Advanced Training Course in Creative Writing
New/Old Poetics
Anna Reckin, Title: “Making landscape, making poems”
What does it mean to make a poem that’s also a landscape? How do poems go beyond recalling particular sites to enact humans’ complex interrelationships with space and place and the non-human? This workshop will combine readings of some contemporary landscape poetry in English with practical exercises in creative writing.
John Mateer, Title: "To speak in memory - on the experience of language, the activity of writing and the ability to remember"
In this talk I will use my own work and the work of a number of other poets to query the process of writing about one`s own life with an historical sensibility. I will read from my poems and others set in South Africa, Portugal, Macau, and, possibly, Australia.
Manuel Portela, Title: “Phrase”
We will explore the phrase while self-generative language and writing device, seeking to realize its productivity. After observing examples from works of fiction, poetry and essay, we will do exercises will allow us to creatively use syntactic recursion.
Graça Capinha, Title: "Catchers"
starting some writing exercises, we propose a reflection on issues closely related to the practice of poetry writing, such as origin and originality, author and authority, memory and inspiration, poetic subject and transindividuality – so to suggest a search for the sense while practice of citizenship.
bruno santos, cristina néry, rita grácio, Title: “P.o.erformance”
Parting from “performance studies”, we intend to pursue a reflection on the specificity of poetic performance in relation to the materiality of and in space/time: a relation that comes from the ritual of participation of communities in which the poet assumes a bardic function and appears, today, as questioning the public space in contemporary western societies. This seminar will carry out a poerformance with the participants as a product-in-process.
Maria Irene Ramalho de Sousa Santos, Title: "Poetics of ignorance: António Ramos Rosa, Wallace Stevens et al" Closing Conference