed in the archaeological sites in the project, and participants will learn about the different materials, techniques, and processes of mosaic creation of Mosaic in the various periods of Romanization. The thematic workshops will be moments of creation and the technical execution of personal mosaics, in dialogue with the Roman mosaics observed and allowing for original creative involvement and self-expression in the processes of appropriation of this Heritage.
Digital recreation of themes from the Roman Mosaic
Guided tours will allow visitors an exceptional opportunity to observe and learn about the Roman Mosaics maintained in preventative conservation programs. Benefiting from the "in situ" interpretation conducted by professional archaeologists and mosaic restorers at these sites, participants will have the opportunity to learn about and practice digital documentation (2D) processes as a part of the visual documentation of the heritage. Participants will also have the opportunity to collaborate in the co-creation of digital databases (images and contents) on Heritage presented during the workshop, as well as in the post-visit period.
Heritage studies and mosaic creation (Integrated Summer Program)
The Integrated Program (weekly or biweekly) consists of a series of guided visits to the various Archaeological Sites of the project, conducted by specialists in the topics covered. From "in situ" observation and complementary studies developed in Seminars, related to Mosaic Art in different historical periods, practical hands-on mosaic workshops will allow each participant to creatively engage with the mosaic "language" of this artform, experimenting with its materials, techniques, and expressive resources.
The program is aimed at specific audiences and those interested in cultural heritage.
Conservation and restoration of the Roman mosaic (observation and intervention "in situ")
The Monographic Museum of Conímbriga - National Museum is an important centre of study, research, and conservation and restoration of the Roman Mosaic. It is therefore a unique opportunity for visitors interested in heritage preservation to be able to observe Mosaic's specialized preservation and restoration practices in situ, becoming familiar with the concepts and good practices in the specific field in question. This activity will allow visitors to become involved in preventive conservation programs, supported by experts, and in conservation interventions in process.
The program assumes cross-cutting approaches to relevant study themes and is dedicated to specific audiences.
Mosaic – Transversal educational approaches
The program of transversal educational approaches related to the Roman mosaic heritage brings together various disciplinary knowledges in interpretation and diverse cross-cutting approaches, from Geology to Computational Programming.
Artistic Residency / workshop
The Monumental Complex of Santiago da Guarda, home to important Roman Mosaic Heritage, will host a program of artistic residences within this project
The Artistic Residency Program presents several guidelines, depending on the fields of research, goals and articulation strategies with other initiatives of the project.
Artistic Residencies can be held throughout the calendar year and at any time, as they depend fundamentally on a specific program of activity.
The beneficiaries will be selected by invitation or by open tender made public.
Mosaic Festival
A Mosaic Festival will be held during the summer months, beginning in 2018, to promote both learning and creative engagement. It will take place in the spaces of the Museums, the Interpretative Centers and the Archaeological Sites of the "Mosaico - Conímbriga and Sicó" project network. The Mosaic Festival program will include thematic seminars and a series of workshops, aimed at different audiences, dedicated to a wide variety of themes relating to mosaic as heritage and as a timeless form of artistic expression.
• Conímbriga Monographic Museum - National Museum (Condeixa-a-Nova)
• Ruins of the Roman city of Conímbriga (Condeixa-a-Nova)
• Roman Villa of Rabaçal (Museum and Archaeological site) (Rabaçal / Penela)
• Monumental Complex of Santiago da Guarda (Santiago de Guarda / Ansião)
Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s)/activities: Portuguese | Spanish | French | English | Italian | German
For more information / Contact:
Website: http://mosaicolab.pt
Email: contact@mosaicolab.pt
CECHAP (Centre for Studies of Culture, History, Art, and Heritage) is a not-for-profit cultural association, founded in 2011, that aims to decentralize studies in the areas of culture, history, arts and heritage, and to promote awareness of these areas to protect and promote local cultures. CECHAP focuses on the "Zona dos Mármores" (“Zone of Marbles”) area in which it is located, and aims to be a active player in safeguarding the cultural identities of the area’s communities, fighting desertification of the territory, and awakening younger generations to their culture through educational and training programmes and through collaborations with other institutions.
