Advanced Training Course
Health in the community: Challenges for participatory action

April 29th and 30th, 2010, CES-Coimbra

Organisation: Citizenship and Social Policies Research Group, Centre for Social Studies

Coordination: Mauro Serapioni, Pedro Hespanha e Sílvia Portugal


Presentation and Objectives

Three decades past since the foundation of the National Health system in Portugal, the approach of health care to citizens and their participation in local structures of health promotion still comprises considerable gaps. A policy of decentralized primary health care, effectively integrating family health and public health, was never consistently implemented. The Health Centre – and now the Family Health units – has focused on a predominantly curative action, while Public Health has been limited to the administration of predominantly universalist prevention programmes. Community centred action, integrating treatment and prevention and, above all, capable of boosting the involvement of local forces and citizen participation in setting priorities and modes of action, is thus exposed.  The course tackles the assumptions of a Community action for health, expanding different aspects of this action (plurality of actors and modes of production of health, participation of citizens, policy instruments) and stirring debate among different strategic actors.


Health professionals, representatives of associations of patients and health consumers, elected officials and technicians from local organizations, researchers and students.


Thursday, 29/04

09:30-12:30 - Module 1: Networks, organisations and health production modes (Sílvia Portugal)

14:00-17:00 - Module 2: Citizen participation in a local health system (Mauro Serapioni)

Friday, 30/04

09:30-12:30 - Module 3: Policies for Health Promotion in the community (Pedro Hespanha and Pedro Ferreira)

14:00-17:00 – Round Table: Health and Local Action
- Mário Durval (Public Health Physician)
- Berta Nunes (Family Medicine Physician and Local Government Official)
- Manuel José Soares (Director of the “Health Patients and Users of the Middle Tejo Association");
- Margarida Torres (Programme "Sustainable Cities ")
Moderator: Maria José Hespanha

Venue and information

Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra – Colégio de S. Jerónimo – Coimbra.


Deadline for Registration: April 27th

Fee: Students: 25 Euros; Non-Students: 50 Euros