1st Advanced Training Course, Advanced Training Programme Justice XXI - 2009
The New Intervention of Administrative Justice

May 29th and 30th and June 5th and 6th, 2009, CES Seminar Room (2nd Floor)

Registrations closed

General Programme Information


At the time society is ever so demanding and courts are summoned to solve litigations an open way towards the resolution of challenges imposed upon courts and the law, the Advanced Training Programme, proposed by the Portuguese Judges’ Trade Union Association and by the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra/Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice opens in 2009 with the Course “The new intervention of Administrative Justice”

The administrative jurisdiction courts have come to play the main role in litigation resolution long cast away from the judicial state of affairs, due to, not only the solidification of social conscience of rights, namely, third generation rights, but essentially from transformations that occurred with the administrative litigation reform of 2004.

The development of the performance of courts, seeking not only its modernization, efficiency and efficacy, but essentially the democratization as fundamental element for the justice system quality, depends on constant reflection and assessment of reforms.

Five years past the implementation of such a reform, this course aims to be a privileged locus of discussion as what pertains to the new role of administrative justice in the reinforcement of a democratic State of Law.


Open to all professionals in the area of justice or those who have special links to this sector, namely judicial magistrates and officials at the Republic’s Prosecution Service, lawyers, judicial staff, criminal police bodies, the media, State institution, association or NGO cadres.


Portuguese Judges’ Trade Union Association
Centre for Social Studies / Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice

Course Coordination

Dora Lucas Neto and Frederico Branco (Portuguese Judges’ Trade Union Association)
Paula Fernando (Centre for Social Studies / Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice)

Venue and Information

The course will take place at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra – Colégio de S. Jerónimo – Coimbra.

Accommodation possibility at “Casa do Juiz”, in Bencanta, Coimbra (limited number of registrations). If interested contact: justicaxxi@ces.uc.pt


Deadline for registration: May 27th, 2009

Registration Form:

Normal (180 Euros)

Lawyers and trainee lawyers registered in the District Councils of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra benefit of a 10% discount (162 Euros), under the protocol states.

ASJP Associate* (126 Euros) – Choose “other” in registration form.

*ASJP associates benefit from a 30% reduction.

Limited number of registrations: 40

> Registration closed


May 29th

14.30h - 18h

Administrative activity. Jurisdictional control in administrative litigation. Old and new limitations.

Professor Mário Aroso de Almeida – FDUCP/CSTAF
Judge at the Appeal Court, Rosendo Dias José – Vice-President STA
Dora Lucas Neto – Judge of Law, TAC Lisbon

May 30th

9.30h - 13h

The new age of declarative and executive conviction actions in administrative litigation

Professor Luís Sousa da Fábrica – FDUCP/CSTAF
Esperança Mealha – Judge of Law, TAC Lisbon/ Constitutional Court Advisor

14.30h - 18h

Public action and popular action in environmental defence

Professor Carla Amado Gomes – FDUL
Marta Cavaleira – Judge of Law, TAF Sintra / Constitutional Court Advisor
Paulo Magalhães –QUERCUS

June 5th

14.30h - 18h

Warranty of effective judicial custody. Precautionary and urgent litigations

Carlos Carvalho – Judge at the Supreme Court, TCA Norte
Fernanda Maçãs – Lawyer/Bank of Portugal
Carlos Faria – Ministry of Health

June 6th

9.30h - 13h

The new model of administrative and fiscal courts’ administration and management

Judge at the court of Appeal Alfredo Madureira – STA/Presiding Judge at TAF Sintra
Paula Fernando – CES/OPJ


Five years past: what reform is subsists in administrative litigation?

Judge at the Court of Appeal Manuel Fernando dos Santos Serra – President of the STA and CSTAF
Frederico Branco – Judge of Law, TAF Sintra