Advanced Training Course Justice XXI

Training Course Plan – 2009

General Programme Information

Number of courses to run annually – We anticipate running 4 training courses per annum, envisaging the possibility of repeating each one of them as and when required. The courses will be held on Fridays and Saturdays, with a time-table and specification to be defined for each of the courses.

Courses to be promoted in 2009

1st course – The new intervention of administrative justice - 29th and 30th May and 5th and 6th June, 2009

2nd course – Workplace Injuries – Safety, Protection and Reparation

3rd course – Justice in family relations and child and youth custody

4th course – Health Law, Biolaw and Bioethics

Target – The advanced training courses are targetted at all professionals in the area of justice or those who have special links to this sector, namely judicial magistrates and officials at the Republic’s Prosecution Service, lawyers, judicial staff, criminal police bodies, the media, State institution, association or NGO cadres.

Training providers:  The aim is to assemble a group of training providers fit for the multi-dimensionality of the thematic domains which will be at the core of each training course. Academics, researchers, professionals in the field (judicial and Prosecution Service magistrates and lawyers) and other professionals with specific and relevant expertise in the field of the themes on which training will be dispensed.

Participation regulations: Registration is limited to 40 participants. Registration should be effected in the period starting from the announcement of the training course up to 15 days before the date scheduled for its commencement. Priority will be given to date of receipt of each request for registration. Each course will reserve 25% of places for members of the Portuguese Judges Trade Union Association.
Two days after registration is completed, each registered participant will receive an outline of the course; this will display the topics and issues which the training providers intend to develop, as well as core documents relevant to the course (legislation, bibliography, back-up texts).
Up to 5 days before the beginning of the course, registered participants may, within the scope of the theme on the agenda, raise other issues they consider equally relevant and which they would wish to see debated during the training course.
Every participant in the Course will be given access to the Online Debate Forum, run by the organising bodies.

Venue: The courses will be held at CES (Coimbra), at ASJP (Lisbon), Casa do Juíz (Bencanta, Coimbra) or, whenever the need arises, at other locations in the country.

Registration fees: The price for registering will be set for each course. ASJP members will be given a 30% discount on the price announced for each Course.

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