Social innovation in service delivery: New partners and approaches

Social innovation in service delivery: New partners and approaches


Author: Ludwinek, Anna; Sandor, Eszter; Ecker, Berenike; Scoppetta, Anette
Summary: This report presents the findings of a research project exploring the involvement of new partners – in particular, the social partners, civil society and people in vulnerable situations – in social innovation. The research was carried out at EU level – focusing especially on the role of the European Social Fund (ESF) in social innovation – and in six Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Sweden. It examined the innovation and social partnership culture in each country, and analysed to what extent national-level policies have been triggered by EU policy. An executive summary is also available.
Pages: 60
Document type: Report
Reference: ef1354
Published: 19 August, 2013
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