Advanced Training Course
Indigenes, natives, nations: collective identities and ethnic classifications

December 4th, 5th and 6th, 2008, Centre for Social Studies

Coordination: Silvia R. Maeso

Organization: Democracy, Multicultural Citizenship and Participation

> Online registration

In the last decades of the Twentieth Century, debates in the field of the social and human sciences regarding historical success and political legitimacy of the modern Nation-State have come forward. Setting forth from the perspectives of sociology of collective identities and postcolonial theories, several are the proposals of revision of notions such as Indigene, Native or Nation, as well as its relevance on social and political contemporary relations.

This advanced training course frames itself in this diversity of debates, having for aim the broadening of discussions amid the processes that, in the contexts of Latin America, Africa and Europe, develop around tradition, ethnic group, race and national appurtenance, among others. Beyond the criticisms on essentialist positions around identities, the course shall seek to discuss the manner in which social relations constitute themselves in the tension with these multiple inscriptions, which in some cases are reproduced, and, in others, denied.

Day # 1

Thursday, December 4th
[School of Economics, UC]

17.00 Presentation

Legacies and ambiguities: The Statute of  Portuguese Indigenes of the Provinces of Guinea, Angola and Mozambique
Advanced Trainer: Maria Paula Meneses (CES)

Day # 2
Friday, December 5th

The notion of "Indian" in national imaginaries and in daily relations in the Andean region: Equador and Peru
Advanced Trainer: Sílvia R. Maeso (CES)

12.00-12.30 Debate

Ethnicity and national liberation ideologies: the case of Guinea-Bissau
Advanced Trainer: Julião Sousa

16.30-17.30 Debate

Day #3
Saturday, December 6th

Learning to be Basques: sociology of fragile identities
Advanced Trainer: Gabriel Gatti (University of Basque Country)

11.30-12.30 Debate

The Indigenes of the Republic Movement – France
Formador: Clemens Zobel (CES)

16.00-17.30 Round Table