Advanced Training Course
Migrations in hybrid spaces: re-imaginating Portugal

October 3rd and 4th, 2008, Centre for Social Studies

Coordination:  Marta Araújo and Maria Paula Meneses

> Registration closed


In Portuguese society, resorting to the concept ‘nation’ often suggests overlapping between a community, a culture and a territorial map. This conceptual ‘certainty’ contrasts with other complex categories that seek to characterize, in the field, and from present reality, social diversity. From this crossing of interrogations and misunderstandings rises a notion of restrict citizenship, which describes the identity of those that fit under official definitions. For the ‘others’, that remain out of this ‘social imagination’ the categories used – diasporic, migrated, refugee, exiled, amongst others – incorporate this marginality. This contrast of belongings puts in evidence the relation between citizen fixity, its normality and its interaction with the movable, mobile, the nation’s delocalized borders. The ‘strangeness’ encountered by the nation’s process of construction is someone who, by reasons of classification, was not ‘officially’ allowed in the world of citizenship. The violence of this process results in the conception of the idea of citizenship as a static entity, of the problematic nature of identity, of the positivism between territory and a people and the fixity of borders.

Parting from this theoretical framework, we aim, in this course, to overcome the normative and legal issues and question the narratives that build up Portugal through this ‘conceptual certainty’, as well as the possibilities of understanding the ‘nation’ as a ambivalent category and in permanent redefinition, reflecting the political, social, economic, cultural and educational transformations deriving from the various diasporic movements that cross our contemporary society.


Day #1
Friday, October 3rd

10.00 - 10.30: Opening Session
Paula Meneses

10.30 - 11.15:
The end of Atlantic exception and the decolonization of Europe
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro


11.25 – 12.10:
Imaginaries on contemporary Portugal: Expo’98 and the symbolic reinvention of Portugal’s place in the world
Claudino Ferreira

12.10 – 12.30:

14.00 – 14.45:
For a minor literature: Portugal and the de-imagination of the centre
Graça Capinha

14.45 – 15.30:
Multicultural Portugal? The construction of diversity in education
Marta Araújo


15.40 – 16.25:
‘Brain Drain’: Portugal as a country of destiny of scientific migration?
Tiago Santos Pereira

16.25 -17.30:

Day #2
Saturday, October 4th

10.30 – 11.15: Political Participation of immigrants in Portugal: electors and elected in municipalities and civil parishes
Clemens Zobel

11.15 – 12.00: The Plan for Immigrant Integration: reviewing the associative movement
Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)

12.00-12.30: Debate

14.00 – 15.15: Rethinking Portuguese: uses, discourses and contexts   
Clara Keating e Olga Solovova

15.15 – 15.30: Debate


15.45 – 17.00: Round-Table
Bernardo Sousa (ACIDI)
Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)
Maria Ioannis Baganha (CES)

Registration Forms

Teachers, Students and Unemployed: 25 Euros;
Normal Registration: 50 Euros

At the end of the course a participation certificate shall be delivered

> Registration closed


Telephone (CES): 239 855 570/72/74: Fax (CES): 239 855 589