“Rota do Mármore do Anticlinal de Estremoz” (“Marble Route of the Estremoz Anticlinal”) is an industrial tourism product focused on the marble stone. The route promotes this natural resource together with other natural and cultural heritages. It promotes the local territory, not only the marble industry scene but also the cultural expressions that are intrinsic to marble.
Rota do Mármore do Anticlinal de Estremoz
Our creative tourism activities enable participants to directly interact with the natural resource (marble stone), in the city, at the worksites of the marble industry, and with workshops with "canteiro/marmoristas" sculptors to learning the techniques used in transforming raw marble to finished works.
Marble creative re-use workshop
Create art pieces, such as marble panels, using non-commercialized marble (“marble waste”). Get to know the different colors and textures of marble, promote your creativity in marble, and provide a use for the marble that is left without a commercial destiny.
“Be a canteiro” workshop
This workshop is about working the marble stone with a "canteiro," learning different ways to use and work the marble stone and learning how to use the tools. The goal is to let visitors experiment and create their own art using traditional techniques.
“Nature in the marble zone”: photography to creation
Create a connection between the marble tours and the flora and fauna living in the marble industry zone through a guided photography workshop focusing on plants and animals, then use those elements as a inspiration to create art works.
Contribute to a poetry “litoteca”
Build a "litoteca" of poetry with the goal of stimulate reading. Connect it to marble by creating a monument with quotes or small poems sculpted on the stone. This monument will be a unique way to promote local culture and the community and, at the same time, provide a way for the visitor to play a part in the monument and have their contribution immortalized forever.
Location: Vila Viçosa | Borba | Estremoz Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | French
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.rotadomarmoreae.com
Email: geral@rotadomarmoreae.com
LOOM New.Tradition develops clothing made from the Alentejo blanket, woven in a manual loom from the Alentejo-Portugal, and brings this tradition to the World in a contemporary manner. LOOM works with several weavers in the Alentejo region, including the Mértola Weaving Cooperative. In this sense, not only because of its historical richness, but also because the traditional textile activities in Alentejo are now at risk of disappearing, LOOM has decided to run craft workshops with local agents that continue to perpetuate these activities. LOOM’s ultimate objective is to awaken local and international interest so that this traditional activity endures.
Craft-based textile workshops
Weaving workshop
In this workshop, participants learn about and execute samples of fabric, woven in a manual loom. This activity includes a theoretical component, covering topics such as the fabric’s graphical representation and the initiation of outline drawing.
Dyeing workshop
In this workshop, participants learn about and execute the whole process of vegetal stamping in cloth (linen), including a field trip to identify plant species in rural Alentejo.
Spinning workshop
In this workshop, participants learn about and execute the whole process of yarn making, from washing wool to manual spinning.
Felting workshop
In this workshop, participants learn about and execute the whole process of wool felting. Carding or combing wool is a very delicate ancestral technique that works, in a simple way, with the creativity of the maker and the sensitivity of the fibers.
Guided visit to the Weaving Cooperative/Workshop of Mértola
During this visit, participants will discover the Weaving Cooperative of Mértola, the only one of its kind in the Alentejo region, whose weavers keep alive tradition, continuing to produce blankets that use the same materials and techniques as were worked more than three hundred years ago. This tradition is at risk of disappearing.
Location: Évora | Viana do Alentejo | Nossa Senhora de Machede | Mértola Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): English | Portuguese | Spanish
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.facebook.com/loomnewtradition | www.loomnewtradition.com
Email: info@loomnewtradition.com
The Municipality of Beja is a local authority. The county of Beja is located at the heart of the wide plain of Alentejo (south of Portugal) and extends over an area of 1146 km2. Known during the Roman Empire as Pax Julia, Beja stately rises over the Alentejo plain. There are many reasons to visit and stay in Beja, taking the time to enjoy the famous hospitality of its people: heritage, natural beauty, tradition, gastronomy, history, culture… The flavours and the talents of its people are the main ingredients of Beja’s Creative Tourism programme.
Breadmaking Workshop
Bread is one of the most emblematic elements in the Mediterranean diet and in Alentejo’s traditional cooking. Outside the Alentejo, it is a symbol of the region and is used in almost all typical dishes. This activity will recreate traditional bread making processes, from flour grinding in an old wind mill, to the making and cooking of bread in a traditional wood oven. Visitors will have the opportunity to participate in each of these tasks and finally to taste the final result!
