V Annual Cycle Young Social Scientists
June 16th, 2010, 17:00, CES Seminar Room
Joana Baguenier (CEHUM – Centre for Humanistic Studies, University of Minho)
Moral and Technology – philosophy of technology as an alternative to moral philosophy.
Biographic note: Holds a degree in Philosophy at the University Paris IV, Sorbonne. Presently she is concluding her master in philosophy of sciences in co-supervision between the University of Paris 1, Sorbonne, the University of Paris 7 and the École Normal Supérieure de Paris. The master dissertation, which she will defend in September 2009, focuses on the relation between the body and contemporary Technologies. Since January 2009, she integrates the Centre for Humanistic Studies of the University of Minho (CEHUM), benefiting from a research grant from FCT. Her fields of interest are contemporary philosophy, in general, and philosophy of sciences, of technology and moral, in particular.