Advanced Training Course Within the research project «Justice, media and citizenship»
The relations between the media and justice have been a recurring source of tension and conflict with legislative, political and social reflexes, but also with impact on citizenship. In fact, in an era in which circulation of information is achieved ever more rapidly and through more channels, it is appropriate to encourage a serious consideration regarding the disjunctions that mark the relations between justice and media. This course has for main aim the approach to problematics associated to the mediatic visibility of the justice system, namely, in what concerns the distinct logics of action, the relational configurations that are established by the diverse actors, and the ethical and deontological challenges associated to judicial journalism.
- To explore the different logics between the judicial system and the media and the impacts on citizenship; - To analyze the construction of mutual representations between journalists and magistrates; - To interpret the legal, ethical and deontological provisions in the practice of judicial journalism; - To perspectivize the impacts on the mediatisation of justice in court organization and in the role of magistrates. Target This course is open to professionals and students in the field of sociology, law and media, as well as political decision makers. April 22nd, 2010 10h30-12h30 Session 1: The disjunctions between media and justice: Logics of action and impacts on citizenship This session aims to present a framework of the background of the relations between justice and the media, stressing the respective disjunctions and logics of action. Some practical cases, consequences and impacts on citizenship will be approached. Trainer: Filipe Santos – Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra 12h30-13h00 Open debate Session 2: Beyond Laws: The mutual representations and relations between journalists and magistrates. This session has for aim to promote a consideration on the mutual perspectives between journalists and magistrates stressing the manner the construction of narratives associated to professional praxis and ethos within each group is liable to affect the relationship between justice and media. Trainer: Filipe Santos – Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. 16h45-17h15 Open debateApril 23rd, 2010 10h30-12h30 Session 3: Judicial journalism: Ethical and deontological issues. This session will discuss the ethical limits of freedom of information in balance with the system of investigation secrecy, privacy and public interest. In the extent of judicial journalism the aim is to frame deontological issues in the relation between journalists and sources and the duty of responsibility to the public. Trainer: Joaquim Fidalgo – Centre for Communication and Society Studies 12h30-13h00 Open debate 14h30-16h30 Session 4: New and old challenges of communication for law and courts This session shall analyze the challenges and opportunities posed by a rising mediatisation of court activity. The role of magistrates while actors implied in communication of law will be put into view. Considerations regarding the impacts on judicial organization and culture raised by the media interest in justice will be made. Trainer: Nuno Coelho – Portuguese Judges Trade Union Association 16h45-17h15 Closing debate