Advanced Training Course
Contemporary practices of performance – Devising

July 14th to 19th, 2008 (Monday to Saturday), Centre for Social Studies

Coordination: Paulo Peixoto

Organization: Cities and Urban Cultures Research Group – CES and Casa da Esquina

> Registration closed


This advanced training course seeks to supply new leads to overthrow the segmentation of urban spaces, the traditional forms of making theatre and to promote alternative and unconventional uses of public space. The Devising, while performative genre, will function as a theoretical /practical course, where introducing the notion of experimental theatre onto the trainees shall be sought, analysing the remarkable works of contemporary companies and emblematic projects in the direction of public space. The course will explore several starting-points towards the generation of performative material and, parting from the methodology used in the show “Exercícios de Botânica" [Exercises in Botany], shall create working exercises.

Addressees: Over 18 years old with interest in animation of public space, theatre performance and community intervention projects.

Date: July 14th to 19th (Monday till Saturday)

Time: Every afternoon, from 15h00 to 19h00

Place: Centre for Social Studies, Botanical Garden, TAGV

Telephone (CES): 239 855 570/72/74; Fax (CES): 239 855 589

Registration deadline : July 11th

Fee: Teachers, Students and Unemployed: 25 Euros; Other: 50 Euros

An attendance certificate will be delivered at the end of the course


Programmatic contents:

  1. Performance – From history till present day;
  2. Contemporary Companies: Third angel, Forced entertainment Dv8 and Gobsquad;
  3. Show models: Autobiographic performance, community narratives, adaptation of fictional stories, Site-specific projects;
  4. Devising – How and where to start;
  5. Devising – Theory and practice – how to stage in collaborative process;
  6. Methodologies – ex: Project Botany Exercises: improvising, script, and in site work;
  7. Work scene – Creation of work scenes parting from the imagery of the show “Exercises in botany”.


Advanced Trainers:

RICARDO CORREIA (Barcelos, Portugal,1977) is an actor, director and trainer in the expression area. With a degree in Education at the University of Minho, he has worked at Teatro Nacional São João, Escola da Noite, T-Zero, Teatro Oficina, etc. He participated in the III traineeship Cena Lusófona in Coimbra, Directing Course at R.A.D.A in London (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) and with Jos Housben at the Theater Instituut Nederland/Amesterdam, amongst other courses.
He is presently managing, in Coimbra, a project sponsored by the Ministry of Culture for 2008 – Exercícios de Botânica para a Casa da Esquina – Associação cultural. In 2007 was training coordinator of Teatro Oficina (Guimarães).
Director of the audio-walk – “Chambres, Rooms, Zimmers”, Coimbra, 2008, “Projecto Müller” for T.EU.C, winner of the award for best show at the Beira Interior Festival,2007; “O meu Umbigo” – Dance with the APPACDM users, 2005; “B.I.P” and “Uma forma de me despedir” for LÁBIO; “Spectrum – Alucinações do 13”, “Evento Al Berto” and “Lysistrata” for T:U:M; “A sul de alguma memória”, for T-ZERO and “Cataclismo” for Teatro Oficina.

JORGE LOURAÇO FIGUEIRA (Nazaré, Portugal,1973) is  a playwright, theatre critic for Público newspaper and teaches at ESAP, ESMAE, Balleteatro and ACE. Holding degrees in International Relations and Social Anthropology, he participated in the Writing for Theatre Workshop  1999-2000 of Dramat (Teatro Nacional de São João), directed by António Mercado, and in the international residence 2003 of the Royal Court Theatre, in London. Presently, he works with a group of dramatists, under guidance of José Sanchis Sinisterra, writing “Terra (Nunca) Prometida”, ordered by Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II.