CES has several publication lines designed to disseminate the
results of its research projects and other studies deemed to be of
The Revista Crítica de Ciências
Sociais (quarterly) accepts submissions
from national and international authors and publishes the results
of advanced research in every area of the social sciences and of
the humanities. It pays particular attention to studies that
contribute to critical knowledge of Portuguese reality and
prioritises work with a transdisciplinary potential and which
contributes to theoretical debate and to epistemological
reflection in a global context.
The RCCS Annual Review is an
annual online publication in English that includes a selection of
texts published in Portuguese in the journal Revista
Crítica de Ciências Sociais in the previous year. In
2009, the year of its launching, the Annual Review will
exceptionally publish two issues: no. 0, with a selection of texts
from 2005 and 2006, and no. 1, with texts from 2007 and 2008.
by The Centre for Social Studies since 2008, e-cadernos ces is a quarterly
publication with scientific arbitration that gather papers
resulting from conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as
research papers accomplished within advanced training programmes
and scientific research projects. Existing as an electronic
publication, occasionally, it shall, be published in paper format.
is an online publication of research results and scientific events
conducted by the Centre for Social Studies (CES). Cescontexto has
two distinct editorial lines: a) the line "Debates", focused on
the written memory of events organized by CES or with CES
contribution; b) the line "Studies", focused on the publication of
research reports produced by CES teams or with CES contribution.
The Centre
also publishes the Oficina do CES (about 30
issues annually), given over to divulging the results of
in-progress research, and which are available on-line.
e-journal of CES’s Doctoral Programmes, Cabo dos Trabalhos, is
likewise available on-line. This journal is exclusively designed
for publication of papers selected by the Programmes’
students, of conferences delivered by guest professors,
interviews, sundry information and other items of interest.
The Oficina de Poesia,
coordinated by the Anglo-American Studies Group at the School of
Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, is published with CES
support. In it, poetic discourse is understood as a discourse kept
at the margins of knowledge and as an exercise in citizenship,
inasmuch as it is work intervening in language.
Book Series consists of Ten thematic lines, each
one coordinated by two CES researchers: Cities and Architecture
(Carlos Fortuna and José António Bandeirinha);
Knowledge and Institutions (José Reis and João
Arriscado Nunes); Cosmopolis (José Manuel Pureza and
Boaventura de Sousa Santos); Democracy and Participation (Fernando
Ruivo and Giovanni Allegretti); Law and Society
(Conceição Gomes and Cecília MacDowell dos
Santos); Identities and Interculturalities (Maria Paula Meneses
andMargarida Calafate Ribeiro); Literature and Art (Graça
Capinha and António Pinho Vargas); Social Policies (Pedro
Hespanha and Sílvia Portugal); Risk and Regulation
(José Manuel Mendes and Catarina Frade); Labour and Society
(Elísio Estanque and António Casimiro Ferreira).
Given their
dimension and transdisciplinary perspectives, some projects have
led to the publication of specific Book Series. Examples of this
are A
Sociedade Portuguesa Perante os Desafios da
Globalização and Reinventar a
Emancipação Social: para novos manifestos,
each of which includes thematic volumes resulting from large-scale
projects carried out by CES.
researchers also author several works published by prestigious
publishing houses. The Saber Imaginar o Social Book Series,
published by Editora Afrontamento, whose editor is Boaventura de
Sousa Santos, numbers critical studies on diverse themes linked to
contemporary societies, with special prominence given to
Portuguese society.
CES also
has other ways of communicating with the public. Starting in 2004,
it has published the CESemCENA, newsletter,
with three issues annually. It includes news on its recent and
coming activities. These are also sent out by email, on a weekly
basis, to a wider network of readers.
webpage also makes available opinion pieces published by CES
researchers in the local, national and international press. Other
Other Publications
In addition to these CES publications, researchers divulge their
work in Portugal and abroad, whether in the form of books, or in
cooperation with a very wide spectrum of national and
international publications, or in other cases, in specialist
publications. These can be accessed on the page.