"Everything in Nature is a part of Science."

The First International Conference on

SCIENCE MATTERS: A Unified Perspective

Abstracts submission:

Late abstracts welcome (see Deadlines section). Registration fee reduced (see Registration section).

Wait for notification of acceptance of your abstract, which will be sent to you before April 5, 2007.

Attached is the abstract sample that can be download.

The instruction to submit abstract is as follows:
  1. Download the abstract sample or copy it from our webpage. Use it as an example or as a template.
  2. The abstract should be prepared with MS Word, within one page of A4 paper.
  3. Submit your one-page abstract as attachment simultaneously to both the cochairs (Lui Lam - lui2002lam@yahoo.com and Maria Burguete - mariaburguete@gmail.com).
  4. Wait for notification of acceptance of your abstract, which will be sent to you before March 15, 2007.


Ericeira, Portugal 28-30 May 2007