Interim external assessment of Initiative
“Bairros Críticos”
Research Team: Paulo Peixoto (Principal Investigator), José Reis, José Castro Caldas
Funding Body: Institute for Urban Housing and
Duration: 5 months
Start date: 11-02-2010
End date: 30-09-2010
Expected Results: The Study consists on the interim assessment
of the Initiative “Bairros Críticos”, between 2006 and
2009, in the three neighbourhoods covered by the program. This
assessment has the general goal of performing the analysis of
the management and decision-making models, considering the
participation of the agents and organizations involved in the
initiative. In this sense, the assessment is based on the
evaluation of the different modes and levels of integration of
the initiative's principles and goals in the implementation
processes. Through a cross-disciplinary perspective, taking
into consideration the three territories, the assessment aims
at presenting the initiative’s interim results, attempting to
promote a reflective feature which allows measuring the effects
and results of the initiative and the execution projects.