Advanced Training
Creative Writing

March 13th and 14th, CES Seminar Room

Coordination: Graça Capinha

Within the Project New Poetics of Resistance

> Registration closed


This advanced training course in creative writing is destined mainly to those interested in the practice of writing (not only those who write, but also those who read) as well as to teachers, editors and cultural journalists that deal with literary criticism.

Through a diversity of approaches and setting forth from illustrative exercises to be carried out by the participants, the course shall seek the promotion of a critical discussion and/or a reflection regarding the materiality of word, language models, strategies and instruments of literary creation, the notion of literacy, vanguards and canons, “author-function”, genealogies of writing, language policies and literary policies.

Besides the three literary studies experts (FLUC), who also are CES researchers, the course counts on two foreign poets in residence at UC: the Brazilian poet Márcio André and the Galician poet Miro Villar, whose experiences – performative and in multimedia exploration (concerning the former) and in the field of educational training, pedagogical and didactic branch, (in the case of the latter) – will by far enhance the work at stake.


Day 13

10.00 – Participants Reception

10.30 – 12.30 – Graça Capinha, “Poetry and Creative Writing”

12.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 17.30 – Márcio André (Poet in Residence), Brazil – Writing Workshop

Day 14

10.30 – 12.30 – Adriana Bebiano, “Feminist Re-writings: the Fairy Tales”

12.30 – Lunch

14.00 – 16.30 – Miro Villar (Poet in Residence), Galicia – Writing Workshop/ Writing in Schools

17.00 – Maria Irene Ramalho, "‘The missing god’: Towards a theory of modernist poetry" - Ending Session.