ADERE Peneda-Gerês (ADERE-PG) is a non-profit entity, with interventions in the 5 municipalities of the Peneda Gerês National Park (PNPG). Founded in January 1993, ADERE-PG has developed projects in the areas of rural development, tourism, handicrafts, and vocational training for the benefit of local people, enabling them to gain new skills and create other sources of income. It contributes to the valorisation, promotion, and dissemination of the PNPG's natural and built heritage, both nationally and internationally.
Creative Experiences with Sense(s)
"Cultivating transhumance" (Sense: Touch)
A tradition whose origin is lost in time, the transhumance (the seasonal movement of people and/or animals to places that offer better conditions during part of the year) between Brandas and Inverneiras is still well marked in the municipality of Melgaço, and more concretely in Castro Laboreiro. The objective of "Cultivating transhumance"
is to revitalize the techniques and ancestral movements associated with these practices through thematic workshops related to seasonal agricultural cultivation, maintenance of irrigation systems, bread cycles, grazing techniques, and other community practices.
Location: Melgaço Date: 7/10/2017
Music and identity (Sense: Hearing)
Music is part of the cultural identity of this region. In all its expressions – the instruments, costumes, dances, and sonorities – the creative potential is endless. Through the promotion of different ateliers, with the aim of stimulating the discovery and knowledge of this art, we seek sharing and interaction at different levels. some of the creative experiences promoted are: the construction of instruments, embroidering or weaving the costume, the dance and the movements of the folklore, and music in relation with the territory.
Location: Arcos de Valdevez Date: 15/10/2017
Liquid Gold (Sense: Taste)
The floristic and geographical characteristics of these mountainous areas give the honey of the region a unique profile. The municipality of Ponte da Barca is recognized as a production site of excellence. Between Serra Amarela and the valley of Lima, a number of small producers and apiaries are distributed. It is here where the tasting workshops, maintenance visits to apiaries, participation in the process of extraction of the honey, and other activities related to this ancestral craft will be distributed.
Location: Ponte da Barca Date: 8/10/2017
Gastrobotanica (Sense: Smell)
The diversity of aromatic and medicinal plants present in the forests and mountains of Gerês are the inspiration for this creative activity, which is based on local experience and traditional popular knowledge of the identification of plants as resources for the most varied ends and applications. With the promotion of gastrobotanica, the goal is to bridge the traditional kitchens and contemporary eating habits. The creative experience presupposes involvement in the identification and collection of plants and fungi in the natural environment and transposing them for application in the kitchen.
Location: Terras de Bouro Date: 24/09/2017
Ethnographic Photography (Sense: Sight)
This kind of visual communication is a fundamental contribution to the historical record of communities and their cultures. In the lands of Barroso, Montalegre, more than a striking landscape, there is an ethnographic wealth of high value placed at risk by desertification. The involvement of the tourist in this ethnographic collection through photography is to go beyond the unconnected visit to the place -- it is to provide a moment of discovery and connection with the heritage and cultural expression of the moment.
Location: Montalegre Date: 30/09/2017
Language(s) available for the workshop(s):
Portuguese | English | French
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