Training course
Design, Management and Evaluation of Participatory Budgets – MANAGEMENT Module

October 14th and 15th 2010, CIUL - Centre for Urban Information of Lisbon, Picoas Plaza, Rua Tomás Ribeiro, Lisboa



The first experiences of Participatory Budgeting (PB) have emerged twenty years ago. During the last two decades, PB has become an unprecedented world phenomenon, present in all Continents.

Portugal is not an exception to this dynamics, with PB gaining an increasing attention from Portuguese society’s political actors, especially Local Governments, Universities and several Civil Society Organizations.

This course intends to contribute to the qualification of Participatory Budgets in Portugal, approaching, in an integrated and sequential way, the critical dimensions of these processes, namely “design”, “management” and “evaluation”.

To do so, we will count with the presence of national and foreign experts, mayors who are promoting PB processes and we will also resort to the first world-wide software application to support the above mentioned critical dimensions.

This software does not provide methodologies or attempts to standardize experiences. Its function is to provide support elements to the structuring of PB processes, based on demand and quality criteria of participation dynamics.   

The course’s first module – “Design of Participatory Budgets” – took place place in June, with a set of contents to answer the most common questions related to this kind of processes: focus, territorial division to promote population’s participation, actors of participation, design of participation instruments, definition of the process’s technical and political coordination, definition of priorities, design of the participatory cycle, regulatory framework of PB, among other elements.

The modules “Management” (October 14th and 15th) and “Evaluation” (November 4th and 5th) will be organized on order to address the needs which were diagnosed with the participants during the “Design” module.


October 14th

Reception of participants

Reception of participants

09h30 – 10h00
Opening session
Laura Centemeri (CES Coimbra)
Nelson Dias (Chairman of In Loco Association)
Nuno Marques Pereira (Vice-President of CEFA)?
Graça Fonseca (Municipal Councillor of Lisbon)

10h00 – 10h15 (through videoconference from the Association of Municipalities of Stockholm)
Thematic framework, from the converging conference taking place simultaneously in Sweden.
Giovanni Allegretti (Researcher at CES and consultant for the Association of Municipalities of Sweden)

10h15 – 11h30 (with discussion)
Between political/administrative back-office and the relationship with the inhabitants: internal reorganization of a small municipality toward an efficient management of PB.
Joan Bou (Municipal Councillor for Public Finances and Participatory Budget of Santa Cristina de Aro, Catalonia, Spain)

11h30 – 11.45
Coffee Break

11h45 – 13h15
A major city facing the PB challenge: analysis of the evolution of Lisbon’s experience.
Fátima Fonseca (Director of Municipal Secretariat of Lisbon Municipal Council)

13h15 – 14h30
Lunch break

14h30 – 18h00
Mediation of publicity and management of participatory processes for a proactive involvement of society
Juan Carlos Vezzulla (President of the Scientific Board of IMAP - Portuguese Institute of Mediation and Arbitration)

October 15th

09h30 – 11h00
Presentation of the PB experience Jovens de São Brás de Alportel
Filipa Biel (In Loco) and a former delegate of PB Jovens

11h00 – 11h15

11h15 – 12h45
Analysis of key variants for the management of PB processes.
Nelson Dias (President of In Loco and consultant of Caper-Verdean Government and the United Nations)

12h45 – 13h00
Evaluation of the “Management” module and diagnosis of needs for the “Evaluation” module.


CEFA - Centre for Municipal Studies and Training
Centre for Social Studies of University of Coimbra
In Loco Association


Limited to lecture hall’s capacity
Training Fee
2nd module – 40 Euros
2nd and 3rd module – 70 Euros
Students - 2nd module – 30 Euros
Students - 2nd and 3rd module – 55 Euros

> Online Registration


Phone: 216 012 848
Fax: 216 012 847


CIUL - Centre for Urban Information of Lisbon
Picoas Plaza, Rua Tomás Ribeiro,
1050-233 Lisbon