Traditional Cooking Workshop
Learn the secrets of Alentejo’s traditional cooking at the source, by those who have learned it from their mothers and grandmothers – this is our challenge to you! These sessions will teach you about the ingredients and techniques to recreate the flavours of a centuries-old gastronomic tradition, strongly influenced by the Mediterranean culture and very special in the art of creating intensely flavoured dishes from a simple base of olive oil, bread and herbs. At the end… enjoy your meal!
Buinho Workshop
The craftsman’s work rarely begins and ends in the making of a piece. For those who work with buinho (a local material from the Alentejo, similar to wicker) and know how to weave it into seats and chairs, this rule is no exception. Before applying it to the piece, generally furniture, the craftsman has to reap the buinho from the fields, to dry it, and to store it in a dry place. Only then does the process of application to the piece in hand begin. An experienced craftsman can make a chair seat in two or three hours. For the participants in this workshop, the challenge is simply to learn and try the most basic skills and principles of this traditional art.
Traditional Singing Evenings
The Traditional Singing Evenings will be moments of celebration of Alentejo’s Traditional Choral Singing – the Cante Alentejano. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the stories and the memories of the rural life from which Cante emerged … and also to sing. These workshops will be, above all, moments of sharing of old ways and memories, cheered up by the traditional “petisco” and a glass of wine, in which the strong cultural identity of Alentejo will be visited at its roots, through the melancholic powerful sound of Cante.
Telling a Tale
This activity celebrates local oral tradition, which is a fundamental aspect of Beja’s and Alentejo’s cultural immaterial heritage. Telling old tales, participants will recreate old traditions and ways of life and dive into the territory’s deepest cultural tradition. Around a selected theme of local culture, the ball of stories is undone. If told with spirit, these tales become the stories of our own lives.
Location: County of Beja Datae: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese │ English │ Spanish
For more information / Contact:
Website: under construction
Email: gdei@cm-beja.pt
The Municipality of Mértola is a local public administration entity with legal personality and administrative and financial autonomy. The Municipality of Mértola has a vast history of work around structuring and promoting the tourism offer of the county of Mértola. It was one of the founding partners of the Mértola Vila Museu tourism project based on the valorization of its historical and archaeological heritage that today is materialized in 14 historical sites in the town and the county. It is responsible for the tourist reception service of the Tourist Information Office of Mértola and the website www.visitmertola.pt. It has in its organizational structure a Tourism Development and Promotion Office that includes the following competences: strategic planning; structuring of tourism products; and promotion and marketing.
Creative Walks
"Creative Walks" is a creative and nature tourism project that will create a set of touristic tours composed of guided walking itineraries associated with creative experiences. The tours may be focused on the dimension of the walk (Creative Hiking Tour - Hiking with Experiences) or the dimension of creativity (Creative Residences - Hiking Experiences). The dimension of the walk is supported by the geographical and landscape identity of the territory; the dimension of creativity is based on cultural identity elements such as products, goods, experiences, values, history, arts and crafts.
In 2017, the Creative Walks project aims to structure tours (walks and experiences) around 3 identity themes:
→ "Creative Walks #1 with aromas", dedicated to the aromatic and medicinal flora of the Guadiana Valley;
→ "Creative Walks #2 with stars", devoted to stargazing and the sky/night theme;
→ and "Creative Walks #3 with flavour", dedicated to local cuisine.
The project’s implementation will incorporate a participatory methodology involving tour operators, producers, artists, and local artisans to create a differentiated and sustainable touristic product with added value.
Location: County of Mértola Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | Spanish
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.visitmertola.pt
Email: gabineteturismo@cm-mertola.pt
In the County of Évora, the town of Reguengos de Monsaraz stands out, whose magnificent setting on the Alentejo plain and in the blue waters of the Alqueva reservoir make it a tourist destination of reference in the region. Bordered by the Counties of Redondo and Alandroal to the north, Mourão to the east, Moura and Portel to the south and Évora to the west, the town of Reguengos de Monsaraz is located in a predominantly agricultural region. In addition to a rich historical heritage and a striking landscape, the County holds a strong identity characterized by traditional customs and practices, which are reflected in the cuisine, wines, and arts and crafts, most notably in São Pedro do Corval, Portugal's largest pottery centre.
