2nd Course, Advanced Training Programme Justice XXI – 2009
Occupational Injuries – safety, protection and reparation
July 3rd and 4th, 2009, CES Seminar Room (2nd Floor)

Registrations closed

Programme Outline

Course Coordinators

António Casimiro Ferreira (CES/OPJ)

José Igreja Matos (ASJP)


The Advanced Training Programme Justice XXI, proposed by the Portuguese Judges Trade Union Association and by the Centre for social Studies, University of Coimbra / Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice, presents its 2nd course in 2009 intituled “Occupational Injuries – safety, protection and reparation”.

The dynamics of contemporary society have been marked by a permanent tension between the individual and collective character in regulation of social risks emerging from the social relations established in the workplace. In a significant manner, the constitution of the so-called Welfare-States finds within the process of socialization of individual risks one of its social-political pillars.

The notion of risk society arises in the extent of this debate as a perspective of analysis adequate to research and study of the phenomenon that we today designate as professional risks. Among these, workplace accidents, by their extension and intensity of their effects, present themselves as one of the most problematic as what pertains to the effectiveness of labour norm, the role of public and private institutions and social partners.

The present course organizes itself in three axes. The first, centred on the thematic of prevention of professional risks. The fact that Portugal evidences high levels of workplace injuries, concurrent to the institutional effort engaged through labour risks regulation policies renders important the analysis of preventive measures, as well as their practical effects.

The second is based on the centrality of labour courts in face of the occupational injuries phenomenon, the mobilization of courts and their dynamics, the facilitation of access to law and justice and the role performed by judicial operators in the processes that involve occupational injury victims and their families, points out the importance of labour justice administration.

The third axis pertains to issues on reparation, in its scope, analyzing the relation of adequacy between institutional and legal answers mobilized in occupational injuries procedures and the objective situations of workplace accident victims.


The advanced training courses are targeted at all professionals in the area of justice or those who have special links to this sector, namely judicial magistrates and officials at the Republic’s Prosecution Service, lawyers, judicial staff, criminal police bodies, the media, State institution, association or NGO cadres and to Master and Doctoral Programmes students.


Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra

Deadline for Registration

June 29th, 2009


Registration Form:

- Normal (100 Euros)

- ASJP associates benefit from a 30% reduction (70 euros) - Choose “Associado da ASJP” in registration form.

- Trade Union Members of SMMP benefit a 10% discount (90 Euros), under the established protocol - In the registration form choose "Sindicalizado do SMMP".

- Lawyers and trainee lawyers registered in the District Councils of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra benefit of a 10% discount (90 Euros), under the protocol states.

Limited number of registrations: 40


E-mail:  justicaxxi@ces.uc.pt
Telephone: 239 855 570/72/74
Fax: 239 855 589


July 3rd

14.30h – 18h

Occupational hygiene, safety and protection: prevention and general concepts

Paulo de Carvalho (General Labour Inspector)
José Eusébio de Almeida (Judge at the Supreme Judicial Council)

July 4th

9.30h - 13h

Occupational injuries: conceptual Framework and practical issues

Domingos Morais (Judge at the Supreme court of Porto)
Júlio Gomes (Professor at the Catholic University of Porto)

14.30h -18h

Occupational Injuries: the process and judicial issues

João Paulo Pereira (Judge at the Labour Court of Braga)
António Gomes (Judge at NUT of Baixo Vouga)
Diogo Ravara (Judge at the Labour Court of Lisbon)