4th Advanced Training Course Justice XXI
Court Organization and Management

October 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th and 25th, 2008, CES Seminar Room (2nd Floor)


General Programme Information


Reforms centred on the organization and management of courts have come to constitute one of the main wagers of the judicial system reform agenda in many countries. In its basis, lies the idea that the path to legitimacy, efficiency and justice quality must pass through the quest for new solutions of organizing and management nature. Between us, reform of the map and judicial organization in progress has stimulated this matter. However, the lack of training and professionalization within the areas of court administration and management, has been acknowledge, thus introducing a permanent factor of limitation and incapacity in the governance of the judicial system, not only hindering, the efficiency of reforms, but also, arousing logics of action adverse to its objectives. This circumstance thus induces this training programme to initiate itself with a joint session of trainers.

The importance of this thematic, therefore, justifies the consolidation of a permanent advanced training programme in court organization and management within Advanced Training Programme Justice XXI. This advanced training programme aims to confront the trainees with the requirements of organising and management nature that are presently posed onto the judicial system and to allow them access more up-to-date models of public management and administration, duly applied to the judicial field, so as to enable them a better and more qualified performance of jurisdictional and justice administration activity.  For the professionals that will come to perform specific functions of court administration and management, the course aims to endow them with the capacity and theoretical as well as practical instruments necessary towards the achievement of the goals of the  court organization, administration and   management reform now in progress. The advanced training seeks introducing, besides necessary multidisciplinary orientation, a concern of comparative nature, motivating the discussion on administrative and management models applied in other systems. Furthermore, aims to frame it in what should be the principles and purposes of the construction of a new judicial system. These two angles constitute the central aims of the international conference “State, society and justice in the 21st Century: democracy, quality and efficiency in judicial courts” with which we shall initiate the training course.


Open to all justice professionals or with relation  to this sector, namely judicial magistrates and of public attorneys, lawyers, judicial clerks, technicists of State institutions particularly tied to judicial administration, post-graduate courses (master and doctorate) students. Also destined to the training of magistrates interested in performing functions of court presidents, coordinator magistrate, coordinator public attorney magistrate and judicial administrator*.

* Protocol with CEJ reserves an 8 place quota.


Portuguese Judges Trade Union Association
Centre for Social Studies/Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice
Centre for Judicial Studies

Course Coordinators

Conceição Gomes and António Casimiro Ferreira (Centre for Social Studies/Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice)
Nuno Coelho and Luís Azevedo Mendes (Portuguese Judges Trade Union Association)

Place and Information

The advanced training course shall take place at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra – Colégio de S. Jerónimo – Coimbra.

Housing arrangement possibility at “Casa do Juiz”, Bencanta, Coimbra (limited number). For those interested contact: justicaxxi@ces.uc.pt


Deadline for registrations: September 30th, 2008

Registration Forms:

Normal (200 Euros)

ASJP associates* (140 Euros) – Choose “other”/ “outro” when filling out the registration form.

*ASJP associates benefit a 30% reduction.

Online Registration


October 10th

Judicial power, court organisation and modernisation: new routes for justice administration

António Casimiro Ferreira – FEUC
Luís Azevedo Mendes – Auxiliary Judge, Coimbra Superior Court

October 11th


Court organisation and judicial administration in the context of State functions

Correia Jesuíno – ISCTE
Nuno Coelho – District Judge


Models of court organisation and management in compared experience and in Portugal: a new challenge for the judicial system

Paula Fernando – CES/OPJ
Paula Duarte Teixeira – District Judge

October 17th


Communication and information systems: the technological modernisation of justice as potentiator of court access, quality and efficiency. 

Anabela Pedroso – Agência para a Modernização Administrativa
Bruno Sá – DGAJ
Diogo Ravara – District Judge

October 18th


Human Resource Management: motivation, assessment and leadership

Paulo Guerra – District Judge and CEJ Professor
Teresa Carla Oliveira – FEUC

Strategic planning and financial, material and technological resource management

Francisca Van Dunem – Assistant Attorney General
Helena Ribeiro – DGAJ/District Judge
José Igreja Matos – District Judge

October 25th

9h30-13h00 and 14h30-17h00

Civil process and new challenges of processual management

Conceição Gomes – CES/OPJ
José Mouraz Lopes – District Judge
Mariana França Gouveia – FDUNL
Rita Brito – DGPJ

Daniel Andrade – Lawyer
Jorge Constatino – Court Official
Luís Baía da Costa – Assistant Attorney General
Sónia Moura – District Judge and CEJ Professor