Advanced Training Course in Creative Writing
New/Old Poetics

March 12th, and 13th, 2010, CES-Coimbra

> Registration

Aims: The present course proposes a reflection on issues regarding the practice of poetic writing. Besides the theoretical perspectives, the seminars are based on the practice of writing exercises and poetic performance seeking the relation with the materiality of language of and in space/time, suggesting a search for the sense while practice of citizenship. We call attention to the presence of the poets  Anna Reckin (United Kingdom) and Jonh Mateer (South Africa/Austrália), participating in the programme “Poets in Residence” at FLUC (sponsored by the Municipality of  Idanha-a-Nova).

This advanced training course also arises as a result of the research project “New Poetics of Resistance: the 21st Century in Portugal”, hosted by the Centre for Social Studies, coordinated by Graça Capinha.

: Poets; Students; Teachers; Cultural Animators; Librarians and the community in general.

Coordinator: Graça Capinha

12 hours


Day 3/12 

9.30 – Participants Welcome


10.00 – Graça Capinha, "Catchers"

12.30 – Lunch

14.00 – Anna Reckin (United Kingdom), 'Making space, making poems'

16.30 – Coffee Break

16.45 – Manuel Portela, "Phrase"


Day 13/3

10.00 – Bruno Santos, Cristina Néry, Rita Grácio, "P.o.erformance"

12.30 – Lunch

14.00 – John Mateer (South Africa/Australia), "To speak in memory - on the experience of language, the activity of writing and the ability to remember"

16.30 – Coffee Break

16.45 – Closing Conference:
Maria Irene Ramalho de Sousa Santos, "Poetics of ignorance: António Ramos Rosa, Wallace Stevens et al"

18.00 – Closing

Registration forms

Registrations until March 9th, 2010, (including)

Registration Limit: 25 people
Students: limit of 15 registrations 
Normal: limit of 10 registrations

Online registration in the “student” from is now closed for having reached the limit of 15 registrations. If you wish to register in this form, please contact, Rita Kacia at  

Registration fees
Normal - 50 Euros
Students - 25 Euros

> Online Registration

Org: Project “New Poetics of Resistance: the 21st Century in Portugal” (PTDC/ELT/78664/2006) and the Programme “Poets in Residence” at FLUC (sponsored by the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova)