Training course
The construction of the documentary perspective

October 20th – November 16th 2010, CES Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, Coimbra

Design and organization: Berta Teixeira;

Supervision: João Arriscado Nunes;

Coordination: Science, Technology and Society Research Group

Trainer: Pedro Sena Nunes - Documentarist



Given the importance and need of understanding the construction of reality, this training course has the goal of developing work through film analysis and screening, as well as the creation of records which will allow each participant to explore the reality of words, image and sound, designing exercises with a strong experimental and narrative component.

Competences to be acquired: Knowledge of contemporary documentary devices; Analysis and perception of reality; Development of habits and abilities to capture and project images of everyday life.

Target Public: Teachers and students from secondary and higher education, researchers, public and private cultural agents, artists, citizens with specific competences and public in general.


October 20th, Wednesday, 16h-19h
Presentation of the students’ path regarding photographic/cinematographic practice; Brief survey of their expectations for this training course; Theoretical contextualization of documentary activity in video media; Practice and experimental proposal for field approach by Pedro Sena Nunes

October 27th, Wednesday, 16h-19h
Screening/analysis of example images selected by the trainer

November 2nd, Tuesday, 16h-19h
Presentation of images selected by the students according to the exercises presented by the trainer during the previous session

November 9th, Tuesday, 16h-19h
Presentation of new images, reworked by students, resulting from the complexity increase and combination of the exercises previously presented by the trainer
November 16th, Tuesday, 14h-17h
Presentation of final works; General comments and recommendations

Participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Set price: 100 euros

Limit of participants: 12

> Online Pre-Registration

Contact: 239 855 570

Course carried out under the «KNOWLEDGEandARTS» as Research

This is an initiative promoted by NECTS (Science, Technology and Society Research Group), aiming at the organization of a series of events focused on aesthetic-expressive activities/demonstrations (for the time being, with a scenic/performative/visual emphasis), among other knowledge bases.

This initiative is integrated within the diversity of debates incited by CES around the problematic of cognitive citizenship and cross-disciplinary/interfacial concepts of knowledge production and legitimation. Its main goal is to improve and diversify those debates, based on an integrated and involved experience, in order to facilitate the adequacy of formulation of results from certain Social and Human Sciences’ studies and their expression/communication, namely promoting the possible horizontality between experience, social change and corresponding analysis.

We also aim at fostering the base conditions for the creation of mediation, articulation and cooperation circles between fields of Knowledge, Culture and corresponding multiple modes of communication, mobilizing the different Sciences, Knowledge Bases (traditional/modern and computerized/manual), Arts and Societies as an educational project, for a creative citizenship, social change and social fairness-beauty.

On July 12th and 13th, the program of «KNOWLEDGEandARTS» as Research included an International Seminar on “Cognitive Citizenship: Arts and Knowledge as Research in Contemporary Knowledge Societies”. This initiative is continued with the present Advanced Training Course.