Duarte, Madalena (2013), "Sexual Trafficking, Prostitution and Gender: Challenging the Legal System". Communication presented in Law & Society annual meeting: Power, Privilege, and the Pursuit of Justice: Legal Challenges in Precarious Times, Boston, 30 May - 02 June.
Pérez, Carmen; Marugán, Begoña; Cassaín, Laura y Gómez, Itziar (2013), "La trata con fines de explotación sexual. El "nuevo juego" del mundo criminal en Europa". Communication presented in XI Congreso Español de Sociología, Madrid, 10, 11 y 12 july.
Pérez, Carmen (2013), "Las víctimas de la trata de seres humanos. La protección frente a la devolución al país de origen", Pérez, Carmen (Coord.), Derecho Internacional y protección de mujeres migrantes en situación de especial vulnerabilidad. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc, forthcoming.
Pop, Lia; Matiuta, Cristina; Albu, Ioana (Eds.) (2013), Trafficking in Human Beings: Questions and Answers. Oradea: Editura Universitatii din Oradea (Romania).
Ribeiro, Tiago; Oliveira, Ana; Duarte, Madalena (2014), Participation in I Ciclo de Conferências Internacionais "O Crime Organizado e o Tráfico de Pessoas: Reflexões e Dilemas Internacionais", on the subject “O tráfico de pessoas e a dificuldade da prova”. Instituto Superior Bissaya Barreto (Coimbra), 20 May.
Ribeiro, Tiago; Oliveira, Ana; Duarte, Madalena (2014), Participation in the debate on Traffickinh in Human Beings, organized by Saúde em Português (NGO), within the Project "Preconceito Zero - Trilhos da Igualdade". FNAC (Coimbra), 07 May.
With the financial support from the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of the European Union
European Commission - Directorate-General Home Affairs