VERde NOVO is a company that permanently seeks innovative ideas and approaches to create value (cultural, social and economic) from assets and resources that support the identity of territories and its people. For this purpose, we develop projects and activities in the areas of culture, heritage, tourism and territorial development, focused on the (re)discovery and valuation of assets and identity, based on creative and inclusive approaches, and oriented to concrete and measurable results. VERde NOVO provides services of consulting, training, tourist animation, selling of craft products, promotion and communication, design, and events organization.
Linen Craft of Cerva and Limões: weaving the future
This regular event is based on the phases of the linen cycle (from the seed to the weaving loom). The first desaLINHO will take place on June 4th, 2017 and will consist of a full day of activities concerned with the linen craft:
• Visit to the Linen Museum and representation of the linen cycle with the participants’ interaction
• Visit to the linen field and participation in a “weeding” activity (removal of weeds)
• Traditional lunch
• Weaving workshop
• Children's workshops
• Photo raid and photography contest
• Traditional music
Location: Cerva and Limões (municipality of Ribeira de Pena) Date: 04/06/2017
Outras atividades:
• Guided tours and interaction with weavers
• Weaving workshops
• Children's workshops
• Musical events with the tourists / visitors’ participation
• Contests (example: photography)
• Creative challenges involving creators / designers and weavers
• Exhibitions
• Routes / walking routes
• Intergenerational activities
• Recreations
• Festivals / traditional parties
• "Renting" of weaving looms - for execution of personalized pieces, the visitor can "rent" a weaving loom that will be available for a certain period of time until the piece is finished.
Language(s) available for the workshop(s): Portuguese | English | French
For more information / Contact: