3rd Course, Advanced Training Programme Justice XXI – 2009
Justice in family relations and child and youth custody

October 9th and 10th and 16th and 17th, 2009, CES Seminar Room (2nd Floor)

Information on the general programme


Course Coordinators

Paulo Guerra (ASJP)

Madalena Duarte (CES/OJP)


In a century that should be the rule of the child as authentic subject of rights, the main themes that dwell their existence, so often out of favour and unfortunate, must be brought to debate in an integrated, interdisciplinary and systematic manner.

Since the alteration of the Civil Code operated by the Law nº61/2008 of October 31st, many of the paradigms regarding divorce and the exercise of parental responsibilities as what pertains to under-age children, have suffered transformations.

The need we feel in discussing family fostering, adoption, civil guardianship and custody, institutes, some younger than others, that serve as basis support to protective architecture in Portugal, innovated through the implementation of the Laws nº 147/99 and 1/9 and 166/99 of 14/9.

What worries us is Juvenile delinquency. The difficulty in hearing children in judicial seat that we sense every day. It is domestic violence, in all its shapes, that remains a pressing problem.

In this Advanced Training Course we aim to discuss these issues, refocusing the children statute in the light of the social and legislative transformations.


The advanced training courses are targeted at all professionals in the area of justice or those who have special links to this sector, namely judicial magistrates and officials at the Republic’s Prosecution Service, lawyers, judicial staff, criminal police bodies, the media, State institution, association or NGO cadres and Masters and doctoral Programmes students.


The courses will be held at the Centre for Social Studies, university of Coimbra – Colégio de S. Jerónimo –Coimbra.

Accommodation possibility at “Casa do Juiz”, in Bencanta, Coimbra (limited number of registrations).

If interested, contact: justicaxxi@ces.uc.pt

Deadline for Registration

October 6th, 2009


ASJP Associates benefit from a 30% discount (105 Euros) – Choose “Associado ASJP” in registration form.

SMMP Trade Union Members benefit from a 10% discount (135 Euros), under the protocol states – Choose “Sindicalizado SMMP” in registration form.

Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers registered in the District Councils of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra benefit of a 10% discount (162 Euros), under the protocol states. – Choose “advogado/advogados estagiários” in registration form.

ONG/Association Members benefit from a 10% discount (135 Euros).

> Online registration


E-mail:  justicaxxi@ces.uc.pt
Telephone: 239 855 570/72/74
Fax: 239 855 589


October 9th

14.30h -18h

The statute of the CHILD and the routes in Family Law

Training Providers
Rosa Martins, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
Guliherme de Oliveira, Full Professor at school of Law, University of Coimbra

October 10th

9.30h -13h

Violence in domestic relations – a integrated perspective

Training Providers
Madalena Duarte, CES/OPJ
Joana Marques Vidal, Joint Attorney General and President of the APAV Board of Directors
Association of Women against Violence Representative

14.30h – 18h

Parental Responsibilities and the new legal paradigm

Training Providers
Paulo Guerra, Judge of Law
Helena Gonçalves, District Attorney

October 16th

14.30h -18h

The Child and Youth Protection Judicial System – present perspectives and the challenges of the future

Training Providers
Helena Bolieiro, Judge of Law
Rui do Carmo, District Attorney

October 17th

9.30h -13h

The Educative Custody Law – challenges and constraints

Training Providers
Leonor Furtado, General Director for Social Reintegration
Maria João Leote de Carvalho, Sociologist

14.30h – 17.30h

Children Hearings - techniques and strategies

Training Providers
Carlos Poiares and team from Lusófona University of Lisbon