Current country of residence
Date of PhD award
In the format dd/mm/yyyy
Post-doctoral Fellowship
If Global , indicate host institution for outgoing phase
Do you confirm to comply with the mobility rule applicable to the type of Fellowship you are applying to?
Mobility rule: The researcher cannot have resided /held her/his main activity in the country of the beneficiary (or host organization for GF) for more than 12 in the 36 months before call deadline.
Provisional Title (max. 250 chars.)
Abstract (max. 3000 chars.)
Characters: 3000
State of the art and Objectives (max. 5000 chars.)
Quality and pertinence of the project’s research and innovation objectives (and the extent to which they are ambitious, and go beyond the state of the art)
At a minimum, address the following aspects:
• Describe the quality and pertinence of the R&I objectives; are the objectives measurable and verifiable? Are they realistically achievable?
• Describe how your project goes beyond the state-of-the-art, and the extent to which the proposed work is ambitious.
Characters: 5000
Soundness of the proposed methodology (max. 5000 chars.)
Overall methodology: Describe and explain the overall methodology, including the concepts, models and assumptions that underpin your work.
Explain how this will enable you to deliver your project’s objectives. Refer to any important challenges you may have identified in the chosen methodology and how you intend to overcome them.
Characters: 5000
Quality of the supervision, training and of the two-way transfer of knowledge between the researcher and the host (max. 3000 chars.)
Please explain:
> which and how you will gain new knowledge and skills during the Fellowship
> why you are applying with CES as Host Institution
> which and how you will transfer previously acquired knowledge and skills to the host institution. What is the contribution of your project to CES.
Characters: 3000
Implementation - Work plan (max. 5000 chars.)
Please describe the project implementation plan in view of the objectives and methodological approach described above: work packages, timeline, deliverables, secondments (when applicable).
Characters: 5000
Please upload your CV (.pdf)
PDF only. Please use your name and surname when naming the file. Ex: NAME_SURNAME.pdf
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