Casa do Barro – Centro Interpretativo da Olaria de S. Pedro do Corval
Traditional pottery production, along the whole cycle
This cycle of diverse events will address all the stages and elements of the traditional production process of the pottery from S. Pedro do Corval, from the extraction of the clay to its cooking. Intended for pottery enthusiasts and practitioners, these events enable participants to deepen their knowledge of traditional techniques, and take inspiration from this heritage.
Working with clay
A series of workshops will allow visitors to develop hands-on experience with the stages of working with clay, including: clay extraction; potter's wheel; pottery cooking; pottery painting; and the whole production process of talhas (big wine pots). These workshops are intended to be practical, and to include children in kindergartens, schools, and extracurricular activities as well as youth in vocational schools and similar education institutions.
Pottery meets gastronomy: Traditional techniques and flavours
This series of activities combines pottery and local gastronomy. Initially, clay crockery was essentially utilitarian, used for cooking and food and beverage storage. Women used to cook in this clay crockery and take the meals to their parents and husbands who worked in the farming fields. With the emergence of plastic, which was more resistant and less expensive, crockery lost its utilitarian usage and became mainly decorative. However, we are told by those who experienced it, that cooking in the clay makes the meals unique. Even today, food is prepared and served in clay pieces, including in restaurants.
Gastronomic events will be held in S. Pedro do Corval, in particular, and in the county, in general, that will have this ancient way of preparing food - in clay utensils - with the help of great local cooks. For this, we count on the help of great cooks who have always cooked in this manner.
Location: Casa do Barro – Centro Interpretativo da Olaria de S. Pedro do Corval Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | Spanish | English
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.cm-reguengos-monsaraz.pt
Email: cultura@cm-reguengos-monsaraz.pt
The association Odiana was founded by the municipalities of Alcoutim, Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António in December 1998. It is a non-profit association whose main goal is to contribute to the economic, social, and cultural development of the Baixo Guadiana region.
Traditional Knowledge Workshops
The «Workshops of Traditional Knowledge» project aims, in a dynamic and interactive way, to revitalize and promote some of the Baixo Guadiana traditions, such as XXX.
The aging of the population has led to the disappearance of trades and traditions and it is essential that we can develop actions to minimize this pattern and risk of completely extinguishing local knowledge of the past, which would contribute to the de-characterization of the identity and culture of the Baixo Guadiana region.
In this context, we aim to revitalize local traditions and knowledge and to boost the local economy through developing innovative, participatory creative workshops based on learning and “freshening” ancestral traditions and knowledge, and promoting interaction between local craftsmen/artisans and tourists.
Location: Castro Marim | Junqueira | Azinhal | Odeleite | Furnazinhas | Corte da Seda | Clarines | Vaqueiros | Cabaços | Santa Rita Date: to announce
Language (s) available for the workshop(s) / activities(s): Portuguese | English (some)
For more information/Contact:
Website: www.baixoguadiana.com
Email: r.rosa@odiana.pt / joanagermano@gmail.com / v.matias@odiana.pt
We are committed to the development of cultural and tourism products , essentially in the scope of Algarve’s history and culture and we believe in the promotion of the region through its heritage elements. Our mission is to provide you an experience of what Algarve has to offer, in an attractive and creative perspective. We invite you to discover it with us.
We promote thematic cultural courses in different locations in the region and several creative tourism experiences, always connected to the territory’s values, identity, and sustainability. We create tailored programs to achieve our clients’ wishes, including group activities and family/children experiences.
Besides “Tempero” – which relates local traditions with gastronomy, design, and other visual culture subjects – we also offer activities on the route “Caminhos da Cal e Do Barro” ("Paths of Lime and Clay"), inspired by the old traditions of lime production in the region. Additional services in the area of culture can be consulted in our website.
To develop the “Tempero” project, we established a partnership with the designer Alexandra dos Santos, whose more recent work and interests are linked to the Algarve region’s cultural heritage, as well to the application of design as a vehicle of promotion and development of local traditions.
Sharpening your perspective. Interpretative walk and design experience
The participants will have the opportunity to learn to look to the surrounding landscape of Messines on a design creation point of view. It starts with a course to gather visual references and ends with a creative workshop inspired by the cultural and natural heritage elements, connected with local food.
