1st Course – Advanced Training Programme Justice XXI – 2010
The execution of sentences and custodial measures - Challenges to the new legal regime

March 12th ,13th , 19th , 20th , 26th and 27th, 2010, Directorate-General for Social Reintegration Auditorium / Av. Almirante Reis, Lisboa



The course of time has not yet allowed that the prison sentence be the «paradigm» on which is based the sentence discourse. Simultaneously, the prison sentence is still the «total sentence» where restriction of the fundamental rights of citizens assumes a greater impressiveness. In the case of restraining the freedom of citizens, the legal constitutional and normative framework imposes, nonetheless, that in its execution this aim be not exceeded, in the possible extent, and that the prisoners’ rights «do not remain at the door of prisons».

The approval and entry into force of a new Code of Execution of Sentences and Custodial Security Measures incorporates a substantial transformation in its principles, in substantive law and in the proceedings, absolutely innovative to  the entire system of  custodial sentences.

In this sense, the comprehension of a new model  - because it is , in many ways, a new model that the Law is bringing  - requires  that, not only the professionals that are involved in this process, as the vey own society take care to its prisoners» and the manner in which the sentence should be executed.

Prison is a temporary condition which translates into the deprivation of a citizen’s liberty. 

The 1st Advanced Training Course of the 3rd Cycle of the Advanced Training Course that is now proposed, seeks to present to all the interested a broad and deep perspective on what will change in the execution of sentences and custodial measures, framed in the principle established by the Council of Europe and systematically underlined by the European Court of Human Rights, that the prison sentence , being a necessary measure of last resort, should be based on recognition of the dignity of those who are detained.  

This is, after all, the role of prison in a democratic society.


Open to all professionals in the area of justice or those who have special links to this sector, namely judicial magistrates and officials at the Republic’s Prosecution Service, lawyers, cadres from the social reintegration services, prison services mental health services and post-graduate students.

Course Coordinators

Leonor Furtado - Director of the Directorate-General for Social Reintegration (DGRS)
José Mouraz Lopes – Judge at the Supreme Court (ASJP)


Directorate-General for Social Reintegration Auditorium / Av. Almirante Reis, Lisboa

Deadline for Registration

March 9th, 2010


Registration Forms

- Normal (200 Euros)

- ASJP Associates benefit from a 30% discount (140 Euros) Choose “Associado ASJP” in registration form.

- SMMP Associates: benefit from a  10% discount(180 Euros), under the protocol states - Choose "Sindicalizado do SMMP" in registration form.

- Social Reintegration Services’ Professionals: benefit from a  30% discount(140 Euros) - Choose "Sindicalizado do SMMP" in registration form.

- Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers registered in the District Councils of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra benefit of a 10% discount (180 Euros), under the protocol states. – Choose “DGRS” in registration form.

Registration limit: 50


E-mail:  justicaxxi@ces.uc.pt
Telephone: 239 855 570/72/74
Fax: 239 855 589

> Registration


March 12th (Friday)

15h00 18h00
Theme: « The purposes of the application of prison sentences and the new Code of Execution of Sentences and Custodial Measures»

- Anabela Miranda Rodrigues – Professor at the School of Law, University of Coimbra

- António Clemente Lima – Judge at the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal of Évora

- Conceição Gomes – Researcher and Executive Director of the Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice of the Centre for Social Studies

March 13th (Saturday)

9.30h – 13h00
Theme: “What will change in the enforcement of sentences and custodial measures

- José Mouraz Lopes – Judge at the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal of Coimbra

- Rui do Carmo –Attorney General, Coimbra

- Rui Sá Gomes – Director-General of the Directorate-General for Prison Services

- Leonor Furtado – Director of the Directorate-General for Social Reintegration
14.30h 18h00
Theme: “The procedural intervention of the sentence execution Judge, the Public Prosecutor and the Defence Attorney”

- João Moraes Rocha –Judge at the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal of Lisbon

- Conceição Liberato – Attorney General, Sentence Executing Court of Coimbra

- Carlos Pinto de Abreu – Lawyer, former President of the Human Rights Commission of the Lawyers Bar, Lisbon

March 19th (Friday)

14.30h 18h00
Theme: “The new challenges for Social Reintegration Services and Prison Services”

- Regina Branco – Directorate-General for Prison Services

- Luís Couto – Directorate-General for Social Reintegration

- Madalena Duarte – Researcher at the Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice of the Centre for Social Studies 

March 20th (Saturday)

9h30 17h30
Theme: “Measures approaching to liberty: adapting to probation, electronic monitoring and probation

- António João Latas – Judge at the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal of Évora

- Mário Amaral – Attorney General, Senetnce Executing Court of Évora

- Helena C. Tomaz – Lawyer, Professor, Lisboa

- Maria José Matos –Directorate-General for Prison Services

- Jorge Romão/Fernando Fernandes – Directorate-General for Social Reintegration

March 26th (Friday)

14h30 18h00
Theme: “Measures approach to freedom: Jurisdictional leaves / RAVE / RAVI, long-term temporary leaves and administrative leaves

- José Manuel Quaresma – Jugde, Sentence Executing Court of Coimbra

- Mário Amaral – Attorney General, Sentence Executing Court of Évora

- Maria José Matos –Directorate-General for Prison Services

- Francisco Navalho – Directorate-General for Social Reintegration

March 27th (Saturday)

9h30 12h30
Theme: “The implementation of security measures of internment”

- António João Latas – Judge at the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal of Évora

- Fernando Almeida – Professor, Hospital Magalhães Lemos, Porto /ISMAI

- Hernâni Vieira –Directorate-General for Prison Services

- Angélica Martins – Directorate-General for Social Reintegration

14h30 16h30
Theme: “Rights and obligations of prisoners and disciplinary action

- Carlos Lobo – Judge at the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal of Guimarães

- Fernando Amaral – Attorney General, Coimbra

- Paulo Carvalho –Directorate-General for Prison Services

- Paula Fernando –Researcher at the Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice of the Centre for Social Studies