Advanced Training Course
Biographying : biographical workshop

July 2nd  and 3rd, 2010, CES Seminar Room, Coimbra

Organisation: Comparative Cultural Studies Research Group and Migration Studies Research Group

Coordination: Clara Keating and Elsa Lechner


The advanced training course “Biographying” aims to create a biographical workshop. Following methodologies worked on the life stories in training, the course encourages the production of autobiographical writing exercises and the subsequent sharing of their stories. The overall objective is to socialize the participants in a methodology of group work and experience, in particular, its impact on training, transforming and social action. The specific objective will be to develop a critical epistemic attitude of slow listening to one another. During two days, the workshop will run through the phases of writing, hearing, resonance, sharing, and socialization of autobiographical narratives, and the analysis of themes, times, variants and invariants identified by each and every one of the of the participants. Particular attention will also be given to issues of language and context of report production. At the end of the course the relevance of the method and its applicability in professional lives will be explored.


The course addresses a heterogeneous audience that is interested in life stories: students, researchers, trainers, educators, social workers, mediators (intercultural and other) workers from nongovernmental organizations, therapists, and other professionals working in areas of intervention and social action. Given the nature of the methodologies combined with biographical approaches, including the lengthy process of writing, listening and reading associated with it, the course may not include more than 15 participants. These will be selected after analysis of letters of motivation and CV's.


All sessions are orientated by the researchers Clara Keating and Elsa Lechner

1st day 

9h30m – 10 h 30m: Introduction to the workshop: rules, contract, theoretical assumptions and methodology.

10h30m – 10h45m: coffee-break

10h45m – 13h00: Biographical writing

13h30-14h30: Lunch

14h30m -16h00m: Listening, resonance and sharing reports

16h00 – 16h15m: coffee-break

16h15m – 17h30: Listening, resonance and sharing reports (continuation)

2nd day

9h30m -10h45m: Sharing and socialization in the biographical narrative (continuation)

10h45m -11h15: coffee-break

11h15m - 13h00: Identifying themes, times, variants and invariants of biographical reports.

13h00 -14h30: Lunch

14h30 – 16h00: Summary of topics, times, variants and invariants of biographical reports.

16h00 – 16h15: coffee-break

16h15 – 18h00: Final debate: relevance of the method and its applicability in Professional life.


In order to pre-register send a letter of motivation (no more than a page), a short cv (one page) and a photograph, until June 5th, 2010, to . Those selected to attend the course will be contacted afterwards to effect the registration.

Deadline for registration – June 5th, 2010

Registration limit – 15

Registration fees

Normal - 60 euros
Students - 35 euros