Participatory Budgets in Sweden

This project runs upon the implementation of participatory budget in Sweden. SALAR initiated a project in 2006, named “Engagement and citizen dialogue” that works with several thematic networks with the aim of developing methods of involving citizens in public decisions through different instruments. One specific network seeks the promotion of participatory budget techniques. SALAR identified CES as an international source of important knowledge on themes of deliberative democracy and, mainly, within the participatory budget. Thus, CES was invited to carry out a series of activities that follow the thematic root of the Swedish project, for a period of 4 years. This period began in early 2007 with some interchange activities between Sweden and Portugal that involved stays of Swedish administrators and SALAR in the Lisbon area and field trips to Portuguese participatory budgets. The CES participation seeks, mainly, the following: discuss, implement and diffuse the Swedish participatory budget, through a series of scientific activities, such as: seminars , work meetings, individual consultancies, preparatory visits towards the integration of other European cities in the Swedish  participatory budget promotion network, publications among others.