Location: Municipality of Silves Date: 20-09-2017 | 7-10-2017
Capture Food Places
With the guidance of a professional photographer you will have the opportunity to develop your photography knowledge and techniques, at the same time you will know a bit more about the Silves history, through the places usually linked to food habits.
Some of the places to visit are, Municipal market, Municipal archaeology museum, Silves historic centre and its more peculiar places, or the landscape around town.
Location: Municipality of Silves Date: 27-09-2017 | 28-10-2017
Language(s) available for the workshop(s) / activities(s): Portuguese | English
For more information / Contact:
Website: http://barroca-culturaeturismo.pt
Email: geral@barroca-culturaeturismo.pt
Since 2015, the Municipality of Loulé has been working on creative tourism, having supported the creation of a network of partners. The Loulé Criativo project, coordinated by the local authority, is based on building value from the area's traditions and identity, as a driving force behind creativity and innovation. Loulé Criativo supports training and artisans activities and creative professionals, contributing to the revitalization of traditional arts and to the promotion of new approaches to the intangible heritage. The design of Loulé Criativo has several strands: creative tourism, which offers a program of immersive experiences in the local culture; the Area of Creativity and Arts and Crafts (ECOA), which aims to provide space and infrastructure for training; and Loulé Design Lab, currently in an installation phase, which aims to support the incubation of entrepreneurs related to the area of production and design and creative residencies.
Opening of traditional workshops: Louletana coppersmith workshop | The House of “Empreita” | The Pottery
Beat the copper and frame a bracelet
Visit to the coppersmith workshop place; presentation of the tools used in the profession; instruction on how to beat and frame the copper; creation of a copper bracelet.
From the forge to the kitchen
Visit to the coppersmith workshop place; presentation of the masters and various objects in copper, including the Cataplana. Visit to the Municipal market; instruction on how to choose and buy the products necessary for the preparation of the Cataplana. Gastronomy class, learning about, and participation in, how to cook the Cataplana.
The house of “empreita”
Visit to the permanent exhibition of traditional algarvian cuisine, in the Municipal Museum; observation of several articles in palm and historical contextualization; visit to the house of “empreita”; workshop on how to treat and weave the Palm. Try the “empreita.”
The enchanted Moorish in Loulé
Visit to the Municipal Museum; historical context: the use of amphorae in the time of the Moors; and shape the clay in the courtyard of the castle to produce a pot. Visit to the old fountain and talk about the legends of the enchanted Moorish legends in Loulé. Visit to the Pottery.
Location: Loulé Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s) / activities(s): Information available soon
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.loulecriativo.pt
Email: loulecriativo@cm-loule.pt
Proactivetur is a tourist animation company and travel agency specializing in ecotourism and creative tourism. It also provides consultancy services on local development, particularly in the valorization of traditional arts and crafts.
Creative experiences program
Cane, clay, wool, wicker, palm, native plants (teas, incense and homemade remedies)
Information available soon
Painting, illustration and photography
Information available soon
Location: Information available soon Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s) / activities(s): Information available soon
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.proactivetur.pt
Email: joao.ministro@proactivetur.pt
Tertúlia Algarvia represents the fulfillment of a dream of a group of friends who, in 2013, opened their first venue to the public. In addition to providing traditional meals, the space, located in the historic center of Faro, offers cooking classes and show cooking, craft workshops, business meetings, and exhibitions, among other experiences. In addition to those activities, Tertúlia Algarvia also organizes initiatives in other places, such as catering services, cooking classes, and show cooking.
Algarve Cooking Vacations
The Algarve Cooking Vacations project consists of a culinary holiday program of three to four day duration, during which participants will learn how to make various Algarvian recipes, such as cataplana of fish and shellfish; octopus appetizers; bivalves xarém (maize porridge); carob bread; and jam.
Each cooking class will be preceded by one or more complementary activities, such as: a visit to an olive oil press; a visit to a plantation of biological herbs; a visit to a greenhouse; catching shellfish with a shellfish man; a visit to a processing plant for carob seeds in flour; visits to local markets; a pottery class; a visit to the historical centre of Faro; a visit to a cauldron, where artisan cataplanas are produced.
More detailed information available soon
Location: Faro | Olhão | Loulé Date: to announce
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | Spanish
For more information / Contact:
Website: www.tertulia-algarvia.pt
Email: info@tertulia-algarvia.pt